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41 CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary, with emphasis on the findings of the

investigation just completed. Generalizations in the form of conclusions are made; and the recommendations for the solution of problems discovered in the study are addressed to those concerned. SUMMARY The study entitled Amicable Pair: An Investigation aimed to show the amicable pairs that can be found from numbers one to three thousand. This investigation intended to answer the following questions: 1. What are the proper divisors of the amicable pairs found from numbers 1 to 3000? 2. What are the amicable pairs that can be found from numbers 1 to 3000? 3. Identify the type of the amicable pair found from 1 to 3000. The researcher was able to enumerate the proper divisors of each numbers and identify how many amicable pairs are foundfrom 1 to 3000. After identifying the pair, the researcher was able to identify its type if it is regular pair or exotic. The methods of finding amicable pairs arelargely those of trial. The researcher ensured that the data gathered was totally exact. The researcher found out that there were threeamicable pairsfrom 1 to3000. The researcher also found out that all amicable pairs found were regular pairs.

42 CONCLUSIONS From the findings and results of the study, the researcher concluded that there are only three amicable pairs that can be found from 1 to 3000 and they are all regular pairs. RECOMMENDATIONS The researcher recommended these topics because the researcher knew that these topics can be significant to others and also in the field of Mathematics. It could contribute to the world of the special numbers. 1. Investigate about Amicable Numbers and on how to generate new amicable numbers from existing amicable pairs. 2. Investigate Abundant Number in relation to Amicable Pair. 3. Explore more about the different classes of Amicable Pairs.

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