The Sound of Silence

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Disclaimer: Nope, just a fanfiction writer. I would be a man, if I owned it, wouldnt I? So nope.

Story: There was something odd about Sam Witwicky. Some people want to find out why and it doesnt turn out well for Sam. Hurt/Comfort/Whump!Sam fic. Bots and Cons wont be happy about this, especially after their new neutral agreement. Set after the second movie, but introduces elements from the third movie early on. Spoilers: All movies. Warnings: Cursing and violence for nowhm, just in case since Im usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations Pairings: Not set. No canon pairings, though theres hint of them. Past-MikaelaxSam, hinted SamxCarly right now. Possible Bot/ConsxSam and Dylan/Sam? Dunno.

Chapter One: Sweet Dreams are Made of These

It was only three months since Mikaela had broken up with him and he was miserable. He tried not to be around the Autobots when they contacted him, but when he was alone he vented quietly to himself.

For awhile now, hed been going through the motions, eagerly trying to focus on schoolwork to avoid thinking about Mikaela and the odd feeling running through his body.

Mr. Wifficky? an unfamiliar voice spoke out and he stopped brooding over his cup of coffee, staring up and seeing a thin, middle-aged man looking at him.

Witwicky actually, he corrected unsurely.

The man nodded. I am Theodore Galloway. I work for the government, he gave him a look and Sam understood immediately what part of the government Galloway was talking about.

Plus, he vaguely remembered Will Lennox and Robert Epps talking about this guy. What little he remembered hadnt been good.

I, uhis there anything I can do for you, Mr. Galloway? he asked in confusion, getting up and heading towards the man, walking away from the heavenly coffee shop.

Actually, there is. You see, weve arranged for you to take a week long alternative break this coming spring, where you would be actually learning under me to be a liaison for the government with the robots, Galloway quietly spoke as he led them in a walk towards a vehicle.

Autobots, Sam automatically corrected. But he was extremely interested. Really? Thats great! I cant wait. When do I go?

Youll start next week, however well be taking you out now. Everythings been settled through the college already, so all thats needed is for you to pack.

This was completely awesome and would definitely take his mind off things. Will and Robert were probably exaggerating about this guy. He didnt seem too bad.

It wasnt too long until they headed to the new base, Sam in awe that it was in Washington D.C., and he was being ushered in.

We started this before the Egypt incident and only recently finished, though there are still some things in the works. AllAutobots have been transferred here, Galloway finished with a scowl.

Sam nodded, though he nearly backpedaled when he saw a familiar, unwanted face. He grabbed Galloway and quickly darted to the side, hiding in an alcove.

We have to find a way out of here, he hissed. Thats Starscream!

Galloway looked at him blandly. Yes. It is.

Sam was confused again, staring at him. Galloway sighed and straightened himself up.

Just recently we have signed a truce agreement with the Decepticons, keeping Earth as neutral territory. The Autobots have also agreed to put this war on hold and have signed a current nonaggression pact with the Decepticons.

Can we really trust them? Sam narrowed his eyes in suspicion, around the corner where he was hidden.

At the moment, we have no choice but to, Galloway barely hid his sarcasm. Not if us lowly humans want to get them to stop fighting their war on our soil and lose more of our lives.

Sam loosely shrugged, not knowing how to answer to that, even though he really wanted to defend the Bots. Unfortunately, he had a feeling this was something Galloway wouldnt budge on and was one of those people whod be hard-pressed to be convince otherwise. Plus, if he were truly truthfully, there was some truth to thatbut only miniscule! Optimus and the others hadnt meant for any of it and sincerely wished for peace and freedom for mankind.

Now come. You have to meet with someone who youll be working with in the future, once youve got your training, experience, and years down, Galloway instructed, leading the way.

They walked passed Starscream, who Sam nervously looked up at, only for the mech to glance down and eerily watch him walk by with red optics that just stared. Sam hurried on, glad that the Decepticon hadnt said anything to him.

Instead, Galloway approached a handsome older man, with dark hair and clear blue eyes. Sam blinked, inwardly feeling inferior and twitching unhappily in his head at the unfairness in the world.

Sam Witwicky, this is Dylan Gould, the Decepticon liaison. Gould, this is the Witwicky kid. Hell be working with you closely in the future, Galloway continued, scowl becoming more pronounced. Then he turned back to Sam, seemingly gone back to ignoring Dylans existence and starting to talk about the guy as if he wasnt even there, which seemed to actually amused the other man. After everything was signed, we wanted to have the Decepticons have a representative assigned to them, as I to the Autobots. It was surprising when they announced they already had one, though we requested it would be human. It was even more of a surprise when they said their rep was human.

Galloway nodded, gestured to Dylan, then turned sharply on his heel and left them behind. Sam blinked. Was that supposed to be some kind of goodbye or something? The man wasnt all that clear what he meant before just disappearing on him.

Now what? Sam frowned, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do now, especially since he just figured out he was abandoned.

Now, I think he left you to me, Dylan cut in, still amused. Ignore him. Galloways got a permanent stick up his ass.

Sam gave a hesitant grin, thinking Dylan seemed like he was really cool.

So, Ill just show you around base, introduce you to the people you should know, and get you settled into a room.

Ah, can we get to the room first? Id like not to carry this around? Sam asked sheepishly, gesturing to his bags.

Dylan nodded and started to head towards where Sam guessed the rooms/barracks were.

Do you live on base too? he asked curiously.

No, though I have a room situated near where yours is. I live nearby in my family estate. I commute, Dylan explained.

Sam hurried to drop his bags off and then they were off on the tour. It was a big place and Sam probably would have forgotten many places and turns had he not retained the perfect memory hed gotten from the AllSpark.

Turns out, he needed to only meet only a few people since he seemed to already know most of the important ones already, which seemed to impress Dylan. Sam inwardly blushed and grinned at this.

At least Sam didnt seem like a total loser.

Thats pretty much it, Dylan said. Its dinnertime, so you can head to the cafeteria. The Bots and Cons are currently together to continue working out agreements and stuff, and itll be late if you want to see any of them.

Are you going to eat? Sam inwardly thumped his head, but one, he didnt want to be alone in this place and two, hed actually wanted to hang out a bit more with such a cool guy.

Yeah, though I was going to eat out and then head home, Dylan eyed him. Any particular reason why?

So much for not looking like a loser, Sam groaned, while embarrassedly waving the man off. Nah, j-just wondering.

Hey, why dont I take you out for dinner tonight and you can sleep over my home, and that way we can head straight over to the White House. The President wants to award you a medal for 2007 and Egypt, he informed the younger male, whose eyes widened at that new piece of information.

Galloway kept that juicy news from you then, huh? Dylan shook his head, grinning. No matter. Anyways, you have a suit for it?

N-no I didnt even know! Sam started to panic, feeling unprepared and nervous for tomorrow.

You can use one of mine, Dylan said without a pause.

Sam, though grateful, was a little incredulous. He glanced at Dylan then looked down at himself. The other man was broader and taller than him

Itll be tailored tonight, he answered Sams thoughts, which was kind of freaky.

But then it wont fit you anymore. Then keep it, he shrugged.

It was kind of bizarre, but still awesome. They had a quick dinner at some fancy restaurant and then it was to Dylans really, really nice home that Sam stared at in awe for a couple minutes. This guy was ridiculously rich, he knew now. Besides that, why the hell was he working as a liaison then?

Wait, it was for the Decepticons. Of course there is a why somewhere in there.

The night went by quickly and he was surprised when there really was a suit laid out for him, and in his size. He dressed in it quickly before Dylan collected him and they were heading out. The whole awarding thing passed by in a blur, and he was still in semi-shock over the whole thing. Outside, he and Dylan got ready to leave when he saw a really gorgeous blonde taking a picture of herself with the United States emblem on the wall.

Stare any longer and you might as well take a picture yourself, Dylan commented in amusement.

Shes pretty, Sam answered in distraction, completely missing Dylans statement.

Dylan snorted before grinning. Think I can steal her away from the British Embassy and offer her a job with me?

Wait, howd you know shes from the British Embassy? And no way! Why would she work for you when shes got that job? Sam snapped out of it to focus on Dylan.

Nametag. Look at it before you stare at her face. And Ill have you know I have a very nice collection of resurrected/restored cars that are on display and need to be organized for show.

Sam looked at him interest. Really? Thats so cool. Can I see them?

Sure, well stop by after this. Now work your magic, Dylan said sarcastically, practically throwing Sam into the fire as he pushed him towards the blonde without warning.

Sam made a fool of himself afterwards, but shed smiled and looked interested so all was well and he didnt give Dylan the dirty eye for the push.

Carly Spencer even gave him her number.

They went to where Dylans priceless collection of cars were held and Sam looked around in awe and envy, eagerly darting everywhere and examining the beautiful pieces of machinery, amusing Dylan even more. He almost went spastic when Dylan even offered to let him drive one of them.

After that amazing experience, it was to work for the first time in Sams life. He quickly had to be separated from Dylan, where Galloway grumpily took control and started to direct him around on things he had to learn. It wasactually rather exhausting. Sam thought college was hard, but this taste of working as a government official to work with the Bots and Cons was a lot of work.

And then there was the paperwork.

Paperwork was evil and the bane of all beings in the universe. And that was a capital P.

Then after he had to learn the basics of his solo duties, he was then set onto Dylan, who helped him on work they would have to do together in the future. Fortunately, Dylan was much nicer and cooler to work with than Galloway, and he was much more patient in explaining things.


I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy! Ever since you went away, every hour of the day, I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy! No matter what I say or do, theres just no getting over you~!

The sound of Ratchets surprised greeting and then Bumblebees immediate radioed welcome was completely drowned by Bumblebee enthusiastically grabbing Sam gently and picking him up, nuzzling his face against Sam.

Bee, Im happy to see you too! Sam laughed, happy to see his friend in so long. Hey there, Ratchet!

Family reunion? Dylan smirked up at him from where he was still sitting at their desks.

We are family (we are family)! Get up everybody sing!

Sam patted Bumblebee affectionately and he was then set down reluctantly back on his seat, swiveling on his nice chair to face the still smirking Dylan.

You Ill get you with a moment with the Decepticons, Sam refused to pout.

Dylans smirk widened. Oh, I doubt that. Decepticons are a prickly bunch, isnt that right Ratchet, Bumblebee?

Two echoing yeses made Sam mentally concede defeat. For now.

Sam told the two Bots what he was doing there and the two stayed awhile, keeping Dylan and Sam company while they did their work.

+ + + + + +

The week went by really great. In fact, it was probably the best time in his life. He spent a lot of time with the Autobots, finishing his work as quickly as he could just so he could, and even spent some time with the Decepticons, though he was wary of doing so at first and had only gone with Dylan when the man needed to go see them. And then, when he wanted to try meeting with the Decepticons outside of work stuff, he also, again, made sure Dylan was there with him. However, he soon grew used to just being around them as much as he was around the Autobots.

For some reason, he wasnt sure why he hadnt thought it was too good to last.

Galloway, though reticent and a bit rude and callous at times, was bearable, especially when he was in a good mood. That didnt mean anything when he wasnt in a good mood most of the time

Sam had gotten used to avoiding the man when he could. He tried to be around Dylan and the Cybertronians, which helped to avoid Galloway, but otherwise hed snuck around the base like a ninja trying to keep away. There were a great many nooks and crannies for use, surprisingly

Many a room, hallway, shadows hed snuck into, and furniture to be hidden behind as well.

Aside from his allotted time with Galloway, Sam tried to stay away as much as he could. Right now, there was a sudden gut feeling that told him he shouldve avoided Galloway then like he usually did.

Mr. Witwicky, Galloway spoke quietly and for some reason Sam got a chill from it. He didnt know why. The man spoke like he always did.

He yells, Sam. He yells and he demands and he has no respect for anyone.

I need you to follow me.

Whatever you do, Sam, try to keep out of this mans way, alright? Cause, kid, hes bad news.

Theres something urgent that you need to do for us.


Sam followed his gut instinct and the flashes of words he remembered so long ago, Will Lennox had spoken very seriously to him. He abruptly turned and tried to run. Tried to, because there was already an immediately obstacle to his getaway.

A nondescript man in black, holding a rag to cover his mouth, sprayed something straight into Sams face. Within seconds, Sam was knocked out.

Put him into the van already, before someone catches sight of us. I made sure this place was empty, but theres no telling if someone wanders in, regardless of the construction undergoing sign, Galloway muttered irritably.

The man nodded and obediently grabbed Sam and started to haul him to a waiting van nearby. Sliding the back door of the van open, music spilled out.

Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas Everybody's looking for something~

Sweet dreams, Mr. Witwicky. Youre going to need them, Galloway muttered, eyes followed the mans movement until the precious cargo was safely secured and the van moving away. He took out his phone and called a secure line.

Delivery on way. No one will notice. Everyone on base is on the assumption that his alternative break has been taken already, while the college was given notice for two weeks. Make sure your 7 days with him is worth it, and bring him back no later than 7 days.

He hung up and wondered if he was doing the right thing.

Its for the good of mindkind.

And with that he shut his mind to the possible horrors and turned sharply, as always, on his heel left the sanctioned off area to return back to the more civilized areas on base.

When Sam awoke, it would not be to Galloway wondering why the hell hed passed out in the middle of his conversation, to an amused Dylan lightly telling him off for dozing off while he was supposed to work, or to an affectionate Bumblebee who missed him.

He would then remember it was because of Galloway that hed passed outand that he was now strapped to a metallic table, dim lights overhead, and a group of surgeon-masked people around him.

Where am I?

No one answered him and practically ignored him, even though was the basis of their focus. All he heard was the flow of music coming from nearby.

Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused~

Someone shut that infernal thing off, one of them mumbled. We need absolute quiet for this.

And then one of them held up an electrical saw and started it.

Sam screamed.

Chapter Two: They Want to Abuse You

A human cannot usually sustain life without proper nourishment after 7 days.

Its cold.

Neither is it possible for a human to be in extreme temperatures for long.

What was going on?

Well be combing both elements for this experiment as we only have 7 days.


Yo, man! Wassup? Youve been out of it, his roommate cocked an eyebrow at him.

Its nothing, Leo. Probably just nerves, Sam smiled, trying to hide the strain in it.

He felt like he was missing something, but he couldnt figure what.

And dude, whats up with the sweater? Its 90 degrees in spring!

Sam waved Leo off distractedly, ignoring the others badgering.

Im cold, he muttered, viciously tearing into his burger. He was so hungry. It felt like he hadnt eaten in forever

Leo wisely didnt question that.

So, how was your break? Learn much?

Sam blinked, thinking back. Yeah, loads. I got to see the others again too and hang out a bit. My main boss is a prick. And I met a really cool guy, whos like my other boss. Oh, and I saw this really gorgeous girl!

Nice. Spill, Leo grinned.

So Sam told him what had happened while he was away, before Leo had to split for his next class. Immediately, Sams stomach began hurting and the urge to hurl came over him. He ran to the bathroom and he got to a toilet right on time, regurgitating the contents of his stomach.

He finished up and went to the sink, rinsing his mouth and splashing water on his face. Staring into the mirror, he knew he looked horrible. What in the world was wrong with him?

He had no clue and he wouldnt find out for a long while.

When summer rolled around, he found he was going to take another government-tailored for him alternative break, with the same set up as last time. He eagerly followed Galloway and they headed to Washington D.C. with no fuss.

Well, well, look who came back, he was greeted with a casual grin from Dylan.

He easily returned it, accepting the handshake and then shocked at the sort of hug afterwards. He noticed Galloway had run off again and mentally shrugged, figuring the man left him to Dylan again.

So youre back after not saying goodbye the first time around, eh? Dylan teased.

But Sam frowned, thinking back. Idont even remember leaving before.

Dylan paused, looking at him strangely, before giving a confused smile.

Ah well, doesnt matter too much. Come on. Starscreams been harping about how you left before he could show you what real flying is about. You promised him something or other, Dylan waved a hand about it airily.

Oh, right! I did! Lets go see him then.

The week with the Bots and Cons and Dylan (and Galloway) passed by as smoothly as last time, and even better as he was starting to get a little better with the Decepticons and they were slightly warming up to him in return. It was at the end of the week that Sam had a feeling something was going to go wrong.

Hey, Dylan! Carly actually text me back! Sam excitedly thrust his phone into the mans face.

I cant see, Dylan deadpanned.

Sheepishly, Sam moved his phone away and let Dylan read it in amusement.

Youre always amused, arent you? Sam inwardly pouted. He refused to do it outwardly.

Youre just amusing.

Dylan read the text quickly and snickered, patting Sams back in congratulations.

Good for you. Getting over that Banes girl finally?

Sam quieted, suddenly feeling morose. Slowly, as he thought about Carly and hung out more with his friends, and for some reason especially Dylan, hed begun to be less troubled and hung up over Mikaela. But he was still hurting and itll be a long time before he got over or moved on truly from her.

A strong hand firmly clapped onto his shoulder, breaking him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Dylan giving him a sympathetic smile and understanding look.

Mr. Witwicky, a voice that just screamed scowling.

Sure enough, they turned around and there was Galloway.

If you would come with me, Galloway said quietly and it brought on chill that seemed familiar. It made Sam feel even worse about the situation.


Uh, actually Dylan was just about to ask me to help him sort things out with the Decepticons, Sam hurriedly said, ignoring how his voice went slowly high-pitched. He looked to Dylan for help, pleading with his eyes. He saw the confused look on Dylans face quickly wiped off before it could be noticed by Galloway, and the man nodded to Galloway.

Maybe later, hm? Dylans smile was smooth and gave nothing away, and he turned to Sam and started to lead him away without waiting for an answer, a hand placed steadfastly at the small of Sams back and an arm around his shoulder.

Want to tell me what that was all about? Dylan murmured to him, keeping his voice low in case they were overheard.

I justhad a bad feeling, was the only way Sam could explain. He gave a helpless shrug. I dont know, Dylan. I just felt like I couldnt go with him or else something bad was going to happen.

Dylan looked at him, seemingly searching for something, before sighing.

You know what, why dont we head out for some fast food and spend a day at a race track. Itll take your mind off things and you can enjoy yourself.

That was something Sam eagerly agreed to.

You race?

Of course. And greatly as well.

I didnt think you would. Racing might mess up your pretty hair.

Dylan idly slapped Sam upside the head before putting his arm back around the younger male.

Dont diss the hair.

He ended up staying the night at Dylans place again, and then the time to go back to work came. He huddled under his covers, glaring at the open window. He didnt want to go. He really felt bad about meeting with Galloway again.

You cant hide away forever.

Sam sighed and acknowledged Dylans words, reluctantly getting ready. Hed planned to stay by Dylans side, but somehow hed gotten separated when the older man had to go drop something off really quickly. He was supposed to wait at the liaison office and yet it was also the place where Galloway had found him.

Done gallivanting around, Mr. Witwicky? Galloway glowered at him, suddenly appearing beside his sleepy figure.

Sam nearly jumped, but instead gave an unsteady smile at the man.

Sorry, sir. Isthere something you need?

Yes, but we can talk over coffee, Galloway seemed surprisingly generous.

Sam agreed, knowing he needed a fix. He was tired from staying up worrying about all this, and he was having a hard time trying to stay awake. Galloway poured them a cup and Sam yawned, rubbing his eyes thoroughly to help make him wake up more.

Here, a cup was loudly plopped in front of him and blinked his eyes wearily at it. Bringing it closer, he immediately started to gulp it down. He grinned goofily at Galloway, for some reason feeling even more drowsy than before. Man, Mr. Galloway, you make a mean cuppa. Thats really good.

He blinked, his eyesight becoming a bit blurry.

Please come with me, Mr. Witwicky, but the voice sounded so muffled.

Unaware of much of anything, he allowed himself to be grabbed and led away by Galloway, back to the off-limits area from before.

I know this place. Iremember?

A rag was put over his mouth and he remembered nothing more.

Galloway watched as the boy was taken away once again, before turning and walking back to the liaison office, steps heavier than before.

Where is he? an irritated voice asked him as soon as he stepped in.

Who? he masked his tiredness.

Dylan Gould stood upright, practically glaring at him in accusation and suspicion.

Where is Sam?

I believe hes working out some final details with Intel before he was to head home, Galloway answered effortlessly.

Dylan glared at him one more time before abruptly heading out. Galloway inwardly sighed and slumped in his chair.

and deliver us from temptation, he murmured, eyes fluttering.

He wondered what Hell looked like.

Meanwhile, Dylan had stormed over to Intel, gotten that Sam had been there, but briefly and Galloway had been with him. Then he huffily went to see some Cybertronians, two of the first he saw were Bumblebee and Barricade racing around the base. He hailed them over and the two stopped in front of him and transformed.

Hey, how you guys noticed anything off? Like, maybe with Sam or Galloway? he asked.

The two shook their heads in the negative and Dylan frowned.

Alrightjust keep a look out for things the next time Sam comes.

I want to hang out with Sam more, Bumblebee said sullenly. I miss him.

I know, Bumblebee. But you know Sams gotta bag this job first, so that includes learning and being serious about it. Just be patient and then Sam can take liberties, Dylan patted the yellow Autobot sympathetically.

Dont encourage the bug, Barricade sneered. Itll just make him worse.

Says you who enjoys chasing Sam around base and pretending youre a cop and playing cops and robbers with the kid. Sam still doesnt appreciate it, Dylan commented dryly.

Barricade smiled a rather sharp smile, ducking an irritated half-hearted punch from Bumblebee.

But hes starting to have fun with it now, isnt he?

Where is Sam now? Bumblebee cut in.

Dylan hesitated. Im not quite sure, though Galloway says hes supposed to be heading home now.

Even Barricade frowned at this. Doesnt sound like the squishy. Hes the type to make sure to say goodbye. He didnt last time either.

Ill call Sam later, when Im sure hes back home and after hes rested, Dylan promised.

The two Cybertronians, even the Decepticon, uneasily accepted this before going back to their race, still unhappy about the strange situation.

But for Sam, that wasnt going to be for awhile. Instead, the young man was once again strapped to a metal table and surrounded by masked people who looked like surgeonsnot that he knew it was being done again.


This time, he couldnt say anything about his circumstances, considering he was gagged by a strip of leather binding.

Subject seems to have mostly recovered from the last session. Have we confirmed that there is alien radiation within his body?

No, not yet. But we can continue our primary experiments while the others continue to work for confirmation. Once we have confirmation, or an unlikely non-confirmation, then we can move onto our main objective.


Well move onto phase one of chemical testing. Well start with the injections.

Sam blinked rapidly, eyes tearing up at the movement, as he tried to keep his eyes on them and most importantly on the needle heading straight for him. It looked like an ordinary needle, but the blue liquid sloshing around it didnt seem at all ordinary. He tried to move as far away from it as he could while in restraints, but that wasnt very far and it didnt take long for them to reach him and then inject the unknown substance into his arm.

Nothing happened and he thought he was going to be fine for now.

That was until a fire seemed to spread through his veins and then erupt in his heart, causing it to go into palpitations. He started to go into violent seizures, frothing at the mouth as he shook on the metal table.

Interesting. Record this.

Yes, sir.

He wanted to cry out at them and ask why? Why were they doing this and why had they taken him?

Please. Stop, he forced out through the gag, barely understandable.

But they didnt heed his words nor paid any attention to him, aside from their eyes passing over him distantly and the long hours of recording and note-taking of his suffering.

+ + + + + +

Sam shook in his bed, feeling drained. He blinked several times, trying to keep his eyes from feeling like they were going to melt out of his bed, but nothing seemed to take away his horrible feelings. Hed been going back to classes, hiding his wobbly state with much care, but he was close to breaking down. He could just tell. His body didnt seem to be holding up and felt like it just wanted to give out and lay boneless wherever he landed.

Hey manare you alright? Leo asked tentatively, entering their room.

Sam couldnt answer, too busy forcing himself to get up and unsteadily crawl to the wastebasket and throw up. He could barely hear Leo freak out in the background, and then more freaking out from him as he sounded like he was talking on the phone.

...dont knowillthrowing up a lotcoming now?

Leos conversation was choppy in the background, Sam unable to fully focus and hear what the other was talking about. He heaved again and felt the burn of half-digest food and vomit rush through his throat and splatter into the wastebasket.

He felt heavy and he could feel sweat gathering rapidly at his temples, dizzily trying to recollect what was going on. All he knew was that he felt sick and that was the only thing he could think about.

He threw up one more time before passing out beside the wastebasket, further panicking Leo and making the other male fret.

An hour later, a dark-haired man entered through the door without knocking, making Leo slackjawed and confused.

Who are you?

The man looked at him in distaste, mouth almost sneering.

I, fleshling, am Starscream. Where is the squishy Sam?

Leo pointed dumbly at the figure still on the floor, whod been left there because Leo had been too busy spazzing out and wondering what to do, wasting so much time worrying and freaking out that hed forgotten to move Sam.

Starscream sighed and moved forward, scrunching up his nose as he picked Sam up and moved cautiously away from the wastebasket with his new burden, though his eyes slightly softened at him.

Youreyoure a Con, Leo said faintly. Whyd they sent you? And why do you look human?

Its a holoform, fleshling, Starscream answered in boredom, taking time to adjust Sam in his hold more comfortably. And I am the fastest and therefore the most suiting to come here quickly and just as quickly get back to base with Sam. It is a coming weekend so we hope to cure him over it.

Ohtake care then, Leo ended lamely, not knowing what else to say.

Whatever, fleshling.

And then Starscream took off, looking like he was still communicating with someone. Leo could guess that hed been contacting someone over his comm. link or something, which is the most probably the reason why Starscream had even taken any time at all to talk with him.

Indeed, Starscream had been communicating frequently with Ratchet over the state of the human in his arms. He made haste and hurried to his altmode, dissolving his holoform after gently dumping Sam into the cockpit. Then, inwardly sighing through his vents, he took off into the air and rushed back.

Without delay, he made it to the base and Sam was taken from his cockpit by a twitchy and worried Bumblebee, who said nothing to him as he rushed off to deliver Sam to Ratchet, holding the human in his servos like a sparkling.

Starscreams optics dimmed before becoming normal and he strutted off like nothing happened.

But the Autobots were not the type to easily play off their feelings or mask them at all, not when it came to close friends and comrades and especially Sam. When out of battle, they didnt hesitate to show how much they cared for their fellows. Sam, easily, was their most precious.

Gently taking Sam from Bumblebee, Ratchet began numerous scans, worrying around the things popping up. While he didnt understand how or why, he knew what to do to make Sam better. But it would take awhile, and at least there was the whole weekend for them to help Sam overcome this.

Is he alright? Bumblebee hovered close to him, peering around his right servo to see Sam.

Yes, Ratchet answered in annoyance. The medic tapped the huge wrench beside him warningly and Bumblebee quickly back off. I can easily remedy this, but Im not sure how Sam got into contact with all these different chemicals. Its highly poisonous, especially in combination, but for some reason he hasnt died yet.

Bumblebee made a loud keening sound. Ratchet winced.

Not that he should be or anything! he hurried to placate the other, even though it was truthfully lie. Sam shouldve been dead, and yet the chemicals were merely in him without overly being fatal. It was still causing harm, but Sam wasnt dead.

Get out and tell the others hell be okay, Ratchet growled, hiding his confusion and continued worry from the scout. Once Bumblebee had reluctantly left, Ratchet turned back to their most favored human and frowned, trying to think what the Pit was going on.

Hooking Sam up to an IV drip to help flush out the chemicals, he settled down beside the berth hed placed Sam on and began to think.

Later, Sam had been moved to the human medical bay for his comfort, though Ratchet was still in charge of his health. Sam still hadnt woken up, but everyone had been assured that it wouldnt be long. It didnt make anyone less worry, but at least they knew that Sam wasnt too far gone or something equally horrible.

Galloway had snuck in for a brief visit, eyes quickly zeroing in on the pale figure lying on the medical bed. He winced and glanced away, drawing in a breath before he went to look back at the boy. He didnt move any closer, but maintained his distance.

Im sorry, but he knew it was empty because he would continue to hand over the boy.

He left quickly after, unable to stay any longer and face the sickly figure, knowing he was partly to blame for all this.

Shortly after, Dylan slipped in, immediately catching sight of his younger friend. He grabbed a chair and dragged it closer to Sams bedside, plopping down on it a second after. He looked over at Sam, watching him quietly for a few seconds, before running a hand through his hair.

Man, Samwhat the hell have you gotten yourself into? he muttered. For a few more minutes he just watched the rise and fall of Sams chest, the beeping of the vitals monitor in the background providing the only noise.

Hesitating, his hand slowly reached out and unsurely grabbed Sams, holding it tightly.

Chapter Three: They Say Youre Getting Better

Interesting. We have results as to the drugs, substances, and poisons thanks to him. However, I must admit the combination shouldve been lethal. Note it either he has a high tolerance for those things or somehow hes able to be immune or kept alive. It could be that alien radiation.

Next time, well be taking samples of the specimen.

A chorus of murmuring agreements echoed in the hollow room.

Sams eyes wearily opened, seeing the silent but familiar sight of Ratchets med bay to his side, meaning he mustve been in the human section. Swallowing thickly, he forced himself to at least sit up.

It was dark and no one else was with him. The beeping of the monitor unnerved him, but not as much as the emptiness of the room. He shivered, wishing someone would come and keep him company.

Sam, we were beginning to worry, and the voice brought an involuntary smile to his face.

Yeah, squishy. Youre not allowed to get hurt if its not by our hands, and that just made him laugh.

Starscream, Skywarp Sam greeted. Thundercracker not here?

The two Decepticons used their holoforms to move over to his side, shaking their heads about their fellow Seeker.

You know, if you wanted some attention, you could have just stayed by the Decepticon side of the base and then screamed. Your pet Autobots wouldve been over in less than a klik, Starscream smirked, leaning casually against the bed frame.

Sam rolled his eyes. You do the screaming, Starscream. I think I would rather pass out right now.

Both of them gained looks of concern on their faces.

Are you feeling unwell right now, squishy? Skywarp hovered anxiously, hands fluttering and wondering what to do.

Sam immediately shook his head.

No, no. Im okay. I dont feel too bad right now; I was just teasing Starscream a bit and exaggerating myself.

But the two mechs traded looks.

Sam, I hacked into Ratchets diagnoses file on you. Im no Soundwave, but I did manage to skim it enough before I was shut out to know you shouldnt be okay, Starscream told him firmly.

Sam quieted down, though inwardly feeling touched and a little weird at the concern and care the two Decepticons were showing towards him. He hadnt realized theyd cared so much already either

While hed gotten to know the Decepticon group a little more than he had before, and they were still a very vicious bunch thankyouverymuch, he had generally gotten the most close to and hung

around the most with Barricade, Starscream and his trine, and oddly enough Soundwave. But it was the trine hed hung around the most, though Barricade was a close second.

I dont know what happened or how I got like I did whatever was wrong with me, Sam shrugged, admitting the truth. I just woke up, so I know even less than you do.

Starscream reluctantly filled him in, and Sams eyes widened at the stuff that had been in his body.

Well damn, I wonder how that had happened, he refrained from whistling, knowing the other two were much too anxious about it to let him take light of it.

Thats what we want to know, a third familiar voice entered and Sam saw Thundercrackers holoform walk in wearing a frown.

Well make sure to find out what happened, squishy, Skywarp reassured him, ducking Thundercrackers slap to the head without even blinking.

Sam believed they would do everything they could and more to find out and he knew they believed they would find outbut for inside of him, he couldnt help but think that that wasnt going to happen. At least, not until it was too late.

But too late for what, Sam wondered.

They chattered some more before they had to leave and Sam fell back to sleep, feeling exhausted.

As it turned out, nothing was found before Sam had to be sent back to school. He was, thankfully, cured and for all intents and purposes fine, barring minor aches and pains. So he went

back to classes, while the rest was left to scratch their heads and be worried. They continued to try to find out what had happened in the meantime, but there were no leads.

Fall was just around the corner and that meant Sam would get to go on another a government break. He was getting the routine of it, with every season comes a week alternative break from school for him. He was also getting the hang of the work and was getting used to how things were done. Though he wished he could spent a lot more time with the Bots and Cons, he knew that he had to focus on the work part a little bit more to be taken seriously.

So, ready to go?

Sam was startled from his thoughts, confused and yet happy to hear an unexpected voice. Not sure if he was hearing things, he turned and sure enough Dylan stood there in all his glory. Leaning against who he was sure was Soundwave, Sam immediately grinned as he darted to him. Skidding to a stop in front of the man and the disguised Decepticon, Sam didnt think before throwing his arms around Dylan and give a brief hug, before stepping back in embarrassment.

Dylan, what are you doing here? Are you picking me up this time?

Dylan smirked. Yup. Galloway had something to do and I volunteered to come get you. Need to pack things first?

Yeah, sorry, Sam rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Hey, Soundwave, he murmured, running a hand gently on the Decepticons hood.

Soundwave gave a small, but unnoticeable purr through his engine, knowing not to draw attention.

They got in and Soundwave took them to Sams dorm, Sam inwardly making himself rush so he didnt make Dylan wait, even more so when the other actually followed him into his dorm and

looked around curiously. Others were looking back questioningly at the newcomer in their midst, one who was obviously dressed up and suitably rich with a nice car, but there were others still who actually did recognize him.

Sam had researched Dylan after first meeting him and realized quickly that he was actually rather well-known.

It was embarrassing to remember that he hadnt known that or recognize Dylan and that hed acted so casual with him from the get-go, and the other has just let it slide and hadnt seemed bothered.

Nice digs, Dylan commented, still looking around. Princeton, huh? I still prefer Darmouth. My alma mater and all, plus the business college I attended there. Though, Princetons got a pretty nice Finance center here, if I remember correctly.

Thats it.

Dylan, Sam twitched, turning to him. You totally make me feel inferior.

He raised one eyebrow. Sam, what are you talking about?

I am saying not only are you good looking and rich, youre smart, stupidly cool, and insanely lucky, the teen deadpanned. I hate you. I envy you. You suck.

Dylan laughed at that, clapping a hand on his back in humor. Sam poked his hand away and glared at him. He wasnt pouting outwardly, but you could be sure he was. Not that he would ever admit it.

Sam, trust me. You dont want to be me, he told the college student wryly. Seeing Sam done, he picked up the others bag himself and put an arm around him, leading him out. Aside from the liaison gig, youd have to deal with old, nosy people in boring board meetings frequently.

Hm, Ill take your word on that.

Even better, Dylan flew them on his private plane back to base, instead of going through commercial like Galloway always did. Hed thought he would have been traveling through some kind of approved-government transport before when this whole thing first started, but Galloway had informed him that this was meant to be kept secret and doing a thing like that would only bring suspicion and attention Sams way, especially after Egypt.

Then it was off to work.

You guys, its not productive for me if you three stand behind me and stare creepily like that, Sam snarked, not even turning to look at the three Decepticons having stationed themselves closely behind him.

Were just watching you, squishy. Were not doing anything bad, Skywarp explained cheerfully.

He dodged the hits to his head by the two other mechs.

Dont call Sam that, Barricade raised his servo again threateningly.

You know, Skywarp is the only one who is consistent in calling me something. The rest of you Cons cant make up your mind or something? Sam added fuel to the fire.

No, we call you Sam, Thundercracker said plainly. But we dont like to show that we like you, so around others you are just squishy. Everyone else is fleshing because we are distant towards them and have no attachments.

Some fleshings here can be referred to as squishy if weve grown to like them, Skywarp added helpfully. But youre just Sam.

And that fragger just calls you squishy because he likes to and it amuses him, Barricade growled in exasperation, and Sam knew that if the mech had been in holoform, he would be rolling his eyes.

Why are you here? Sam went back to the main subject, sighing in exasperation himself.

The three exchanged glances.

Exactly what Skywarp said, Thundercracker reluctantly said. But why were doing it is a little complicated.

Barricade took over. Were making sure you dont suddenly keel over or something, and that youre fine after last time. Were also watching to make sure a repeat doesnt happen or at least watch for what had made you like that in the first place.

Sobodyguards, Sam frowned.

Dont think of it like that. Think of us likeWatchers, Skywarp grinned.

This time, Barricade landed a hit.

I would have thought Bee would be here, Sam glanced at them.

We held araffle, Thundercracker admitted. We were the ones that won it.

You guys rigged it, didnt you?

Skywarp nodded mischievously, The bugs still trying to figure out how and hes on the warpath against us.

Thundercracker threw a glare at his trinemate briefly before turning back to Sam. But youll get to see him later on. Were all taking shifts. Your guardians rotation is on 4th cycle.

Rotations? Sam whirled around to face them fully.

Yup. That means youre stuck with us. And every other mech, Skywarp snickered.

Well, it couldve been worse. Megatron couldve been on the list.

Unfortunately, what Sam didnt know until the late and last shift, was that the Decepticon leader was on that last shift. Unfortunately, Starscream and Optimus Prime were too. It made work very unproductive, but at least it was at the end of the day, they were disrupting Dylan too, and it was amusing to watch.

And it was like that for the rest of the week.

It made Galloway a little unnerved and antsy at how close the Cybertronians stuck close to Sam that week, and how intensely focused they seem on keeping an eye on the kid. One of the rare times Will and Robert were both on base and could spend time with Sam (and a rare time where

Sam could take a break from work himself), they all managed to watch in laughter as Galloway skirted around the current Bots on Sam Watch just to deliver more work for Sam to start on after his break.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker played it back for all the others.

At the end of the week, Sam got a chill. But all he was doing was sitting, watching Wheeljack work on his newest inventions. From the corner of his eye, he saw an unfamiliar little girl standing by a dark hallway, one that led to the empty and under construction part of the base. She looked like she was either 5 or 6, with long dark hair and unblinking fathomless eyes. She was staring creepily at him with a blank face

Then a small smile spread on her face and she giggled slightly, the sound seeming to echo in the room. She gestured for him to follow her before turning and running into the hallway. Sam glanced behind him and saw Wheeljack still working and looked like he hadnt noticed anything. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker looked like they were still intensely planning over a prank.

Sam bit his lip, but got up and started to follow after her.

Where are you going, Sam? Wheeljack looked over to him, pausing in his work.

Sam glanced over to him. Bathroom.

Take one of the twins with you, Wheeljack said, already back to working and not paying any more attention.

Sam continued on his way.

He entered the hallway and there she was, waiting for him at the end of it. Then she turned a corner and he followed without another thought. She led him to an empty hangar, one that looked familiar somehow. He couldnt understand how when that area was sanctioned off and had been for a long time. It was supposed to be under construction and yet it didnt seem to be people there working at all or seem to be close to being finish with whatever needed building.

It was justalways closed.

Hey, were not supposed to be here, Sam called out.

In the middle of the hangar, she stood there with that unblinking stare, not answering him at all.

Whats your name? he tried a different approach.

Usagi, she said softly, surprising him by answering.

Usagi, come here. We need to leave, Sam was starting to get a bag feeling and knew they had to leave now.

Youre late, Samuel, her voice was shadowed by a deeper voice. Galloway walked out from the shadows and stood behind her, and her eyes bled red.

Sam didnt react to his presence, becoming entranced by those first words.

Its time for your treatment, Galloway finished and Sam muttered an okay before nodding twice and then falling unconscious.

Galloway walked forward and picked him up, going to the hangars entrance where it began to open. Outside, the same man and the same vehicle was ready to take Sam away. As the vehicle drove away, Galloway made a call.

Project Alice was a success. Yes, the conditioning from the last session that you installed seemed to have worked and he was lured away easily this time. There was no trouble getting him to come.

He finished up his call.

+ + + + + +

He was barely conscious. His entire body seemed weighed down, but his eyelids the most. His head felt fuzzy and he wasnt quite able to think clearly. He wondered why Oh. He was submerged in water.

Extraordinary. He can stay underwater for up to 7 hours.

Was that someone out there talking about him?

Well move onto collecting samples from him.

Samples? What are they talking about? What kind of samples?

Weve received confirmation.

Confirmation? Of what?

Well start experiments of the radiation late in the week. Then we can move forward and try more risky experiments after weve finished trials. Release specimen.

Suddenly he was rushing with the water out into open air, and he was gasping and trying to move his limbs. His ears were still plugged with water, making everything muffled, but he could at least move onto his side and let the water be shaken out of one ear and then the process repeated on the other side.

Lets begin.

And then he was being hefted up and then placed onto a gurney, transferring into another room in a facility he didnt even know where, the name of, or why he was there.

What they started doing to him was humiliating. They took his blood, which wasnt too bad and was a normal thing (well, in a hospital setting), but then they started to strip him down and then took his flaccid penis and forced pee and then semen out of him.

Then it began being invasive. They strapped him down and they started to cut into his arm. First, taking a layer of skin from the top of his elbow to his wrist. Then they cut in deeper and took out a part of the muscle and then the knife cut deep to the bone, making his screams echo loudly through the facility, until his voice went hoarse and he could no longer scream louder than a throaty whisper. They chipped off a piece of bone and then left him alone on the metal table with his mangled arm.

Every once in a while, one of them would come in and cut another piece they needed from. More skin, more muscle, and just a bit more bone. Someone had even collected saliva and tears at one point. When they started grabbing nail clippings and some of his hair, he was starting to wonder what on earth they would need those for.

He must be going delusional if that was all he was worried about at that point.

At that point, yet another of them came in, wheeling in a metal tray full of what he could barely see were surgical tools. Without speaking to him, the man numbed him up and used a scalpel to cut Sam open, digging the knife from the middle of his chest to down just on top of his navel. With gloved hands, he pushed skin and muscle aside and peeked into his insides.

Without delay, he began to cut and remove something. Sam passed out before he could see what it was.

Chapter Four: But You Dont Feel Any Better

Why would you proceed with the procedure? It is much too risky at this stage!

I apologize, sir, but !

You are lucky that it hadnt affected him too much or that hed died from it. The only thing we can be sure of now is that whatever it is keeping him from death had made sure hes still alive and relatively unharmed and unchanged. Make sure to at least make sure to get the most out of your sample, with all the trouble you went through to get it.

Im sorry to interrupt, but we have news, sir. The specimens samples have so far exhibited one common thing constant regeneration. If we study on this more, it is possible we could learn how to extend life or even eventually eternal life.

Proceed with the studies.

Sam groggily rubbed at his eyes, trying to pay attention in class. It was a bore and he was already missing the others and doing the work hed become accustomed to. Compared to that, school just seemed boring and nonsensical to him.

He moved slightly and winced, feeling his stomach area clench in pain. Its been happening since hed left the base and he figured that he mustve hurt it somehow, bruised his ribs or something.

Hey, you alright, man? Leo asked him in concern.

He threw a grin at his roommate and shrugged. Bruised my ribs or something. And bored. Is it me or are these classes becoming easier?

Leo rolled his eyes. Says you with the alien brain.

I had alien shit in my brain. My brain isnt alien.

So you say.

Ignoring that, Sam changed the subject. What are you planning to do this weekend?

Dunno, but it looks like you have plans, Leo pointed out confusingly.

Sam frowned and looked to where Leo had been staring out, blinking to see Dylan there almost like dj vu.

See ya, man. Have fun this weekend, Leo clapped his back good-naturedly before leaving him behind, and he jogged towards the waiting man.

Hey there. What are you doing here, Dylan? I just got back from my break, so I shouldnt be going on another so quickly, right?

Dylan waved a hand dismissively. Who says that the only breaks you get to have is for break? I was going to kidnap you for the weekend.

Looking at the dark-haired man in amusement, he waited for an elaboration.

You remember that girl? I snagged her for that job, Dylan grinned smugly.

What girl? Sam furrowed his eyebrows.

Dylan looked at him disbelief. Seriously, Sam? The girl youve been mooning over and texting non-stop since you know, Carly?

Sam lightly blushed, shrugging. Waityou managed to get snag her? Seriously? From the British Embassy? And she chose to work for you instead?

Hey, dont sound so surprised, Dylan actually pouted. I just told her working with aliens is boring stuff. Come work for me. Or something like that. Anyways, she actually accepted. I invited her to come to a race meet on Saturday, which were going to.

Sam frowned. Wait, whyd you invite her? he asked in suspicion, feeling the stirrings of jealousy and a bit of resignation.

Of course the two would hook up together. They were both good looking people and look way better together, than hanging around a dweeb like him. After all, she was just plain gorgeous and what was Dylan doing hanging around a loser like him wait a sec, who the hell was he jealous of anyway?

Carlys coming so she can get a feel for the job somewhat. Im bringing you along because I want you to have fun. Plus, you get to hang out with Carly, the man teased.

Sam flushed red and avoided looking at Dylan. But he was entirely looking forward to this trip and the whole weekend.

At the race track, still unbelieving that Dylan owned it, he was sitting with him in one of the VIP areas and waiting for Carly to come. He didnt sit for long, too excited to sit still and had to stare at Dylan who quickly got the hint and exasperatedly let him get up with a wave of his hand. Then he was zooming all over the room, ignoring Dylan watching in amusement (man, that guy is always watching him in amusement!) as he looked at everything and touched whatever he could.

Ooh, a minibar.

Hey! Theres a hidden stereo system if you press this button!

Wait, wait. This is so cool! It pours out root beer and then automatically tops it with whip cream!

And on and on Sam went. Though usually he would be embarrassed, and he probably would be later, but right now this was the opportunity of a lifetime and he was going to enjoy himself to the fullest.

Sam, slow down. Youre not racing. Besides, its not like you cant explore more the next time, Dylan refrained from snickering at the kid.

Next time?

Wide-eyed, Sam turned to him and asked in a smaller voice. You meanI can come back?

Of course. Ill take you anytime you want, Dylan offered honestly.

Dylan, if I were a chick I would totally date you.

Dylan laughed and so did Sam, but he missed the discomfort and slight uneasiness hidden in Dylans. Though, even if he caught it, hed probably think the most obvious cause and blame himself and apologize

Ah, but now I would get quite jealous, a familiar British female voice cut in, catching them both off guard.

Carly appeared through the door, eyes sparkling mischievously and smiling at them. She looked dressed to kill in a slim dark blue dress, and Sam easily noticed and became distracted, smiling goofily.

Hey there, newbie, Dylan greeted, though he now seemed slightly subdued for some reason.

Carly greeted him back heartily and sat down on a seat, leaving Sam to be in the middle of them. Sam happily did so, done with exploring now that Carly was there. Before the race started, they all exchanged pleasantries and cheerful chatter, and then their eyes were glued to the scene outside their panoramic window of the race starting. Occasionally, they would glance at the large TV screen to the side of them to get a closer view and also had half an ear to the commentary going on through it.

Afterwards, they all traveled to the ground, where Dylan promised to introduce them to some racers and do some cool VIP stuff. Sam eagerly went along, but his enthusiasm drained out of him when he spotted a familiar face.

Sam? Whats wrong? Carly noticed the change.

Sam gave her a forced smile. Its nothing. And he moved forward, trying his best to try to disappear into the crowd.


No, it was more than nothing.

Sam turned his head, seeing who had once been the love of his life. If he was being truthful, part of him would whisper that she still was

Mikaela, Sam greeted softly, an awkward and yet sad smile on his face.

She looked uncomfortable, but still beautiful even dressed in a mechanics uniform, the zipper halfway down her chest. Smudges of grease and oil around her smooth skin didnt detract anything, but made her more beautiful just by being there and showing who she was. Her blue eyes, lighter than Dylans, were looking confused and surprised at his presence.

What are you doing here, Sam? Mikaela seemed just as awkward.

Before Sam could answer, another familiar (but definitely unwanted) face interrupted them, moving to be next to Mikaela and possessively putting an arm around her.

Well, well. If it isnt Witlosercky, Trent DeMarco showed up with an arrogant smirk.

Inwardly he shrunk back. Outwardly, he stood there unmoving and quiet. And as he looked at Mikaela, whod frowned but said nothing, his heart clench and he felt like jumping off a bridge.

Sam, there you are! Carly called out loudly, moving in and draping herself comfortably on his arm, confusing him with her unnecessary loud greeting and whyd shed cuddled up to him like that. Ive been looking for you.

But shed only been a few inches behind him

Suddenly it clicked and he understood. Carly had probably heard and witnessed what had happened and was for some reason, making herself known like this.

Who are you? Mikaela asked rudely, strangely hostile. Her pretty blue eyes had narrowed angrily and her body looked just the slightest tense.

Carly smiled sharkishly at her. Im Samsfriend.

Trent huffed. For a second, I thought dweeb here actually managed to score for real. But then again, Witwickys just a loser. Of course hes not going to be able to bag such a gorgeous chick like you.

Mikaela ignored him, too busy staring at Carly wrapped around Sam. But Carly merely gave him a mocking smile.

If Sam offered, I would accept. Unfortunately, Sams playing hard to get, she gave a fake laugh. At least I know why now, she added to privately in thought.

Trents eyes bugged out and he looked like he was about to explode.

Im sorry to intrude, but is there a problem here? Ah, Sam, here you are, Dylan practically purred that last part, mimicking Carly and somewhat draping himself on Sams other side, putting an arm as possessively as Trent had around Sams waist. His other arm slightly bent behind Sams head, close to the side of Carlys leaning one, and his hand teasingly played with a strand of Sams hair.

Sam blinked several times, trying to take in what was happening and not melt his brain.

D-Dylan Gould, Trent gaped.

Dylan turned to them with a polite smile, the one Sam recognized from certain meetings with politicians as the Youre irritating but Ill play nice. For now smile. There were several variations of that smile, ones the man had promised to teach him

Hello there. Im sorry, was my friend bothering you? Hes just so excited to be here that I have to tell him to slow down, Dylan put special emphasis on friend, showing that Sam was connected to him and not to be messed with, but also using it as a double entendre to mean something a little more than friends.

It went over Sams head, even if it didnt with the other three.

Dylan, Carly hmmed, smiling at the other.

Carly, Dylan smiled back.

We should take our Sam somewhere for a littlerest, Carly continued their play on words.

Dylan quickly got the hint and a brief smirk flitted across his lips before disappearing and his smile plastering back.

But of course. He must be tired from all ouractivities, Dylan said innocently, but his smile turned anything but innocent.

Sam was getting suspicious that the two were doing something, but he couldnt quite figure out what. Trent just looked like his brain had fried and he uncomprehending what was going on in front of him, while Mikaela was completely stoic.

Trent, get back to the garage, Mikaela snapped, and he obeyed, too out of it to really argue back.

Mikaela, Sam muttered, looking at her.

She looked straight back, ignoring the good-looking duo on either side of her former boyfriend. Her eyes quick darted over to them, however, and then focused on Sam.

Moved on quickly then? she said emotionlessly.

Thinking Mikaela had gotten to the wrong conclusions about the two beside him, not knowing that the other two had orchestrated the misunderstanding, Sam was just about to object and explain the truth when she continued.

Normal, huh, she glanced at the two again, who remained silent and began detaching themselves from Sam. You never choose normal for anything, do you Sam? she gave a bitter smile.

What? No, these two arent

All I wanted was normal, Sam. You couldnt do that for me, even her tone dripped bitterness. I loved you. I still do. But you didnt love me enough to choose a normal life.

Thats not true Sam was cut off again as Mikaela didnt even wait for him to finish, turning sharply and walking away.

Sam deflated, going into a mild depression right then and there. Dylan narrowed his eyes down at Sams head.

You know, I think normality is completely overrated, he loudly said nonchalantly, getting Sams attention.

He even managed to snag Mikaelas, just as hed wanted.

Normal is so boring. And really, life is never really normal. The truth is that chaos and happenstance and oddityall that is what usually happens in life, and that is normal.

Sam looked completely captured, eyes lightening up and caught up in his words. Carly was smiling approvingly at their side. With one glance at the still frozen and watching Mikaela, Dylan hit the final nail on the coffin.

I hate normal, and proceeded to playfully plant a quick kiss on Sams lips, making the kid sputter and turn red, amusing his two companions.

Mikaela was actually forgotten from his mind for then, and she swallowed heavily before turning and continuing to walk away.

Give a guy a warning next time you play a joke like that, Sam allowed himself to pout, crossing his arms across his chest. Then he spotted an ice cream vendor nearby, eyes lighting up in interest. Oh, hey, look. Theres ice cream! Ill go get us some. I need some comfort food right now.

Sams voice trailed off as he went off towards his destination. Carly sidled up to Dylan, looking at him with an unreadable gaze.

You like Sam, she said bluntly.

Of course I do. Hes a good kid, Dylan looked at her questioningly.

You like Sam more than a friend, she accused more plainly.

I have no idea what youre talking about, he told her in amusement.

Of course you dont.

He just smiled at her before turning away. They continued to watch Sam from afar.

+ + + + + +

Ratchet was just about to finish his scans when something popped up that had him confused.

This cant be right, he muttered to himself. Sam! How on earth are you missing your appendix? Its completely gone!

Sam looked up at him wide-eyed, about to speak when he saw a strange little girl sitting on Ratchets shoulder. She tilted her head and opened her mouth. Without realizing it, he began speaking the words she was mouthing. His eyes briefly dilated, but quickly returned to normal before Ratchet could catch it.

I just recently had to get it removed. Happens in humans all the time, Sam smiled, though it looked rather empty.

Ratchet noticed, but dismissed it as his imagination.

The medic finished up his checkup and reluctantly let Sam get on his way to start his winter alternative break, work ready for him to get started on already. The week passed by and without delay, Project Alice was activated and lured Sam to the empty hangar in the under construction area as usual. Then he was being taken to the unknown location without delay.

Once again strapped onto the metal table, he groggily blinked and sat up as much as his restraints would allow.

Remarkably, the boys organ seems in the process of regenerating itself in his body. The sample taken also shows signs of regeneration and a piece was separated, only for 24 hours later be regrown back on the original. The separated piece became a full organ in a month.

It seems your sloppy operation was worth it. Next time, make sure to have others with you before attempting such a thing. We cant risk sloppy work. Death could still be an option.

Of course. Anyways, with this we can improve on our methods of cloning organs ready as replacements for people. In the meantime, we can just take organs from the boy to hand around as replacement organs, and let them regenerate again in the boy. The cycle can continue and with such superior organs, complications should be avoided.

Hmwe could always stick with the second option indefinitely. His organs are superior.

Thats a perfect solution, sir. Also, if we can continue analysis, we may perfect manipulating genes in other humans to be perfect by studying his.

Excellent. Now, before we continue our light experiments on the alien radiation and moving onto the bigger stuff, I wish to explore more of consciousness/near death theories floating around. Hes the perfect specimen to use to gather answer and information about that venue, considering his history. And I want even closer analysis on why he specifically was able to do it, because of his history.

Yes, sir. Ill get the defibrillator ready and then well offline him before bringing him back.

If Sam was completely coherent right then, he would be horrified at what he was overhearing. Instead, he merely blinked and then decided it was better to withdraw into his mind.


Who was that voice? It was warm and comforting. It made him feel safe, even when he knew he wasnt in a safe place.

This is a safe place, Sam. At least, for your mind.

Sam opened his eyes to seewhite. Just a vast space of white. While strange, he was feeling the echoes of aches that he knew wouldve been stronger outside of wherever he was.


He turned and saw an orb of glowing white. It flickered and became a Cybertronian mech his size and then the image flickered again, becoming a familiar face.

Sam, itll be okay, Mikaelas soft voice reached out to him.

Her slender hand lovingly touched his face and he leaned it towards her, humming happily.

Itll be okay, Sam. I promise. Ill save you.

And Sam believed her.

Chapter Five: One Step Closer to the Edge

Spring Break session is eventful. Research has been going along well. Hows your break been, specimen?

Sam blinked blearily. Washe actually talking to him? This was the first time any of them had talked to him and it was even the head scientist. Or researcher. Whatever the hell these people were.

He opened his mouth, but it was so dry that he couldnt say anything. So he merely blinked twice more in answer.

The man laughed lightly. Youve done wonderful work for us, specimen. Did you know because of you we are on our way to a safer cure for cancer?

Good for you. I feel like I have fucking cancer was what Sam wanted to sneer back. Though inwardly, a part of him was a bit surprised and glad that something good was coming out of his suffering, at the least. He even felt a bit prideful.

Wait was this Stockholm Syndrome?

Probably not, but it was enough to make Sam start hyperventilating. It made the man noticed, but he said nothing of it.

Youre perfect, the man murmured. Absolutely perfect.

The man moved and Sam warily watched him, seeing him wedge the block of wood more between his tied together ankles, just now noticing it. Then he noticed the sledgehammer.

He wasntgoing to hobble Sam, ala Misery-style, was he? Oh shit, he was.

Were going to attempt a possibly lasting injury to continue examining your healing capabilities. We also would like to see how your healing compares to a normal human.

Just as the sledgehammer was brought up, he forced himself to black out.

Sam, get up.

Sam didnt want to. He wanted to lie on the floor, feeling the echoing pain traveling from his ankles. Couldnt Mikaela see? His ankles were broken. He couldnt just get up. He was broken.

Get up.

I cant, he muttered.

Yes, you can. Your mind is strong, Sam. In here, you can do whatever you want. Get up.

Sam bit his lip, tentatively pushing himself to his hands and knees and then unsteadily standing on his feet, surprised he didnt buckle back down and that his ankles didnt stop him. He looked down and they were fine.

He cried.

He didnt care that Mikaela was watching him or that he was shedding tears. He was standing and could walk and there was no pain.

He felt her embracing him through his tears, and he knelt his head bracingly into her neck, still crying.

When he opened his eyes again, it was to the bright lights of the ceiling overhead. His lower half felt completely numb and he blankly lowered his head as much as he could, glimpsing the abnormal angles his ankles had bent to. He felt so apathetic right then that he couldnt even feel the need to start sobbing.

After the success of the appendix experiment, impromptu as it was, we would be much obliged if you could lend us your liver, specimen. Im sure itll grow back.

This time, he didnt have the luxury of passing out before the operation could be complete.

We made the mistake of taking out the entire organ last time. It took too long to regenerate; the CMO alien caught it and we almost exposed ourselves. Its a good thing the documents were quickly forged for his appointment to have it removed. Well leave a piece in the specimen, let it regenerate for two months like our sample just enough time before his next break and the part we take will regenerate within 24 hours.

A ghost of a touch caressed his hair and he smiled peacefully, even as they took out a familiar scalpel and electrical saw.

Itll be okay, Sam.

Mikaela, he muttered.

And then they started to cut him open again.

When hed returned back to school, walking around with a slight limp to his feet, he was frequently spacey. Often, by himself or with others, he would just blank out or stare off into space. He just couldnt keep his concentration and his attention always seemed to be all over the place. With the next break, he was still the same way.

Galloway was the one to pick him up and Sam hid his disappointment. Hed been excited, waiting and hoping Dylan would come. Unfortunately, it was the government official instead and Sam just bit his cheek and followed after the man.

At the base, his focus stayed the same. He drifted off so often that the Bots and Cons he talked with were becoming more than a little worried about him.

Sam? Sam! a hand waved in front of his eyes and Sam blinked, turning to see Dylan eying him anxiously.

Sorry, what was that? Sam asked, but his voice still sounded distracted.

Are you okay?

But he was again off in his own head, slumped over slightly this time and his face looking blank and eyes dull. It was frightening and the fact was the whole thing was starting to freak Dylan out.


Sam jolted up, startled into awareness. He turned back to Dylan and stared at the wide-eyed man.

You knowI think I need a break, Sam said wearily. Maybe go for a drive.

Okay. Let me just go get Soundwave and we can drive out, Dylan was halfway from standing up when Sam shook his head.

Actually, I think Id like to ride around in Bee, he told him.

Oh, thats fine. Ill justwait for you here, Dylan finished with embarrassment, slowly sitting back down.

Why dont youwhy dont you ride in Bee with me? Sam asked hesitantly.

Well, if you want me to, Dylan smiled awkwardly.

Yeahyeah thats cool.

They found Bumblebee, who happily agreed and opened his doors for them. His engine rumbled happily and then the Autobot was driving them out.

What is yourFinal Destination? Bumblebee asked them through a mesh of clips.

Sam laughed and patted the steering wheel affectionately.

Nowhere, Bee. I kind of feel like just driving around. Is that okay?

I got, I got, I got, I got your back~

The two humans laughed fondly and Bee soothingly moved to a cruise, finding an empty road and driving along it, letting them enjoy the scenery outside and the quickly setting sun. The reddish shade the suns glare across the land made it shine the color prettily, and it wasnt long until Sam fell asleep to watching the road.

Dylan felt Sams body slump against his side and didnt have to think before adjusting to let the kid be more comfortable. Bumblebee adjusted the interior, moving the shift and stuff further up and letting the two seat front become a one long seat that could probably fit three. He shuffled his shoes off and moved sideways to semi-lie down, moving Sam between his legs and letting him use him as a pillow. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Sam and steadfastly gazed out the drivers window.

Im worried about Sam, Dylan, the Autobot actually spoke normally, but his tone was serious and took Dylans surprise off of that.

I know. Me too, Dylan murmured to the scout. Somethings strange is going on and I have a feeling Sams somehow caught up in it. It makes me anxious.

Bumblebee was quiet for a second and then surprised Dylan with his next words.

You care for Sam.

Yes, I

Youre in love with him, Bumblebee elaborated before the human had a chance to twist his words.

I dont know what youre talking about, he answered back wearily.

You said something similar to Carly, Bumblebee mentioned.

Dylan tossed a look at the windshield.

I wanted to be by Sams side and I wanted to make sure he was okay. And to watch over him, the interior shifted slightly, in a mimicry of a shrug. But you didnt answer me. Truthfully, he added before Dylan could argue that he did.

The man twitched in annoyance before sighing in resignation.

You do know hes still just a kid compared to me, right? he murmured.

Sam is a teenager, an older teen at that. In fact, he classifies as a young adult in your species standards. And that, in what people would say, he is legal, is he not?

Dylan groaned, hiding his face behind a hand and inwardly shaking his head.

Why is it that you guys use terms and phrases mostly correctly, but have absolutely no tact?

Bumblebee caught it, even though it was meant to be just an aside.

Tact, huh. Well, Im not nearly as bad as Ratchet. Hed commented that Sams pheromone levels suggesting he wanted to mate with Mikaela on his first meeting with them. At least I usually forgo tact on purpose.

Dylan stifled a laugh at that, knowing he had to use that as material to tease Sam with and knowing Sam would know who he would have gotten that information from.

So? Bumblebee continued to prod.

Yeah. Yeah, Bumblebee. I like Sam more than I should, Dylan admitted. But fuck it, if you suggest I tell him or something. Sams straight and looking to move on from the Banes girl with Carly.

Bumblebee went back to quiet and Dylan thought that was that. Then the radio started again and a song came on. Dylan rolled his eyes, but tenderly caressed the dashboard.

All I feel now, Is the weight of the day, I need you with me, To push it away, We disappeared into each other, Colors appeared and bleed into one, Fade into me, fade into you, Two of us melting together until we become something new, We can't escape, And watch the world chasing to find us, Both of us hidden from view, If you, fade into me, fade into me.

He let the song roll over him and lay down even more, staring at the ceiling of the Autobots altmode, eventually caving into sleep himself. When he awoke, he could feel an unbearable heat on him and he blinked down to see Sam still asleep. Frowning, he put his hand on Sams forehead and nearly yelped, feeling how hot Sam was.

He shook Sam awake, who groaned and dry gagged as he woke up.

Bumblebee! Pull over quick! Sams feeling sick!

As soon as the Autobot screeched to a halt, Dylan pushed the door open and half-supported and half practically carried the teen out and onto the road, letting Sam heave and then throw up onto

the side of the road on his hands and knees. He soothing rubbed circles on Sams back, halfembracing him and supporting him up and trying to keep both of them away from the vomit. Then Sam began throwing up blood and Dylan freaked out.

Bumblebee! Send a message to Ratche ASAP! Tell him to get to Skywarp and send our coordinates, and have them warp over here quickly. Sams beyond fever hot and now hes vomiting a lot of blood, Dylan ordered out rapidly.

In no time, the Autobots CMO and the warping Seeker were there as soon as theyd gotten the message and came together. Ratchet hurried to the humans sides, gently pushing Dylan out of the way and starting to work on Sam. The Seeker didnt leave, instead choosing to be nervously moving his servos and stabilizing servos and not knowing what to do. Then Skywarp anxiously stood by Bumblebee, whod transformed and was watching intently, completely still and refusing to remove his gaze from the sight until he was assured of Sams health.

Skywarp, you could leave, Dylan told the Decepticon quietly.

No, no. Id prefer to juststay and wait for the squishy, Skywarp fretfully said. You know, in case Im needed to bring him back to base quickly, he lamely excused.

Hed surprised Sams guardian, but Dylan just smiled knowingly and nodded.

The three waited patiently together, though it was merely a faade of patience as they inwardly in their subconscious panicked and tried to delude themselves outwardly.

Ratchet ignored them, focused on his work, nearly hyperventilating through his vents when he saw that Sam had his appendix again. He searched the records and saw the files for the removal and then a request to transplant one back in as a precaution for some complication. Hed go over that carefully later, but continued his scans on his patient right then.

Then it is a good thing Skywarp did indeed stay. Can you transport both me and Sam safely? he turned to the Seeker.

Yes, Skywarp nodded determinedly.

Dylan, you and Bumblebee will need to go back the long way, Ratchet silently apologized, and the two resigned themselves to an agonizing wait in worry as they rode back.

The break consisted of Sam in the medical bay, in and out of consciousness. Hed just started the break, and yet he hadnt been able to start on any work. Dylan filled in on what he could, but he was just as fraying on the edges as everyone else.

I really dont think its a good idea, Will Lennox gritted his teeth.

Be that as it may, he needs to go back in a couple of days. He cannot stop his schooling. It violates his contract and his school would be unhappy and disapproving of his further absence, Galloway scowled back.

Man, I dont know about you, but even his main doc recommends Sam extend his stay here for some more treatment. Somethings up with his liver and Im sure his school would understand a medical emergency, right? Robert Epps cut in.

This discussion is closed, gentlemen, Galloway said shortly.

He left them behind without another word, and both Will and Epps glared at his back, reluctantly knowing theyd have to relay the news back to the Cybertronians waiting for any news and one other human that was on his last legs worrying out of his mind for the teen in the med bay.

It was only later that Will would regret coming to Galloway and saying anything at all.

This is stupid! Why are they taking Sam away? Dylan practically screamed in frustration.

He is being taken to the best doctors in the world, Galloway spoke stoically. I took Major Lennoxs complaints into consideration and decided that Samuel would benefit from indefinite care. However, in a location where his needs can be taken cared of and that he is first and foremost, without the disturbances frequently attributed to the base or interruptions in his care for whatever reason in this building, including outside missions.

Thats bull, Robert barely held back from snarling it. Ratchets the best medic around and he couldve and wouldve taken care of Sam no problem.

Absolutely, the CMO vehemently defended. I would never allow any disturbances to Sams recovery and I would have definitely brought all my focus and attention to helping him heal.

Yes, well, it should also be best that he be attended to by human doctors, who would know better on how to treat him and handle human ailments, Galloways lips curled into a sneer.

Ratchet almost started yelling, taking a threatening step forward, when Dylan reluctantly pulled diplomacy to cool heads and prevent some injuries and even likely deaths.

Then he shouldve been fine being in the care of Drs. Stragone, Esteban, and Holloway, Dylan countered coolly. Theyre perfectly fine doctors and excellent in their fields. Its one of the reasons why they were drafted into N.E.S.T.

The three doctors were actually looking as upset as the others and nodding their heads in agreement. They would have definitely taken care of Sam and would have especially focused on getting him better.

Galloway glanced dispassionately at them briefly.

Yes, I agree they are. However, Samuel should be somewhere where focus is singularly on him and not have to share with an entire base full of soldiers. And while I agree with the doctors skills and have no complaints in regards to them working here, I am doubtful if they could have adequately taken care of Samuel here with the limited equipment and medications. Its best that Samuel be taken elsewhere with more supplies and sophisticated tools to help him.

Incensing all of them again, and unknowingly pushing the Decepticons to their limits and very close to firing without remorse, Galloway was inadvertently saved when before they could start screaming and yelling again at once, an unconscious Sam was being rolled out of the med bay by a handful of strangers wearing black.

Who are they? Prowl eyed them warily.

Theyre the ones transferring Samuel safely to the hospital, Galloway answered blandly.

Looks like a funeral procession. Whats with all the black? Robert muttered, with Will elbowing him.

Dylan listened with half an ear, focused on watching Sam being hefted into a helicopter. His eyes opened slightly and his hand barely raised in his direction.

D-Dyl Sam mouthed before cutting himself off and falling back to unconsciousness, head and hand falling back onto the gurney.

Dylan clenched his jaw. He didnt like this one bit.

Youre doing something to Sam, arent you? Will accused. Youre behind all this.

Galloway glared. I have no idea what youre on about, Major.

I know Sams been skittish about you, Will glared back. I know he tries to keep out of your way whenever he can, outside of when you have to be with him. I know its just more discomfort. But at the end of the week, Sam actually fears you for some reason.

It was unnerving to have all those alien robots, bright blue and red unblinking optics, staring at you and the rest of the humans on base narrowing their eyes darkly. But Galloway steeled himself.

This is complete nonsense. Ive done nothing to him and I wont stand to be accused like this.

But Will wasnt going to let up any time soon.

What the hell is going?

Galloway looked blankly at them, slowly recovering his trademark sneer.

I told you. Ive done nothing, Galloway stubbornly stuck to.

And it was true. He hadnt laid a harmful touch on the kids hair.

Chapter Six: Ghost in the Shell

The stare down continued for another minute before it was reluctantly ended in Galloways favor. There was no proof of anything and the no indication that the man was lying. Both Bots

and Cons had intensely focused and scrutinized meticulously for any signs that the man was spouting lies, as soon as Will had brought up that Sam seemed to fear him at the end of his week.

Had they done so earlier when Galloway was spinning the cover story that had been made to get a hold of Sam, they might have caught a discrepancy earlier on. A little too late, they instead monitored statements that were half-truths, truths in technicalities. And focused on feelings of true dislike and sincere loathing for them all, especially the Cybertronians, no other feelings and emotions could be discerned in the mans voice.

Not even the sliver of guilt and regret, and that a part of that loathing for them was reserved for himself.

There had been only so much Galloway had been able to detach himself from after all.

That under construction area, Foster Graham interrupted, the Brit surprising his fellow N.E.S.T. members by speaking up suddenly but more because of what hed interrupted for. Its been under construction for awhile. Nearly a year and a half actually. When is it going to finally be finished?

Graham, nows not the time, Will hissed under his breath at him.

Graham shrugged at him, but a chill went through Galloway as the man went to turn back to him, eyes boring into his.

Its on a hiatus. Were currently putting that area on hold, as the current economy is in need of money elsewhere. As soon as money can be spared, the area will go back to construction, he answered stiffly. Now, if were done, I have more important things to attend to.

He tried not to hurry away suspiciously. They seemed onto him as it was. No need for him to draw any more attention than was on him, and let the current suspicious outbursts die down and be excused as emotions driving high because of Sams situation.

He hurried out to his car and took out his phone, hurrying calling on the secure line he had to the people who currently had Sam in their possession.


Look, Im done, he growled into the phone. Theyre too suspicious as it is and theyre looking at me. Theyre onto me and theres just no way we can keep this going. Well eventually get caught.

Calm down. Things are going well; we cant just cut the project now.

And why not? You have your samples from him! Leave the kid be and work with what you have. I cant do anything anymore. Theyre too suspicious of me and I wont be able to do anything without scrutiny.

Samples are good and well, Galloway, but a live specimen is better. You have no idea of the progress, of all the work weve been able to do and the results weve produced because of this. We end the project now, we slow down and all our work will end up fruitless.

Look, Witwickys a good kid, Galloway inwardly sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He stayed stubborn. You have what you need. Just work with what you have and leave Witwicky out of it for now on. Were too close to being caught. I mean it; one more thing and theyll find out. And then itll be all over.

Fine. Just let us finish off the year. Thatll give us enough time to end up with the last of the results we need to tie up everything for a live subject. Just give us the last two breaks. We should be fine for that much longer.

Galloway grimaced. Okay. But I cant do anything. Theyre look at me closely now.

They want an investigation on you? Do it. Go on a suspension, and have someone investigate you and in the meanwhile, Ill forge some papers and you slip them into the system. Ill take over.

He hesitated before giving his consent and then hung up. Reluctantly, he started to drive off to start the next notch in the plans.

On the other side of the line, the head doctor hed been talking to irritably strode through the halls, heading straight for the room where Sam was being held. Taking a chair, he moved it up close and sat in it, observing his subject intensely. Only the occasional beeping of the vitals monitor interrupted the silence.

Sensing someone elses presence, Sams eyes opened slightly and looked at the staring doctor.

Hello, the man began quietly. Today were going to take out several pieces of your liver and see if multiple pieces can construct their own regeneration into full organs. Tomorrow, itll be your kidney.

Sam shuddered.

Weve also, since confirmation, slowly been extracting alien energy from your body. I believe the aliens call it AllSpark energy. As of now, weve successfully harvested it, like how weve harvested your organs for future use and distribution. With work, weve been gathering the energy and been able to adapt it for our use. With luck, well be able to use it as energy as fuel

source for now on, if we can successfully reproduce it or at least continue the harvest production.

Sam was starting to feel the urge to throw up again, though this time it had more to do than chemicals and whatnot in his body.

It may please you to know that weve gradually gotten a grasp of how to manipulate the energy, and have been practicing in regards to speeding up your recovery times. If we can continue our progress, youll be healed and completely healthy without delay, unlike before.

And he was supposed to be happy about that? What about just not doing any of this?

After the surgery, well be working on extracting the AllSpark energy and then well start on manipulating it directly from your body.

Unable to stand it, Sam threw up and almost all of it landed on his front, due to him lying down and unable to move more than an inch off the bed and barely any part of his body. Disgustingly, some vomit dribbled down his mouth and he had to will himself not to let himself outright cry, knowing that tears laced his eyes. This was beyond embarrassing; this was downright humiliating. Not just what had happened, being unable to control his bodily functions (and in front of this guy), but also at what was happening to him.

Strangely enough, the head doctor got up and started to clean Sam up himself, instead of calling in some other underling to do it. And there wasnt a look of disgust or any of sign of revulsion from the man, who calmly sat Sam up and removed his shirt and embarrassingly started to wipe down Sams torso, cooling him off along with wiping off sweat and residue vomit. The wet rag was rinsed off and then used to wipe Sams face and neck, before another shirt was found to replace his old one.

Dont despair, specimen. This is all for a good cause.

And Sam just wanted to say fuck you.

The experimentation started in earnest and then they were moving onto extracting AllSpark energy from Sam. He kept going in and out of consciousness and there were times where a whisper of a comforting voice and a ghostly caress through his hair would urge him to hold on.

And then they were using his body as a conduit for the energy, drawing it out and then zapping various machines into life. He blankly remembered a time in the past where a Nokia phone had been zapped with the same energy and became a vicious and dangerous life-form.

The docile, curious sparkling making clicking and cooing noises at him was far from the same model.

They zapped it again with the energy used to make it, killing it instantly and Sams brain stuttered to a halt at the scene hed witnessed.

He made a loud keening noise and cried silently.

They did it again and again, all the sparklings alive for just a moment and then their existence wiped out. Sam felt their deaths very deeply and felt his heart squeeze deathly each time he had to watch. He knew that the Cybertronians race treasured their sparklings, whether Decepticon or Autobot, and that they would mourn and feel pain at the loss of even just a single one.

Sam was different because he gave life to them and he held a bond with each one that surpassed whatever Cybertronian would feel towards one, even if they were the Creator themselves. They did not have to feel the pain of each sparklings death, hear their cries not just outside but echoing in his heart and mind through the bond created at the spark of life.

No, they can treasure and mourn sparklings all they wanted, but Sam and the AllSpark will always be more connected because of bonds created and that they felt and connected with the sparklings on a much deeper level.

On the 21st sparklings death, Sam whimpered and withdrew in his mind, seeing a white void and then the girl hed wanted to see, already with a comforting smile on her face and arms readily wide open in care. He shuffled over to her, mind replaying each sparklings death over and over.

Sam, I know its hard to watch, but at least they have someone to witness their existence and know they had once been, Mikaela murmured to him.

But its so hard, Sam hid his face into her neck, inhaling the scent of jasmine.

Im so sorry, Sam. Just a little longerI promise.

Sam missed that, biting on his lower lip as his mind whirled around a strain of thought.

MikaelaI cant. I cant do this anymore.

Sam, please just endure a little

No, I mean you, Sam muttered, taking a firm step back. I need to move on from you. I cant keep doing this to myself, he explained, eyes pleading with her.

Mikaela looked surprised before a sad smile crossed her face.

I understand, Sam. Mikaela will go, but you can trust me to always stay.

Mind already becoming blurry, Sam barely caught that and only briefly thought of it in confusion before coming back to true consciousness.

When that break was over and he was returned, Sam barely recognized his surroundings, once more in his school. His vision was kind of funky nowadays, tending to become bleary at random times. His body felt sluggish and he was always tired nowadays. Honestly, he didnt know what was wrong with himself.

Sam, you sure you okay to go to class today? Leo asked him worriedly, noticing the fatigue and worn out state of his friend. Though his eyes seem to look thoughtful in suspicious thought

Yeah, its near the end after all, Sam gave a strained smile.

He washe was graduating

He had to focus on that. Whatever was wrong with his body had to be put aside and hed just focus on the fact he was graduating soon, and that he had to put all his attention on graduating college. School seemed to pass by quickly and he seemed to have even less trouble with it than before, school-wise at least. Concentrating in class and his own body seemed to be his biggest weakness.

Soon enough, graduation was upon them.

Mom, its okay!

N-n-no, its not! Judy sobbed through the phone. My poor baby is graduating and his parents cant be there!

In the background, he could hear his father trying to get the phone.

But I know you cant, Sam said understandingly, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. You have to have that kidney transplant today, remember? I swear, Mom, you should have told me about this before. I cant believe you waited this long. How am I not going to worry if something goes wrong or-or-or

Which is precisely why we didnt say anything, son, Rons voice cut in, having finally wrestled the phone away from his wife. We didnt want you to not focus on school and be troubled by this if we had told you.

And I wouldnt have known what had happened if anything went wrong, Sam insisted stubbornly. Man, you guys are so stubborn. Your only sons in college and getting grey hairs from worrying about you two, even without knowing anything.

Look whos talking, Ron mumbled. Call us stubborn

Oh, my baby! Judys voice screeched in the background.

Alright, alright! Just call me straight after the surgerys done, okay? I want to know how it went, Sam reluctantly let it go.

His parents exchanged goodbyes and Sam hung up, feeling a little depressed. He wasnt going to have anyone there for him at his graduation, which kind of sucked. With a heavy heart, though he was somewhat glad that at least his mind and eyes were as clear as theyd ever been, he started to put on his graduation robes and put on his hat, adjusting the tassel to the side and then leaving his room to go met up with Leo.

When it was his turn to get up on stage, he gave a cursory glance over the crowd, already knowing he wouldnt see anyone. Therefore, he was surprised, and very happy, to see Dylan, Carly, and the familiar holoforms of Starscream, Barricade, and Bumblebee. With a more lighter feeling to his step, he walked more cheerfully to get his certificate. Afterwards, after meeting Leos family and them having met his pseudo-family, before they split off and Sam was being dragged off to eat out at a restaurant.

With Dylan treating again, and instead of going a fancy restaurant, they went to a Fridays. Sam was actually a little happier about it, as it allowed them to have a homier and cozier atmosphere together.

You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you, Sam confessed eagerly. I wasnt really expecting anyone. Its great to have you all here and that you got to attend the ceremony for me.

Who says I came for you? I came for the scientific observation of the human tradition of ceremonies, Starscream sniffed haughtily, though he tugged Sams hair fondly.

Yeah, right, Bumblebee snorted, sending over a smug grin over to the SiC of the Decepticons, who pouted.

The humans laughed, while the mechs snickered together.

Optimus and the others wanted to come, but we know that you can only have a certain amount of people reserved for seats, Bumblebee explained. So Starscream and I were sent as the representatives of the two groups.

What about Barricade? Sam raised his eyebrows.

Slagger snuck along and came up when we were close to the school, and forced himself in, Starscream huffed while Barricade looked smug.

I only have three seats though, Sam pointed out. How the heck did ya manage to seat all five of you?

I used my name and got two more seats, Dylan said nonchalantly, without blinking an eye.

Yes, of course, Sam inwardly rolled his eyes.

So, what do you plan on doing now that youve graduated? Carly smiled widely, leaning close.

Well, I think I have that government job Sam trailed off, looking at Dylan hinting.

He shrugged. I dont see why not. Theyre already handing off more serious work for you to do. Youve got the on-the-job training and hands-on experience; you just have to fulfill the hours requirement interning with Galloway and then soon enough, youll be working full-time alongside him.

Sam grinned wildly, letting a lout whoop and they all fell into a celebratory mood, getting food and dessert. And for Carly and Dylan, alcohol. Sam eyed them suggestively.

This, Dylan held up his drink in the fancy container. Is an El Presidente Margarita. Samuel, my boy, you want a taste? he caught on to Sams look, smirking in good humor.

Sam pouted humorously.

You know, Sam, youre 21 now. You can order your own drink, Carly laughed, looking at Sams sheepish face.

I forgot, okay? he muttered.

Barricade snickered. How can you forget your own age?

Sam stuck out his tongue. I havent really thought about it. Ive been busy and focused on school and interning these months that I really didnt notice that. And Ive been spacey.

More so than usual, Bumblebee teased.

They all laughed at him, more so when Sam exaggerated his pout, and then Dylan ordered Sam a drink himself, toasting him.

+ + + + + +

Hello, Mrs. Witwicky. Well be doing the procedure now. All ready? Any questions?

Nah uh. Im good. Lets get this show on the road, Doc! she enthusiastically said.

Excellent. Theres no worries and Im completely sure this operation will be a success, the doctor reassured him, actually looking completely confident in that.

Judy blinked. Well, since youre so gung-ho and sure about that.

The doctor surprisingly smirked. Absolutely. Im sure your son will be very happy about it.

This time, she was the one surprised. Oh, do you know my son then?

His smirk widened. Yes. Quite intimately, in fact.

Judy smiled unsurely, slightly uncertain and suspicious, but didnt say anything as she was sure it was her usual paranoia.

How so? she asked curiously.

Lets just say hes been quite potential subject and hes involved in saving and bettering live, maam.

And then she was being wheeled into getting prepped for surgery and then onto the operating table. The doctor merely chuckled under his breath, put on his gloves with a decisive snap! and then proceeded to prepare his surgical tools with careful hands.

Before long, he was cutting into yet another Witwicky with precision.

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