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Disclaimer: I love Merlin, but that doesnt mean I own it. Pure fan love here.

Story: Merlins interns with her best friends father, Uther Pendragon, and strangely becomes attached to him. But between Cenreds leash on her and a violent past she cant remember, it might healthier to stay away from the business tycoon. Set as an AU modern!fic, genderbending fic. Spoilers: Hmm, I doubt it. Warnings: Age disparity, cursing and violence for nowhm, just in case since Im usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations Pairings: Uther/Merlin, one-sided Arthur/Merlin, Lancelot/Gwen, Gwaine/Morgana (maybe?), Percival/Leon (?), Elyan/???...

Chapter One: Be Warm Inside and Out Come on, Dad just do this as a favor to me, Arthur Pendragon, son to the big business tycoon Uther Pendragon, was doing his best to give his father puppy eyes hed grown out of years ago all for the sake of his best friend he was pleading on behalf for. Not that Merlin knew he was. Uther rolled his eyes, turning from his son to focus on his breakfast. He knew it would irritate Arthur, so he made especially sure to chew slowly. But while he let his son stew in his frustration, he took the time to think about his sons request. Cooperative education was upon his sons class. Arthur was being placed with The Los Angeles Times, and while he knew Arthur would have preferred something to do with sports, Arthur said hed bear it. So his request had nothing to do with himself. No, Arthur was instead asking Uther to request his best friend for the assignment. One Marilyn Amber, nicknamed Merlin. Uthers never met the girl before. Despite Arthur and Morgana (and even little Gwen) having been friends with the girl for a long time now, he has yet to come face to face with the illusive Merlin. Hed highly disapproved of his childrens friendship with the girl, considering her lower class status, but they refused to listen to him and stop associating with the girl. So he put up with it, and because he kept himself busy with work and didnt care enough to meet her, he never found time or did meet with the girl his family seemed enamored with. Ill think about it, Arthur, Uther sighed. But she better be a hard worker. Arthur practically beamed at him. Of course, Dad. You wouldnt regret it! Ill see you after practice today. And then his son was off and he was left to ponder his decision over his breakfast. Meanwhile, the girl in question cursed under her breath as she stumbled around her home, getting ready for school. Afterwards, she darted out of her house after locking it, found her bike and unchained it, and then started peddling like a bat out of hell towards school. Im late! Her dark hair flew behind her and she held her paper bag lunch in her mouth as she rode her bike as fast as she could. If there was one thing she knew, it was that if she hurried her ass up, she could reach school in record time. Of course, her legs would be burning and shed probably collapse in homeroombut she wouldnt be late at least. Once there, she hurriedly dumped her bike to the ground, searched for the bikes chain in her backpack and quickly locked it, and then ran into the building and searched for her room.

Sliding into it with a minute to waste, she managed to find her seat and sit down just as the last bell rang. No one paid her any mind, and she didnt pay anyone else attention in return. She wasnt under any illusions. She was a charity case. The only reason she was attention St. Albion Private Academy was because she was friends with Arthur and Morgana Pendragon. In middle school, when the two were in a phase where theyd wanted to go to a normal school with normal kids, they attended a public school where they both met her and became very good friends. Their friendship lasted and stayed strong the entire time, so much so that when the two rich kids decided theyd go back to attending expensive private schools, she was dragged along. Her tuition was currently being paid by their father, through the insistent desire of his children. But she made damn sure to get good grades that were hard-earned and would prove she was smarter, or at least as smart, as any rich kid going to St. Albions. Merlin sighed, waiting for the teacher to come and for them to get started with the day. Hi, someone to her left whispered. Blinking in surprise, she turned to see who it was and didnt recognize the fellow. Hi, he repeated. Im Gwaine. Smiling awkwardly, inwardly happy that she might finally make a friend out of someone, she introduced herself. Im Merlin, she whispered back. Like the wizard? he grinned at her. Like the knight? she shot back. He laughed lowly, especially since the teacher had just arrived and was starting to call roll. Marilyn Amber? Here? Gwaine Atherton? Here, Gwaine winked at her, and she withheld a giggle. At least Im actually named Gwaine, he teased. At least I dont have a snob last name, she retorted.

Gwaine burst out laughing, very loudly, startling her and bringing odd stares from the class. Gwaine! Warning, the teacher looked disapprovingly at him. Dont disrupt the class or itll be detention. Gwaine pouted and Merlin couldnt help smiling fondly. Later, at lunch, she wasnt able to find Arthur or Morgana and she kind of felt lost without them. She usually ate with them. She had no other friends in school, and mostly they all either ignored or even bullied her. Well, if it isnt Charity, one of her usual bullies called out and she was tempted to do a quick turnabout and suckerpunch the guy. Original, very original, she said sarcastically turning around to face him. What was that? he snarled. He started to stalk closer to her when Gwaine suddenly appeared by her side, glancing coolly at the jerk. You know, its not nice to pick on ladies. Then again, maybe you have a complex? Gwaine said cheekily, before grabbing Merlins hand and hightailing it out of there. She didnt notice their destination until they were already on the roof of the English building. What are we doing here? she asked, trying to catch her breath. I dont think were even allowed on the roofs of the buildings. Nah, we arent, he answered nonchalantly, making her stare at him. But who cares? Theyre not monitored anyways and I like coming up here to think, skip class you know, the works. Merlin couldnt help but be baffled and yet intrigued by this boy. Thanks for, um, back there, she scratched the back of her head awkwardly. Aw, dont worry about it. Id like to think Im a Knight of the Maidens, like my namesake, he beamed happily at her. Well, still, Merlin smiled shyly. It was still very kind and it was very chivalrous of you. And they say chivalry is dead! Gwaine crowed in victory, pumping a fist into the air. She laughed and he grinned.

Now come on! Sit, sit. Have some! Gwaine thrust his very expensive looking lunch box towards her, having fetched it from his backpack. She hesitantly put her backpack next to his and accepted it, not wanting to seem ungrateful for his help. She opened it to sushi and she looked up to see him give her the go on gesture. She grabbed a California roll and handed the box back quickly. How come Ive never see you in class before? she asked him as she took a bit of hers. He stuffed a whole roll into his mouth and chewed quickly, so much she was afraid hed choke. I transferred in, he explained after hed swallowed. I was in another class, but I was too much of a troublemaker and too much for the teacher to handle, so they put me in your class. Funny, eh? I dont mind so much now, cause I met and befriended and am casually hanging out with a pretty girl I met in this new class. Merlin blushed, but didnt say anything. So what other classes you have? he asked eagerly and she started listing them off. He pouted again. Aw, we dont have any other classes together. Yeah, most of my classes are with Arthur or Morgana, Merlin shrugged. Gwaine gave her a strange look. So its true then. Yourefriends with the Pendragons? Merlin became uneasy. Yeah, so? He was the one who shrugged this time. Nah, its cool with me. Still, they dont really talk with anyone. Its weird, is all. Well, I suppose it is odd, if you put it that way, Merlin hadnt actually realized that. Whatever! It dont matter! he said cheerily. Lets eat! After lunch was over, she headed to her next class. She spotted Arthur and Morgana already seated, an empty seat in between them saved for her. Morgana spotted her first, waving her over eagerly. Sorry we werent around for lunch, she said apologetically. Arthur is getting caught up on his internship with the Times and I had to meet with the representative of my internship to show my portfolio. Merlin gave them a small smile. Its alright. I think I made a friend. You did? Morganas own smile turned stiff and she froze.

Who? Arthur demanded, narrowing his eyes. Merlin was taken aback, but answered them uneasily. Ohjust some boy I met in homeroom. UmGwaine? Gwaine, uh, Atherton? The siblings traded looks, but they turned back to her with their regular smiles and acting like nothing had been up. Well, good then. How about tomorrow, Morgana and I will take you off campus for lunch to make up for today? Arthur grinned brightly. You guys dont have to But we will, Morgana cut her off, giving her a stubborn and yet mischievous look. There is just no arguing with you two. Their teacher finally came in, took roll, and then started talking about their internships. This is an important and life-changing opportunity, so make sure you all work hard and do well. Now for the leftover students that still need their assignments. Merlin? Merlin looked up from her desk and accepted the folder from her teacher, looking inside as the teacher continued on. Her eyebrows flew up and she looked at Morgana and Arthur suspiciously. Heyyou two wouldnt have had anything to do with my assignment, would you? she asked, frowning. Morgana looked confused, but Arthur started immediately shaking his head. Nuh uh, nope. I dont know what youre talking about, he denied. Merlin sighed and looked back at her folder. Wellit was a prestigious place at least Still, she didnt want special privileges. And she also knew part of the reason Arthur had done it was because of her financial situation, of that being in the poor class would not look impressive to any of the employers accepting interning students and she wouldnt be one of the ones easily picked. Well, there was that, but there was also that Arthur wanted her taken cared of and also that he knew she would be fine and safe in his fathers employ. Plus, if he remembered right, Merlin had mentioned to him once that shed like to work for his dad in the computer engineering department a long time ago, and he knew that she was way more than a wiz with anything to do with electronics.

Are you sure this is okay, guys? I mean, your dad hates me, Merlin said anxiously. He doesnt hate you, Morgana huffed. Hes never even met you, so how can he hate you? Exactly, Merlin hissed at them. Hes never wanted to even meet me. Arthur rolled his eyes. Cared. Cared! Hes never cared to meet you. Same difference, Merlin glared at them. Nooooo. Theres a difference. Not wanting to means Father has a problem with you for some reason. Not caring is just him not caring being indifferent and not caring either way, but thats normal for him. But that doesnt mean he hates you or that he would be angry he has to finally meet you. Morgana nodded her head in agreement, but Merlin knew they were wrong. She knew that Uther Pendragon, if he didnt hate her, at the very least he disliked her and her friendship with his children. And she was going to find out pretty soon, since her internship at Camelot Industries started an hour after school was over. Arthur offered to drive her over, so she wouldnt get lost and so she would get to know the easiest route there from school. It sounded like a good idea to her and she didnt want to be late, especially on her first day. Arthur had to go soon to his own internship, having started that day also, so he had to drop her off at the front and she anxiously stood at the entrance before steeling herself and going in. She was directed several floors up, to where she realized was the top of the building, and entered the final floor in trepidation. It was empty, with the secretary desk clean and polished aside from a computer and phone, and no sign that anyone was currently using it. There were two large mahogany doors beyond the desk, where she could guess was where Uther Pendragon was. She felt like she was about to do battle with a dragon and he was going to breathe fire and turn her into a crisp and theres just no going back now Merlin took several breaths to calm herself. She was nervous and rambling in her head. And using weird metaphors. Not a good sign She wondered what she was going to have to do. Her papers werent specific, listing the areas as N/A, and when she was directed from the downstairs service, theyd just told her to go up here. She supposed he was going to give her her instructions himself, before dismissing her off to her job. While she was wondering about that, she might as well wonder what the hell was she supposed to do? There was no secretary, so she didnt know if she should knock, wait out there, or what. Gathering her nerve, she decided to heck with it and just knocked on the thick doors.

The phone rang and she jumped, staring wide-eyed at it. She hesitantly rushed over to it and took one look to recognize the style of the phone and how to use it. Come in, she heard as soon as she held up the phone to her ear. R-right away, sir. Well, okay. She didnt know if this was a good or bad start so far Entering through the doors, she saw her best friends father sitting quietly at his desk, looking through some documents and not looking up at her entrance. She stood there waiting, trying not to fidget. Marilyn Amber, 17 years of age, senior at St. Albion Private Academy, straight A student with a 4.4 GPA, and preferred nickname Merlin. Travels on public transit, or the forest green race bike owned since age 14. Favorite dessert is chocolate cream pie or lemon pie, favorite band are The Beatles, favorite color is gold, and a praised computer tech, he said all that without even looking at her once. Her eyes widened and she barely managed not to visibly freak out. Oh God, had he looked her up or did some kind of search or background check on her? She knew Morgana or Arthur could have told her some of that, but shes never told them her exact GPA and that little detail about her bike Umyes? Ugh, she sounded stupid. How was that supposed to impress him? What should she have said anyways, though? He finally raised his head up and looked at her, raising his eyebrows. However, momentarily (before he had), for some reason hed seemed taken aback at seeing her, before he had become calm and collected as if that hadnt happened. How good are you at typing, Ms. Amber? Oh, uhwell, if I just started and or not too eager or rushed, I can go 50 to 60 words per minute, 90 once I warmed up, and over 100 when I get going, she answered honestly. He blinked before nodding approvingly. Good. Most people are required to be able to at least go 40, so youre practically overqualified at that front. Now I want you to type these up, do fact checks on this pile, sort this paperwork into subject matter, deliver these to the right departments, and schedule me a Thursday appointment with my doctor with a 4-5 pm timeframe, get a reminder that I have a conference call this Saturday, and here is a list of the other things I want you to do after all that. Merlin numbly took the paper from him and waited to be dismissed, her eyes widening again from hearing what she had to do already. He didnt want to admit he was rather impressed,

considering most people (especially actual temps and hired workers) would have burst into to tears or freaked out from the amount of things they had just been assigned to do, or just generally have a more visible reaction than the wide-eyed look shed gained. I just fired my secretary two days ago, so youll do for now, though youre closer to a personal assistant, considering you will be doing more work aside from administrative tasks. Unlike the other co-ops, you will be coming in every day, after school, to work for me. This will include weekends also. You will be paid part-time in exchange, though you will be doing full-time work which is mostly because you wont be hear the full day due to your schooling. Are we clear on everything? Y-yes, sir, she stuttered, still rather ruffled about it all. Then get started, he said shortly, already turning back to the paper he had been looking at before shed come in. She scurried out of his office, gently closed his door and rushed to her new desk, getting to work. When he glanced at the security camera of the outside of his office, he saw several file folders neatly lined up on the desk, lots of post-its placed all around the computer monitor, and the girl talking on the phone as she scratched something onto a notepad. He dismissed whatever she was doing, choosing to think she was at least doing some of her job, and went back to his own work. Closer to a late time, he called it a night and decided to it was time to leave. Leaving his office, he was surprised to see the girl diligently working still, calmly sitting at her new desk as she took a post-it from the monitor, crumpled it up and then threw it away. If he remembered right, her assigned work hours ended at nine and it was close to midnight already, which is the usual time he stopped working. He had expected her to have left immediately, as soon as it had been time for her to leave, and not still be here, continuing to work well passed her hours and patiently go through the list of things hed assigned for her to do. Well, at least he knew that Arthur had not been making empty promises that she was a hard worker and that he wouldnt regret hiring her Its late. You should be getting home, he spoke suddenly and he could see hed startled her. Oh, Mr. Pendragon! Im so sorry, I didnt see you there. Um, let me tidy up thenYou, uh, have your doctors appointment this Thursday, at 4:15. Ive managed to finish most of everything, though I didnt get to complete the fact checking, she looked extremely chastised, but he was again impressed with how much shed managed to do. No, its fine, he said with a neutral tone. Those need to be thorough, so taking your time with them is fine. Do you need a ride home? She turned red and shook her head. No, sir. Im fine. I can probably just wait for a bus. He pursed his lips. The next bus comes in an hourand its very late. Ill drive you home, he insisted firmly.

Unable to change his mind, she tentatively nodded and finished tidying up her workspace. She followed him out and they headed over to his car, which she strangely started feeling intimidated when she saw it. It was an expensive model, and while she was used to riding sometimes with Arthur and Morganathis time someone a little more daunting was driving her. I-I live over near Portman Ave., by Courtside I know where you live, he cut her off and she couldnt help gaping at him this time, especially when he turned on his GPS and pressed the button for one of the programmed addresses. He had her address programmed. OhSirdid you do a background check on me or something? she straight-out asked. Of course. Its an update on the one I had done on you years ago, when you first became friends with my children, he just as bluntly confirmed, not looking the least bit repentant or any sign he thought it was anoddthing to do. But youre pretty gutsy to ask me about it. She didnt reply because she was too busy inwardly freaking out that hed had a background check on her done when she was thirteen. They drove up to the crowded apartment complex, which Uther almost scrunched his nose at. His eyes darted around the shady area warily. This is my stop, she muttered. Are you sure you live here Yes, very sure! she said quickly, and then she was as gone from his car as if shed disappeared instantaneously. But what he hadnt known was that shed seen a familiar midnight blue Ferrari parked nearby and she had wanted him to get going and for her to hurry up and meet up with the owner of the car and hurry to get him out of her home. Welcome home, Merlin. Youre a littlelate, arent you? Merlin closed her eyes and clenched her hands, before she slowly turned and closed her door, hearing the quiet click. She locked it and then turned to the man standing in the middle of her living room, dispassionately looking at the scant pictures shed placed around. Cenred, she mumbled. He gave her a pleased smile. Its good to see. Ive been gone for awhile now, havent I? A week? Never mind that. I have something for you.

He held out a paper bag she glanced apprehensively at, but pushed herself to come over and retrieve it from him. She looked inside of it and mentally balked. Come on. Ill even drive you to school tomorrow morning, so you wont be late, he tapped her shoulder playfully. She just sighed and nodded. In the bathroom, she tightened the bathroom robe around herself and stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself. Cenred appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing down her neck lightly. Do it for me, Merlin. Please? he smiled boyishly at her. She gave him a shaky smile and he left her to head back to her room. She took the blonde wig from the bag and adjusted it onto her head, slipping into the lacy torsolette afterwards. She took the sheer stockings and slid them onto her feet and then her legs. She put on the garter belt around her waist and took the attached suspenders and clipped them onto the top of the stockings. She swallowed heavily as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, not really recognizing herself. She quickly put on the mascara and then grabbed the bright red lipstick, when Cenred called out to her from her bedroom. What are you doing in there? Do you want me to come in there and get you? Would you like that? his tone was playful. Just-just a second. Her voice was still shakyShe started to cry a little, and she unsteadily wiped them away. Alright then. But Im going to count to ten! One! She blinked away her tears and smeared the lipstick onto her lips. Two! She pressed her lips together and rubbed them, spreading the color, before she got the powder and lightly brushed her cheeks. Three! Four! Five! She fixed her wig and the top of the torsolette, wincing as she saw her breasts being pushed up more and her cleavage being displayed. Six! Seven!

She slid on the clear high-heels, fingers fumbling to fix the straps. Eight! Nine! Ten he trailed off when she appeared, standing awkwardly just outside the door of her bathroom. There. Dont you look beautiful, he murmured, sitting up on her bed and watching her eagerly. C-Cenred, do I ? Shh, he shushed her, getting up and moving to her side. He rubbed his hands down her shoulders and to her hips, squeezing as he kissed along her jaw and then moved his lips down her neck, before moving up again. She couldnt help crying and shirking from him, but he just grabbed her wrists and kept her close, continuing his kisses. Cenred, please, I dont want to Dont cry, dont cry, he murmured, nuzzling the side of her face. He led her to her bed and pushed her onto it, climbing on top of her. She kept crying, pleading him not to. It hurts. Shh, Merlin. Itll feel better. I promise youll feel good. She cried the entire time and wished she had never met him.

Chapter Two: Its Your Poison I dont know why I bother coming here. Because I have the best coffee. Ever. Merlin laughed loudly after Edwin Muirden, resident snark master, replied to her dryly. You are so not my best friend, Merlin huffed, but he merely draped his arms lazily around her shoulders from behind her, leaning against her and slightly putting some of his weight on his arms. He mock-affectionately rubbed his cheek against hers in retaliation. Lies, he huffed. You know you love me. To prove it, you will say it once I hand you this delectable lemon meringue that I saved just for you. I love you, she said immediately, leaning away from him and aiming for the plate that hed set aside on a table behind him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the plate himself, handing it to her. She eagerly dug in, accepting his casual embrace again as she did so. Just in the middle of her dessert, the phone rang and she stiffened up at the same time as Edwin squeezed her tightly. She reached for her phone at the same time as Edwin snatched it away and held it from her. Ignore him, he practically growled. Tell the asshole you didnt answer because I kept your phone or whatever. But I dont want to hear his voice and I dont want to hear you talking with him when youre with me. Merlin smiled sadly at him before sighing, her hand retracting from its reach. He tossed the phone back to her before he carelessly sprawled into the seat next to her, closing his eyes. Need a ride to that internship thing? he mumbled. No, its alright. I can take the bus from here, she reassured him. Bah. Shut up. Ill take you, he grumbled. She rolled her eyes. I dont know why I even bother. You always have your mind made up. Why do you bother even asking when youre not going to listen to the answer? Courtesy. Now get. Ill drive you over to it now, he abruptly stood up and stretched, moving over to the counter and swiping his keys off of it. Places not opened until later, so Im good dont worry about it.

Ah, coffee first, Merlin smiled apologetically, playfully trotting over to the machines and brewing a quick batch. I cant believe you get coffee for your boss, Edwin snorted. I thought that kind of shit only happens in movies. Secretaries dont really get their bosses coffee in real life, do they? Howd the hell youd land that position anyways? She ignored his jab at the coffee thing. I dont know, she said honestly, referring to getting the position. I just came in on the first day and hed told me to do a list of things, telling me I was going to practically be his secretary slash personal assistant. And its Uther Pendragons secretary. Are you getting paid a lot? Wanna be my sugar momma? Okay, Ed, Im going to kill you now, and hide your body. Dont call me that, he snapped at her, scowling. She smirked. But, Edwin, I thought you said you didnt care so long as it was me? I was drunk, he sniffed haughtily, and she couldnt help laughing at him. Hurry it or youll be late, he called out to her from the entrance of the coffee house he owned. She hurriedly put the cover on the coffee cup and rushed to him, snatching up her bag along the way. Therefore, 15 minutes later, Uther saw his interned secretary come in to work, putting her bag next to her desk and then walking over to his door. She knocked and he bid her enter, and she walked through with her usual bright smile and his coffee in hand. This had become the usual since she started working three months ago. Every day, after school, she would come in with coffee and shed started that after the first day shed started to work for him. At first, he thought she was trying to kiss up to him or something, but quickly realized after just days of her just smiling and going on about her work that shed watched too many movies. While it wasnt uncommon for a secretary/personal assistant to do so and many employers did ask them to do it, Uther had always settled for the coffee from his home in the mornings, and coffee in the canteen later on, too busy and focused on work to care much about where he got his coffee; he always forgot to ask his previous secretaries to get one for him also. But he really did quite like the coffee she brought in, though had yet to find a way to ask her where she got it from without feeling uncomfortable about it. Also, from the three months of her there, hed actually be really impressed with her performance. Initially, after his last secretary, the desk had been cleaned and empty of anything. He hadnt managed to note it the first time about the post-its and everything, but hed thought on it later on

and had found out that shed actually gone out to the other departments and asked for the supplies. The things hed wanted sorted by subject matter was sorted in that matter, and even further sorted by alphabetical order and further by chronology, into those folders hed seen last time but hadnt bothered asking about. The post-its were used to make note of things, and more so of the things needed (especially what he needed done or wanted her to do) to be done, crumpled up when it was finished. She not only typed up his things quickly, but also managed to look over it for errors, even correcting grammar hed rushed through, or word it even better than he had (especially if hed been rushing or it had been a long day and he just wanted it done with ). Her fact-checking was meticulous and she had yet to be late, even when it was the weekend and she had to come in the morning. The most impressive thing, helped expressed by the post-its, folders, and notepads, was that she was doing all this work without the technology most PAs were accustomed to nowadays, and going it the old-fashioned way. Hello, Mr. Pendragon. Good morning, she chirped up cheerily. He nodded at her, even as he made a mark on the paper he was currently working on. Good morning, Merlin, hed caved after a week of formalities (what with his own kids continuously referring to her as Merlin and for years of it already, hed always referred to her as that in his head, even without having met her). Besides, she responded better to it and it was what she preferred so much so that it was what everyone referred to her as, and had practically replaced her first name. And it didnt help that it was much easier to get out than having to call her Ms. Amber all the time, he admitted the laziness. On the other hand, her sense of propriety and decorum was lasting much longer than his hand. Thank you, he thanked her quietly, accepting the coffee cup. Before she left, he stopped her quickly. Wait a second, Merlin. I have something for you. She turned back to him in surprise, becoming more so when he handed her a Blackberry cell phone and iPad. I know you use your regular cell phone as an alarm for the reminders you keep note of for me, while writing the what it is on your wrist with a pen. She blushed at that, but he ignored it and went on. This is your company phone and to be used for business only. You may organize and program my schedule and reminders in it instead. The iPad is for doing business outside, when you accompany to me meetings, personal tasks, etc. Notes are easier taken on it.

You may be a temp and intern, but I see no reason why you shouldnt still be able to enjoy the benefits of an actual employee in the company. Now, an email should have been sent to you with the details of what you need to do for the day. I will see you later. She thanked him profusely, bowed several times as she walked backwards out, and then turned and hurried out his door while closing it behind her. He could call it a very productive morning and good start to a day. When he went to lunch later, he walked out the door and saw her still working diligently, the new file cabinet hed recently brought in for her convenience opened and was currently being ruffled through. Its lunch time, Merlin. You could take a break, if youd like, he spoke up suddenly, startling her from her intense concentration from her work. She hesitated and he started speaking again to cut her off. Why dont you accompany me? Though she mightve not thought she had a choice, she did. But it worked to his advantage that she seemed to be thinking in that way, if only so that he could get her away from work for breaks every once awhile. She wasnt a workaholic like him, but she certainly was one of those types who liked to finish everything all at once and didnt like leaving anything unfinished. Have you ever had schwarma before? he asked once she was by his side. Its not bad. Not my favorite of foods, but good. Well be going to have some today. They were halfway through their meal when another customer came through the door, and Uther saw Merlin look up curiously. Her reaction to the newcomer was most curiously, eyes growing wide and her slender body stiffening up. He turned to look himself and was surprised to see only Cenred Essetir, who looked to have stopped in surprise himself. The man quickly schooled his face and when he glanced at Merlin, she only seemed uncomfortable. Pendragon, Cenred greeted him jovially, smiling coolly. Essetir, he nodded in acknowledgement, giving no other reaction. Lunch time, is it? Cenred continued. Uther gave an equally as cool smile. Yes, though its almost over. Forgive my manners. This is Marilyn Amber, new intern secretary. She goes to school with my children and her co-op sent her to me.

I see. She must be good if youre treating her out. Shame St. Albions didnt send her my way I would have been extremely glad to have had her on staff, Cenreds smile widened slightly. Uther wasnt sure if he was imagining all of these miniscule details, but he felt important to note them all the same. Abruptly, Merlin stood up, jolting the table a bit and disturbing the things on it. She winced at the pain she received, but quickly covered with a nervous smile. Um, Im sorry. I should be getting back to work. There are a lot of things left to do and Im a bit behind. Ill be fine getting back by myself, Mr. Pendragon. Thank you for lunch, she gave him a quick smile before turning to Cenred. It was nice meeting you, Cenred. Goodbye then, Merlin, Cenred murmured. Uther was quick to remember that hed never said Cenreds first name, nor had he ever mentioned Merlins preferred name. His young secretary hurriedly rushed out, and Uther was left with Cenred. The man nodded at him, left to order to go, and Uther just thought to himself. When Cenred had left, he had Merlins food packed up, threw away what little he had left over, and quietly trekked back to his office. Upon reaching it, instead of seeing Merlin at work as shed said left to do, he saw her hunched over herself, arms wrapped around her torso tightly. Merlin? Her shot up quickly to look at him, her wide eyes present before she forced herself to smile and look normal. Ah, Mr. Pendragon, youre back. Are you alright? Her smile faltered, but then returned stronger. Yes, sir. It mightve been something I ate from the restaurant, she shrugged. Ill be fine. He frowned inwardly. It had looked more like a panic attack than any upset stomach. Well then, I suppose I should throw this away instead, he lifted up her leftovers. Oh no, its okay! she stood up. It wasa drink. What I was drinking mustve been what upset my stomach. The food should be fine. Quietly and unquestioningly, he held out the food to her. Her fingers were almost unnoticeably trembling, but Uther had sharp eyes and had caught the trembles just fine.

Did you know Essetir in some way? he asked just as their hands touched and their eyes connected. Her fingers jerked against his, but it was so quick that he could almost think hed imagined it if it werent for the previous things hed noticed. No, sir. This is the first time Ive met Mr. Essetir, she was speaking too softly and her eyes had moved away from his as shed said. This was the first time shed ever lied to him, and the handful of lies sent his way that day made him very suspicious. I see. Get back to work then. He went into his office and was determined to find out what was the actual connection between Cenred Essetir and Merlin Amber truly was, and what were the two to each other. + + + + + + Once again, Merlin worked until it was time for him to leave and he had to basically kick her out. Instead of offering her to a ride to her home, he offered something else. Would you like to sleepover my home? he asked, voice still quiet as it had been since that odd little meeting between Cenred and Merlin. He continued before it could be construed oddly by her. Morgana has been complaining that I keep you too long and you have no time to spend with her. Arthur just gives me hard glares and the silent treatment. Merlins lips quirked up. Sorry about that. I should apologize to them too; I hadnt meant to not pay attention to them. Ive just been so busy. Uther gave a small smile. Children. Besides, I think you spoil them and give into Morgana and Arthur too much. Merlin just gave a shrug and was about to answer him when her phone rang. Her regular phone. She looked down at it, sitting innocently on her desk, while he looked at her after a glance at it. Dont answer, though he wasnt quite sure why hed said that.

She looked at him in alarm, but he just looked steadily back at her. It rang again and she snatched it up and walked away from him, turning her back to him as she answered. Hello? No, no, I was across the room. Sorry I took so long. No. I promise. Ill be home soon. Earlier? No, Im sorry about then too. Edwin was keeping me busy and I couldnt get to my phone. I had to rush to work straight after so I could call you back. Im sorry. Im sorry. Ill message you next time. No, Ill be home soon. I swear. Dont be upset. Ill be there The words were floating by and Uther listened with his jaw clenching the more he listened to the one-sided conversation. When she finished, she clicked the end button and didnt face him. How long will he be there? he threw out there, taking the guess that he felt he knew was true. An hour or so. He has an important meeting tomorrow, she whispered. Call me when hes gone. Ill pick you up and bring you over. Its the weekend, and the kids will be looking forward to it, no matter how late. Ill justIll just go pick up a late night chocolate cream pie in the meantime. She let out a shuddering breath before facing him with a shaky smile and tiny tears in her eyes that he ignored for her sake. Then they were walking side by side to his car, where he reluctantly drove her to her home. He glanced around it, again wary and distrustful, but then caught sight of the midnight blue Ferrari who owner he disliked, even more so now. He remembered it vaguely from the first time hed dropped her off here, and should have known. Okaythanks, Mr. Pendragon. Ill see you later, she sent another shaky smile at him, before getting out of his car with wobbly legs. He watched her until she went all the way to the entrance of the dingy apartment complex. When he went to get the pie as promised, it hadnt really taken all that long, so he actually went back to her place and parked somewhere discreetly. And still, an hour later and it seemed he was still there. Half an hour after that, finally, Cenred Essetir appeared, walking casually out of the place like he owned it (Uther wouldnt be surprised). The slightly younger businessman went over to his car, and carelessly drove away. He waited five minutes and almost called, when she did it herself. Hello? he kept his tone neutral. Heshes gone. Okay, Im coming in. Wait, what

But hed already hung up and was striding towards the apartment complex entrance rapidly. Hed made it to her apartment in no time, ignoring the dirty, unkempt halls with its suspicious marks and many cracks. With a single knock, the door was opened to admit his person, with the owner of the place standing breathlessly on the other side, her common wide-eyed expression on her face. She let him in and he respectfully ignored the negligee she was wearing in favor of observing her home. It was bare, but kind of homeywhile still feeling a bit lonely. There were a collection of pictures around, most of them with his children. There were a few she had taken with a younger man, much older than her but younger than himself. There was a centerpiece picture, clearly meant to be a focus, of herself and with Cenred. The man was smiling coolly at the camera, arm wrapped possessively around her as he was dressed in his usual black business attire. She was wearing a pretty dress, but she wasnt looking at the camera but slightly to the side, face obviously miserable. You should pack a bag. You can sleepover tomorrow as well, and go to school with Arthur and Morgana the next day. Tomorrow, Im taking a day off therefore you would be required to do so also, he said nonchalantly. He didnt face her and he didnt hear anything from her for a moment, until he finally heard her move and start to rustle around the place. And then they were going to his car, walking side by side silently. What is he to you? he asked tiredly. My boyfriend, she muttered. Are you lying to me? Yes. And he just sighed and opened her car door, helping her inside. He was in the middle of driving to his home, halfway there, when he noticed her shivering. You shouldve changed. Its cold and I doubt my kids will take kindly or understand you wearingwhat you are. Ill probably take the blame for it, he joked lightly, bring surprise to her face. She gave a sheepish smile. Sorry, I kind of forgot. I was a little in a hurry to leave She turned around and grabbed her bag, rummaging around until she found pajamas. She wiggled around in her seat, slipping on her pants first, and then she started thoughtless removing

her negligee to reveal her bare torso, slipping her petit arms thought the sleeves and shrugging it on. He politely kept his eyes on the road. When she was done, he glanced at her and felt his lips involuntary move into a small grin. She looked incredibly adorable dwarfed in her slightly oversized Snoopy pajamas, hair cutely already looked styled as bed-hair (shagged-hair, if he was being honest with himself). It brought to mind the first thought hed reflexively thought of her, when hed first caught sight of Merlin on the first day theyd met. She was rather pretty. And here Uther thought hed forcefully pushed that thought away, to never be thought of again

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