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Disclaimer: I love Merlin, but that doesnt mean I own it. Pure fan love here.

Story: In a strange twist, Uther decided to have Merlin serve him as well. How does Merlin get around saving these two royal prats, when shes busy doing royal chores and getting exhausted saving them and doing their dirty laundry? She says nothing on how affectionate she oddly becomes of the King and the loyalty she develops for not only Arthur but Uther. Set as an AU, genderbending fic. Spoilers: All seasons. Warnings: Age disparity, cursing and violence for nowhm, just in case since Im usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations Pairings: Eventual Uther/Merlin, Lancelot/Gwen, others unknown for now (I dont know what the hell Im going to do with Arthur I dont like him with anyone but Merlin, male or otherwise!)

Chapter One: He Caged Her Wow, Camelots big Her eyes widened, watching the crowd she stood in with amazement. Camelot was much biggerand different than what she was used to in Ealdor. Still, shed traveled a long way and she wasnt going to be intimidated and balk from the place. Merlin Ambrosius of Ealdor was not going to panic. So she focused on her destination, knowing she was supposed to head over to her Uncle Gaius, wherever he lived, for it was where she was going to stay for now on. On the way there, she saw a poor servant being bullied by a bunch of knights. Her blood heated up and she seethed inwardly, practically having to force herself to refrain from marching over there and giving the main bully a piece of her mind. The target the servant had been holding was dropped and it rolled towards her, and the young man stumbled after it. She stopped it with her foot and gave the servant a smile. Here, why dont I return this and you go on and do your other duties? Merlin encouraged him gently. The servant boy gave her a shy smile and then left, and she then faced towards the group that had been harassing the poor boy. The main one, a handsome blue-eyed blond, scowled at her. I didnt give Gregory leave. It wasnt your place, he sneered at her. She looked at him blankly. Was it not then, my friend? I suppose thats just too bad. I just arrived in Camelot and was under the impression of respectable civilization. The other looked like he wasnt sure how to take the latter part of her statement, but quickly recovered. Since you just arrived, Ill give you a pass since you obviously dont know who I am and how things work around here, the blond man straightened up. So obviously, that doesnt make us friends either. She narrowed her eyes. Quite right. I dont make friends with pompous bullies. Merlin tossed the target at him to catch and then turned on her heel huffily, just barely not stomping away, and leaving behind a stupefied group of knights and prince. She walked passed an execution happening and she shivered as saw it, watching it warily as she moved through the crowds. Involuntarily, she reached up and hugged herself in comfort and shock. She barely saw the richly dressed man at the execution, addressing the crowd.

After asking around and finally being pointed in the right direction, she found the royal physicians home (boy, was she surprised that was what he was). She hesitantly entered it and saw an elder man reaching for a book high up on the shelf, using a rickety and unsafe ladder. She was quiet and waited for him to finish before speaking, not wanting to startle him. Hello. The man whirled around in surprise, dropping his book. Her hand snatched it quickly, but she had to push down the reflexive and instinctive use of her magic. It was hard, as she relied and used it constantly. Um, Uncle Gaiusits me. Merlin? I, uh, have a letter here from my mother, she handed it over and let the shocked man slowly recover, which was made easier by her patience and the time it took for him to read the letter and adjust. My dear, its been so long! Welcome to Camelot, Gaius smiled warmly at her. Gaius is fine. No need to make an old man feel older. Come, come. Lets get you settled in, huh? He showed her where she would be staying, and even helped her clean it up a bit so that it would be more livable for her. Aye, Merlin, I have business to attend to now. I must bring some potions to several people, Gaius informed. I can help, Merin volunteered. Anything I can do? Well, there are several different people I need to see to. The area is widespread and youll have trouble going everywhere and finding people and where they live, so that should wait until you start coming with me and start becoming more familiar with the area. However, the castle is big, but easier to travel in and plenty of people that will give you directions. Plus, it is urgent that you get to the King. He is the most important person in Camelot, and he must not be kept waiting. Merlin gaped at her uncle. T-the King? You want me to deliver something to the King? Gaius rolled his eyes. Yes, Merlin. Dont worry, he doesnt bite. I hope I dont need to remind you not to do anything, do I? And she caught the double meaning in his advice, and nodded to show she understood. Her mother must have told him about her magic in the letter. Here. His usual potion for his aches and pains, and an ointment for his shoulder, Gaius handed her the two things. Ill see you later, my dear. Merlin gave him a small smile and then headed out. She weaved through the small crowd and went into the servants entrance into the castle, asking around for directions to the Kings

chambers, where she was told he would be. The closer she got, the more nervous she became. When she was finally at his doors, she hesitated before forcing her to knock surely at it. Come in, a commanding voice allowed her entry and she took a quick moment to suck up whatever courage she had in her and then entered. The King stood shirtless by his bed, rolling his left shoulder in circles. She slowly closer, though at least he hadnt looked over at her yet. Sire, your potion and ointment, she spoke up slightly. He finally turned and acknowledged her, looking at her appraisingly with cold green eyes. She swallowed nervously. I havent seen you before. And wheres Gaius? he spoke with a firm tone, she noticed. I just came to Camelot. Hes my uncle, she explained, trying to keep it short and not waste his time. He asked me to hand this to you, while he went around doing errands. I see. Hand it over then, he ordered and she came close to him and handed him the vial first. Hed just chugged it down when he felt the cold touch of cream against his left shoulder, and he turned somewhat to face the girl. She was totally concentrated on her task that she missed the strange look he gave her, as well as the fact he chose to not rebuke her, considering she looked like she didnt seem to know or look like she was doing something she didnt have to or that she had just touched his person without permission. And that he admitted it felt very nice, especially with that shoulder. Thats enough, he stopped her. You may go now. She almost bowed, but then changed halfway into an awkward curtsey to his amusement. Yes, Sire. Have a good day. And then she practically flew from his presence. On the other hand, Merlin was just glad to be away from the King. It was absolutely nervewracking and she kept thinking she was going to do something to upset him at any moment, and then she was going to be executed. He did look rather familiar though Suddenly, she bumped into someone and she looked up from the ground to see another servant girl, maybe around her age, shaking her head and regaining her own bearings. Oh, its you! the girl exclaimed, pointing at her.

Oh, its me. Um, why me? she gave an awkward smile, slightly confused and a little embarrassed at her strange reply she blurted out. The other girls cheeks colored slightly. Youre the brave girl who stood up to Arthur. Merlin blinked. Oh, you mean the jerk earlier, that was being mean to, uh, Gregory I think it was? Yes, Gregory. Hes very thankful. And yeah, Prince Arthur. Prince? Merlins face lost its color. Yes, the Kings son. No one really stands up to him because of that. Im sorry! I never introduced myself Im Guinevere, but just call me Gwen, Gwen smiled at her. M-Merlin, she muttered. T-the Prince She laughed weakly and Gwen caught on a bit, giving her sympathetic look. Are you hungry? Lunch is in a bit. I can show you to the kitchens, if youd like? And I can introduce you to the others there, her new friend offered and Merlin nodded gratefully. That would be great. Oh dearI really do have the worse luck, she bemoaned, getting up and following Gwen. Its alright. You probably wont even have to come face to face with him again! The two girls hit if off immediately as they walked together to the kitchens, where Merlin was introduced to many other employees of the castle and also where she ate her first meal in Camelot. Afterwards, just as she was exploring the castle (without Gwen because unfortunately her new friend had to get back to her duties), she ran into Gaius. He handed over another vial and asked her to deliver it to the Lady Helen, who was thankfully staying in the castle so she wouldnt have to get lost outside. And as she had been exploring it, she was a little more comfortable and familiar with the castle. That still didnt mean she knew exactly where Lady Helen was. Unfortunately, the first person she ran into was the one person she wished she could never see again. Arthur Pendragon smugly pulled her away from the corridor she was turning into. Gwen was wrong. She did end up face to face with the smug prick, and she would probably continue to do so if she was going to keep doing errands for Gaius in the castle.

Now what are you doing in the castle and heading off to? I dont think this is where you belong, if you get what I mean, even his grin was insufferably smug. Im delivering something from Uncle Gaius to the Lady Helen. But Im lost, she deadpanned, giving him a withering look. Gaius? The Royal Physician? Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. Hes your uncle? Yes, she stretched it out, thinking he was rather slow. Now if youll excuse me, I need to try to get this to Lady Helen. I know where she is. Ill take you, Arthurs demeanor changed oddly and he held out his arm for her to take. Confused but not willing to start a fight, especially with the Prince of all people, she stayed silent and accepted it. Thank you, she said though. Her mother taught her manners, and she (unlike someone next to her) would use them. Youre welcome. And the rest of the walk was quiet and slightly confusing to Merlin. At Lady Helens room, she waited by herself and looked around in boredom. Just as she curiously stared into the mirror of the vanity set, she was angrily confronted by Lady Helen herself. She quickly explained her presence and thankfully the Lady calmed down. I heard you have a pretty voice, Merlin smiled brightly. I cant wait to hear it. I love singing myself. Lady Helen gave a twitchy smile. Thank you. Ill see you later then. Much thanks for potion. Merlins smile faltered slightly, feeling something off about the Lady, but shrugged it off and left to go back to Gaius. That night, she was getting ready to go to bed. However, she started to hear a voice echo from somewhere, calling her name. Apprehensively, she followed it down to the castles lower levels, though it looked to be going further down. She saw the two guards guarding the entrance to where it seemed the voice was coming from. She stepped out from the shadows and startled them. Oh, are you playing dice? Can I play too? she asked them eagerly.

The two guards looked at each other before shrugging and allowing her in. She forgot about the voice, whose owner sweatdropped from his place in the cave underneath the castle. He had better luck the next night, where Merlin sleepily stomped back down to the lower levels and then through the entrance, sneaking passed her dice buddies. Going down the cave incoherently, she was suddenly confronted by a giant dragon that flew down to greet her. Whatcha want? Dontcha know what time it is? Merlin grumbled sleepily, still not fully aware. Awake, sorceress. Be aware and acknowledge me, the dragons voice rumbled in amusement. Merlin sighed and rubbed her eyes thoroughly, looking back up. Then she blinked and gaped. Oh. Hello, young sorceress. Good evening, she said faintly. Umno offence, but why am I here and why do you keep calling me? Er, well, you are the one calling me, right? Yes, I am. And I must urge you to confront you destiny head on. Prince Arthur is the Once and Future King, and you must guide him towards his future. Together, the two of you will unite all of Albion. Merlin just stared at him for a moment before she burst out laughing. She hunched over, still wheezing from her laughter. Wow, that was a good joke. You almost had me there, Merlin was still chuckling. The dragon looked like it was actually raising some kind of eyebrow at her. I am not joking, Merlin, he surprised her by knowing her name. Arthur will fail without you. Albion will not exist. You have got to be wrong, Merlin rubbed exhaustedly at her face. Maybe this was some kind of weird dream This is not a dream, Merlin. And I am not wrong. Or more, in this instance, there is no right or wrong only what is and what isnt, the dragon insisted. I cant! I came here to stay inconspicuous and not stand out! Im not supposed to bring attention to myself! What that is, what you want? That is bringing attention to myself! Merlin shook her head vehemently. Im supposed to practically not exist here. Live here like Im just a nobody, and no one knows Im alive. I dont care about the Prince. Its not my business and Im going to continue to stay out of it.

The dragon sighed patronizingly. That must not be. You have a destiny. You cant escape it. None of us can choose ours and sooner or later you will succumb to yours. Merlin glared, but the dragon gave a bellowing laugh and turned to fly away. Dont you turn your back to me, Kilgharrah! Merlin snapped. Both dragon and sorceress stared at each other. Merlin was confused and didnt know where that had come from, nor where shed come up with the name. Kilgharrah, on the hand, was baffled and wary as to how Merlin had come by his name or why she was suddenly gifted with it and so soon. Merlin cleared her throat nervously. K-Kilgharrah, stay here. Please. Tell me everything that you can about my destiny then. It was a very long andfruitful, she reluctantly could say, night. Merlin sighed and walked back to Gaius, knowing it was early morning. Shed just finished her visit with Kilgharrah and was tired as hell. You there. Merlin faltered in her steps and looked in the direction the voice had called out to her, eyes widening as she realized it was the King. S-Sire, she greeted, about to bow but then realized she was supposed to curtsey. That was the second time, damn it Gaiusniece, he sounded out, making certain. Go to the kitchens and bring me my breakfast in my chambers. He turned abruptly and left her there, feeling rather befuddled. She wasnt exactly a servant there, but he was King. She guessed she was kind of cornered into it Good thing, Gwen had showed her where the kitchen was and so she hurried there and retrieved the breakfast reserved for the King, carefully holding onto it while hurrying to his chambers. Once there, she knocked and was let in, and she served the King at his table, placing his food in front of him. She nervously stood away afterwards, waiting for a dismissal or something from him. But he stayed quiet, paying more attention to his food than to her. He started eating immediately and she sort of shifted awkwardly at her spot. Quit fidgeting.

Her face flushed red and she forced herself to calm down, though she still felt very nervous. Unconsciously, to stop herself from panicking in the presence of the King (who was the cause of her anxiousness in the first place anyways), she started humming to herself. Sing freely, girl. The order caught her off guard and her head jerked up from where her gaze had been focused on the floor, to staring at the King. He simply raised an eyebrow at her, and she hated how somehow people just kept doing that to her. But his odd tone, added with a measure of curiosity that she was sure she was imagining, tugged at her mind. T-today is gonna be the day that theyre gonna throw it back to you. By now you shouldve somehow realized what you gotta do. I dont believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now~ And as she kept singing, her voice stopped being tentative and grew stronger, until all she focused on was singing, not noticing the King had stopped eating and was concentrated solely on her. Once she finished with the song, she stopped and looked over the King, turning awkward and wanting to fidget again when she saw him staring at her and being very silent. She wrung her hands nervously. She didnt know what else he wanted or what else she was supposed to do now. Geez, why did Camelot etiquette have to be so hard and different from Ealdors? You have a pretty voice, he finally commented softly. You may go now. Your uncle must be missing you. Goodbye, Sire, she bowed, forgetting to curtsey instead. She fled as fast as she could, hopefully not too fast to offend the King. She got back to her home in time, though it was just in time for Gaius to grin mischievously at her and hold up a vial. Im not going to question you about where youve beenbut the Lady Morgana needs this, Gaius tossed it to her and her eyes flashed gold, slowing it down enough for her to catch it easily. Make sure not to do that in the rest of the castle, Gaius warned and then let her go. She traveled quickly to the Lady Morganas room, having become very familiar with the castle by now that the directions she was given by people were quickly followed. When her knock wasnt answered, she hesitantly opened the door and poked her head in, seeing no one. Sighing, she came in and was about to leave it at a dresser or something, when someone spoke up and startled her. Gwen, is that you?

Bluntly, she spoke out and introduced herself. Sorry, Lady Morgana. Im Gaius niece I was delivering a potion from him for you. Oh! Just set it aside somewhere, thank you. And if you wouldnt mind, could you help me lace up my dress? And call me Morgana, if youd like, Morganas voice was pleasant and kind, immediately bringing a smile to Merlins face. Im Merlin, she returned, leaving the vial on a table and then heading to go behind the screen and meeting the pretty ward of the Kings. They met face to face quickly, trading smiles, before Morgana turned and Merlin quickly and efficiently began to lace up of her dress. Youre really good at this, Morgana commented. Ah, lets just say I had a lot of practice, Merlin told her in a sardonic voice. There you go, milady. Oh, fantastic! And its tight, but not too much that I feel like suffocating. Thank you very much, Merlin. Youre welcome. Goodbye then Wait! Please stay awhile. Tell me, how do like Camelot so far? Morgana eagerly asked her, grabbing her hands and leading her to the table where the vial was. The Lady sat her down and then sat beside her, smiling softly and eager to hear a response. Awkwardly, Merlin smiled and shrugged. Well, its been an odd butI guess nice start. Tell me all about it! I insist, Morgana was practically beaming at her. And so, well, Merlin sort of just blurted it all out. But geez, these royals. Theyre all weird. She talked with the Lady Morgana until Gwen arrived, and then was pulled into more talk. She left them around the time it was close to Lady Helens grand performance. She quickly got herself ready and then walked with Gaius to the grand hall it was taking place at. She stood by Gaius, near the table where the royals sat. Soon enough, Lady Helen began to sing. Unfortunately, it was very quickly that Merlin began to notice something was wrong. Her eyes started to feel heavy and her body felt like dead weight. She kept shaking her head, trying to stop herself from feeling sleepy and falling asleep. It was getting harder and harder with each note that was being sung, and then Merlin took the chance to look around. There were cobwebs forming around people around the room, all of whom were falling asleep. She looked at Lady Helen, who completely awake and still singing and Merlin knew who the

cause of all this was. Looking up, Merlin saw the chandelier and her eyes flashed gold, causing it to fall at the exact moment Lady Helen was underneath it. The spell was immediately broken and King Uther immediately roared out in anger, reminding her of a lion. Witch! How dare you! You took my son! the woman Merlin recalled from that execution screeched. A son for a son, I said! And she withdrew a dagger from her sleeve and threw it head on towards Arthur, too quickly for him to dodge or for anyone to interfere. Anyone not Merlin. Her eyes flashed gold once more and without any thought, she just ran instinctively towards Arthur and pulled him back from the slowed down dagger, which embedded itself in the Princes chair, right where his head would have been. With that Mary Collins died and everyone celebrated the Prince being saved the evil sorceress death. Merlin held in her sigh of relief. Thatwas a most honorable and brave act, Merlin. Startled at the use of her name and that the King had somehow learned of it, Merlin looked up to him, still clutching tightly to a shaken Arthur. He got quickly and held out a hand, actually helping her up. I am very thankful to you for saving my sons life. You have done me a great service and must be rewarded, the King spoke quietly and solemnly, but his voice still carried through the room. Everyone listened intently and Merlin swallowed dryly. Itsits fine, Sire. I insist, he spoke firmly. This is truly an important matter. You have saved my son and therefore deserve the highest reward. I will give you a position in the royal household as my sons servantand to serve me when your duties to my son are seen to. Merlin blinked. What the hell kind of reward was that? Let the feast recommence. Guards, remove that from the room, the King glared down at the fallen figure of Mary Collins. And what the hell was Merlin going to do? It wasnt like she could say no. Shed been essentially trapped into the household of the King.

Chapter Two: Outlaws in the Wild It was not that they did not like herIt was more that they begrudged and envied her. Merlin was not stupid. She knew how the structure in a castle was supposed to be. She had broken that structure. Women didnt become personal attendants to a nobleman, much less the King or Prince (never mind both at the same time). They were employed as laundresses to wash clothes, sheets and towels. They were otherwise employed as caregivers to the royal children, and the Lady of the Castles personal attendants and as such, tend to her, help her wash and dress, do her hair, pass the time playing games with her, and generally keep her company. There was no Lady of the Castle. With no Queen, Lady Morgana was a pale substitute, with Gwen as a personal attendant. Though Merlin could have also been attached to her, she had instead been made to serve the Prince and the King. Women were vastly outnumbered by men in serving households, and though as King and a royal household (as well as a huge castle needed to be continuously and widespread upkeep) there were much more women in Camelots castle than was the usual, women did not become personal attendants to kings and princes. When it came to royal men, only their most trusted servants, usually of noble birth, were to become personal attendants to them. Merlin was a young girl, a peasant and who had just arrived to Camelot. She had broken the hierarchy of a household, a royal household, even though it was not her fault. But though she had not asked for it, it was plain truth and it drew the ire of the others working with her. She had broken out of the mold, and they werent really too forgiving. A peasant girl simply does not become part of the royal household just like that, much less the personal maidservant to the King and Prince. She should not have got such a high position not as a girl (a young girl), not as a peasant, not as a new arrival, not to a position she had no business being in or having, and certainly not to royal men. So if they gave her the cold shoulder, if the other servants spoke roughly or disparagingly to her, she would ignore it and just do her duty. Merlin went on, trying to not be bothered by how isolated she had become in the small amount of time shed spent in Camelot. She had been doing just well, getting along well with others, and now it was all ruined and she had not anyone but Gwen (who was almost similarly ostracized for being the peasant maidservant to Lady Morgana), Lady Morgana herself, Gaius, and Prince

Arthur and King Uther. It was a small and rather dismal group, considering two of them were men she served and one was her uncle, who she also occasionally did errands for. She considered herself lucky for at least them. Perhaps this burgundy? Merlin looked over the cape and nodded. Perfect, Sire. Arthur looked over to her with a frown. Are you sure? I dont want to look boorish. Merlin let her lips twitch up. You would be boorish if you forgot your manners, not if you wear a red cape. Arthurs own lips twitched and he looked himself back in the mirror, straightening his back and trying to keep an upright posture. Blue wouldve been nice, she murmured. It wouldve brought out your eyes more. But I know red is the color of your family. Perhaps next time Im out on a casual stroll or of the like, Arthur muttered to himself. Merlin felt herself smile fully, and it seemed to let Arthur smile himself. I have cleaned up your room and set your laundry out to dry. Itll be brought in later by Gregory. Youve been properly washed and dress I should think I need to see to your father now, and see if he needs anything before going to visit Gaius and then returning to you, she informed him. He looked oddly regretful, but nodded to her in assent. I will see you later then. For lunch, could see if a tart is available? She raised an eyebrow slightly and said slyly, Particular plum tart? Particularly plum tart. She laughed melodiously as she left, missing the lonely look on Arthurs face as she disappeared from his sight. Truth was, she didnt really understand him. She didnt know or understand the complete turnaround from the prat shed met to this royal courteous and affable prince, and only knew that it had start immediately after shed mentioned Gaius and her relation to him. Shed asked Gaius, but her uncle was also baffled and had no answers to her. Her mind had to stop thinking as she arrived at the Kings chambers, and once again her nerves were getting to her. She drew in a deep breath before she knocked, and the familiar commanding voice bid her to come in, like what was becoming usual for the past week.

Your Highness, she curtseyed, though she wasnt able to stop herself from sort of bowing also. It probably looked an awkward pose, but she wasnt very particular right then she was busy keeping herself balanced, having almost unbalanced herself by moving so. Be straight, Uther said quietly and she looked to see him in the middle of tying the laces of his boots. Has Arthur been set? We leave for Nemeth after lunch. Yes, Your Highness. Prince Arthur is ready and is going over the diplomatic agreements, Merlin replied, trying to make herself as small as possible. And of yourself? Have you packed well? At this, Merlin couldnt help but break out of her submissive role and blink in confusion at him. I beg your pardon? she blurted out, though inwardly winced afterwards. But he did not remark on her tone and words towards him (or even the casual attitude she again seemed to take on, even with him). Were you not informed? he asked, tone belying nothing. As personal attendant, you will be required to come with us on travels outside of Camelot. Though I take precedent and will be the one who you must pertain the most attention to, as both Arthur and I will be going, you will definitely be attending as well. She flushed slightly red. No, I hadnt been informed, Your Highness. I apologize. If there is anything else you may need before I go to pack for the trip? No, I am fine. Go on then, he said, though he was putting on his cape and having trouble adjusting it and tying the ties. She hesitated before going over and gently moving his hands away, tying it quickly and then adjusting it to a more proper look. She didnt look at him the entire time, or even afterwards, but she curtsied and left. Without further prompting, she rushed to Gaius and began to pack a bag. She informed of what shed just learned, and Gaius nodded in understand. He also understood that the other servants were giving her a hard time, and that quite a bit of the thing shed needed to learn to be a proper maidservant (much less the personal maidservant to the royal Pendragon men) was quite lost on her and wasnt thoroughly taught and tutored in many serviceable things. Pack now full with things she thought she might need, she carried it with her as she went to the kitchens to retrieve Arthurs lunch. She ignored some of the looks she got, and many others who just preferred to ignore her presence. Seeing Uthers lunch ready to be brought up as well, she balanced the two trays and decided shed help Merek, the Kings usual manservant (and one of

the kinder ones). Merke, she knew, had tons of other things to do for the King, and would no doubt have his hands full already without having to remember to bring up his lunch. Just in case, knowing none of the others would tell Merek and he might end up either panicking about the missing lunch or doubling the Kings, she made a small detour to where he would be to tell him. If she didnt find him, shed tell Gwen, whod help her out at least. Luckily, he was in the middle of readying the Kings and companys horses, whom Merlin knew the middle-aged man loved dearly. Merek, Im off to deliver Arthurs lunch. Ive got Uthers too, so dont worry, alright? she told him, only passing by so that the food wouldnt get cold. He turned from the horses and gave her a gentle smile. Thank you, dear. And its Prince Arthur and King Uther. Merlin shrugged lightly and gave him a cheeky grin that he laughed at, before she hurried away to deliver lunch to the royals. It seemed like it was no time at all until they were on their way to Nemeth, and she was riding horseback behind the King and Prince, and with Merek beside her. She tried not to show how uncomfortable the ride was, considering she was riding the horse like a man and she had never even really ridden a horse before either. It was awkward, bumpy, and just the slightest bit painful. Did she mention uncomfortable? Because it was, it really, really was. Shift every so often, Merek whispered to her. Itll help a little. Youll get used to it soon also. She couldnt hide her grimace, but tried his advice. It did help, even if only a little bit. Soon, they had to set up camp and Merlin was cooking fried fish with the fishes some of the knights had managed to catch. Merek was helping to set up camp in the meanwhile, though hed admitted to her that he wasnt much use or had any skill in cooking anyway. Merlin hummed to herself as she cooked, though she became aware that it was becoming quiet in the camp. She quieted down too, sure that they were supposed to be quiet or something. Suddenly, startling her, Merek appeared in front of her and was smiling widely. Merlin, why dont you sing louder? Its a bit of a bore and Im sure the others would love the entertainment, he whispered. Her face tinted red and she looked at him unsurely, but he gave her an encouraging smile. So, though shaky and soft at first, she started to sing a small little folklore song that her mother used to sing to her when she was a child.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old. We must away ere break of day, to find our long, forgotten gold. The pines were roaring on the height. The winds were mourning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread. The trees like torches, blazed with light~ She trailed off and opened her eyes, having not realized shed closed them. She knew shed sung the abbreviated version, but thought it would be better, considering the rest of the song talked about dwarves and elves and dragonsnever mind that the song was about dwarves in the first place. And with the company she kept, she thought it was the wiser choice. She heard applause and cheers and felt the tips of her ears turn red in embarrassment, grinning shyly at the men around her. Trying to cut the attention off of her, she whirled around and loudly announced that the food was ready. While the cheers grew louder at that, she caught sight of both Arthur and Uther sitting beside her, with the Prince still looking at in awe and admiration, and the King was uncomfortably staring intensely at her, though his face held a look of curiosity. She hadnt even known the two of them had sat behind her, or else she probably would have been even more nervous through cooking and then singing. Let us eat, Uther said, and another round of cheers sounded and everyone was getting their share of the food before they dug in. Merlin sat quietly next to Merek, a little away from the others in the group. They eat their own share of the cooked fish, though a smaller portion as they were servants. Nervous? Merek questioned. Merlin smiled slightly. Very. I hope its not too obvious, but it probably is. And there is that I just became Uther and Arthurs maidservant, and I havent even been trained properly. How should I even act in another kingdom? Merek nodded, as if expecting her worries. Just be cautious. Be even more demure and dutiful to everyone there, even the servants. You are in their territory. Meek is even better. Try to be as obedient as you can, and be compliant to everyone there. Try not to stick out and just focus on serving His Highness and Prince Arthur. And for goodness sakes, use everyones titles, he gave her a knowing look. Okay, she turned a bit sheepish. Thank you, Merek, for everything. For like, teaching me how to make up a bed for royalty correctly, how to set their baths and clothes, and do the laundry more efficiently. It means a lot. He gave her another of his gentle smiles. Its fine. I hope youre still not having trouble with the other servants, are you?

At her abashed look, he sighed. I suppose Sybylls the worst of them, isnt she? Shes always had a chip on her shoulderYou should tell Prince Arthur, or even go to His Highness himself. I cant do that, she shook her head. Theyll just talk more and treat me worse. Merek snorted. I doubt that. They cant talk or even be near you, when theyll probably be fired. His Highness is very strict, and he would definitely not tolerate his personal servant being mistreated, especially from those below her station. You do realize, that as personal maidservant to His Highness and Prince Arthur, you hold your own station and are higher than ordinary servants? As personal attendant to the King and Prince, a position usually held by lower-ranked nobles, you would be entitled to at least the title of Lady. Merlin blinked at him. Huh? He chuckled lightly. I see court politics and etiquette are still rather unfamiliar to you, isnt it? Merlin was still lost, but she just gave him a shrug. Does that mean Gwens a Lady too? Not quite, Merek shook his head. Lady Morganas station is not high enough to make Guinevere ennobled, though you arent close to Lady Morganas station either. However, you are above Guinevere as well. Perhaps I should have just stayed in Ealdor, Merlin massaged her temples. This is all so complicated and confusing. I think Im still ruing the day I ever involved myself with the royal family. I should have just kept quiet and to myself. Then life in Camelot would have stayed boring, Merek said cheerfully. She huffed at him. Suddenly, there was a commotion and everyone jumped, pulling out swords at the ready as bandits attacked. Merlin sucked in deep breath and her eyes widened, and she wasnt sure what to do. One of the bandits came towards her and Merek, probably believing them to be easy targets (honestly, she thought so too), but Merek pulled out the sword by his side and blocked the bandits, swords clashing with a loud clanging. Though shed thought it was only for show, Merek seemed quite capable with the sword and looked like hed had some training with it. Still feeling out of her depth, Merlin looked around in a panic and saw that almost everyone was engaged in a fight. Fortunately, it seemed Camelots knights were winning and showed they were the better trained group than these uncouth outlaws. She saw the King and Prince fighting back to back, though they were focused on their own battles. Arthur was getting quite into it, looking like he hadnt minded the attack, so long as he was able to whip out his sword and dealt some damage. The King on the other hand, was much more serious about the fight. She looked more closely and saw he seemed to be favoring a side,

and Merlin remembered that his left shoulder sustained the effects of an old injury that never healed all the way. Despite that, he still seemed to be doing well. Even with advanced age and old injuries, he seemed to be keeping up well with Arthur, barring looking rusty in fighting and some odd footwork that showed that Uther had not been in a fight for a long time. However, both royals seemed to have missed another bandit coming up near their blind spot, ready to swing his sword in an arc and attack both of them. Without thinking, she ran forward, without thought to look around her for danger that could be aimed at her (thankfully, everyone was kept busy). She reached the two urgently, right when the bandit was about to attack, and had accidentally startled and almost interrupted Uther and Arthurs individuals battles. But she ignored that and instinctively grabbed the frying pan still there and hot, and jerked it towards the bandit, causing hot oil to hit the mans face and make him howl. She followed up the searing distraction by swinging the pan, and smashing it across the mans head, knocking him unconscious. By the time shed finished all that, everything was quiet around her and she realized that the battle was finished and everyone was looking at her. She turned red. A frying pan? Arthur smirked. She hugged the handle closed to her, and her red blush deepened. Wellits my weapon, she pouted and scrunched up her nose rather adorably. Besides, its the only thing I know how to use she mumbled. The tip of her ears turned red again as laughter surrounded her. + + + + + + Just swing it upright. Yes, yes thats it. No not towards me! I dont want you cutting my ear off, Merlin! Merlin couldnt get rid of the red staining her face, no matter what she tried to do. After the debacle, to her embarrassment and consternation, the King actually suggested in a teasing manner that perhaps one of the knights should teach her how to handle a sword just in case. And, to the utter amusement and the rest of the nights entertainment before bedtime,

Merlin was being subjected to the humiliating honor of being taught how to properly wield a sword, tutored by the kindly Sir Brom (whod actually volunteered). Merlin, I think the enemy would be frighten to approach you just by the way youre swinging that thing, Arthur mocked good-naturedly. Merlin hugged. Do you see this thing?! Its bloody heavy, it is! I dont know how the whole lot of you can do it! Yes, she was actin gout of decorum for a servant in front of a group of nobles, but these were knights and they were in rowdy and in good cheer and having fun and neither Uther or Arthur were saying anything. Merek merely shook his head at her, though he wore an amused smile as he watched her. Merlin grunted, heaving the thing up again and trying to hold it properly, before she thrust it forward like she was next instructed. Well, it went well initially. The momentum had her thrusting it forward but too much, and she was following after it. The move had her dropping the sword and then stumbling in the direction it went from the force of the thrust she did. Brom hurriedly caught her and steadied her. The sword may not be your thing, he said wryly. Merlin said back sarcastically, You think? Her words had the knights guffawing, though she snuck glances at Uther and Arhur, but bother actually looked quite amused and were still not saying anything about her improper behavior. Alright, time for bed, Uther called out, becoming serious. We break early and then head out as soon as the sun dawns tomorrow. Brom was assigned first watch with another knight, and the rest took to bed. She followed Merek to where they were sleeping slightly apart from the others. Merlin, exhausted from everything, fell asleep practically as soon as her head touched the ground. Like as always, she woke early and saw she was the first awake, aside from the last two knights on watch (both of whom looked dreary and were yawning every few seconds. Even Merek was still sleeping close by to her, and she took extra care in getting up from her spot so as to not wake him. Deciding to get an early start on breakfast, she looked around and deciding that maybe a few berries wouldnt go amiss, as part of the loaves of bread they had brought along.

She quietly walked over to the knights on watch, who saw her waking up and then coming towards them after. After informing them what she was planning on, they advised her not to go too far away from camp and then she was off. It didnt take her long to find a many good berries that she could take back, and after checking if any of the species were poisonous, she started piling them into a pouch shed brought along for that purpose. She refrained from the urge to create golden lights of figures in the air, like she used to do in Ealdor when she went off into the forest to do this very same task. And it was a good thing too, as when she was almost done, she was approached by the King. I see youve found a good batch already, he said suddenly, startling her. She whirled around in surprise, holding the rather large sized pouch to her chest in her shock, feeling her heart beating rapidly. It started calming down as soon as she saw exactly who her intruder was, and she clumsily moved into a bow, before realizing she shouldve curtseyed instead. She tried to rectify her mistake, despite having already done it. At ease, he ordered and she awkwardly tried to do so, fidgeting under his gaze. The knights on guard told me where youd gone off to, and as I was the only other awake, I wanted to see if you needed any help. N-no, Your Highness. I think that Ive managed to gather a good amount for everyone, she chanced at look into his eyes. He seemed amused for some reason. These are grown men, with appetites as big as you, Merlin. I highly doubt that one single pouch will be enough to fill that group, he gave her a small smile, and she was at once caught off guard by the gesture and the fact that hed once again used her name. Uh, yes, I suppose youre right, Merlin mumbled, turning away to hide her cheeks. Perhaps you should lead the way to where youd found the berries then? he held up several more pouches around the size of hers. She cleared her throat awkwardly and gave an abrupt nod. Y-yes, this way, Your Highness. She didnt know how she felt about having to spend an unknown amount of time along with the King, picking berries of all things. However, it wasnt nearly as bad she thought it would, afterwards when she thought back to it. It was actuallykind of nice. It had been quiet for the most part, but there wasnt the expected awkward tension she thought shed feel being in the presence of the King (her usual reaction) or even a hint of being uncomfortable or self-conscious at all. In fact, hed even politely inquired to how she was liking

Camelot and her new life in it so far, as well as a few questions about herself and how it was living in Gaius little abode. Perhaps she was getting a bit better being near him. As they were headed back, she was surprised again when she heard the Kings next request of her. Would you sing that song from yesterday again? and that hed actually asked her, instead of ordering like he was entitled to, took her aback and strangely pleased her as well. She nodded shyly and began the words, singing softly and starting out much more confidently than she had yesterday. Far over the Misty Mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old

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