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Pre-Selection mode (automatic ordering): Select one or several contours (faces, edges) and Click on the icon Manual Selection (user-specified ordering): Click on the icon and then pick contours in order. Click in empty space to separate contours when contiguous. Then click again in the empty space when done with the selection In preview mode, you can adjust parameters via the main button palette (global setting) or the floating palette (individually by section). You can also modify vertex matching by selecting a vertex and dragging it to a new position. Click in the empty space to validate and generate the shape geometry. You can go back to Preview mode via the roll-back button It is a good idea to check the tooltips and contextual menu to see available options


Select the path and click in the empty space (it should be highlighted in thick red) Select the other contour(s) that should follow the path (currently it works with 1 or 2 contours) Click in the empty space (or Return) to move to the Preview mode you have three methods for generating the shape: Stretch (default), Offset and Sweep. See video for illustration. Offset and Sweep ensure a correct thickness of the shape and therefore are more adapted to models with closed contours and winding path. Stretch is based on deformation of the path curve by moving extremities.


Select the contours one by one (click in the empty space between two contours). Then click again in the mepty space to generate the preview shape. All cells should have 3 or 4 bordering contours. Pre-selection mode works as well, but may not be able to handle ambiguous cases. Also, it is always a good idea to draw small open segments at the vertex which you want to use to separate contours. you can play with the Interpolation and rail over-sampling to add / remove divisions in the mesh

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