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Are there Central Problems in Credit?

Peter Cotton, Sep 2006

With thanks to Sivan Mahadevan, Pinar Onur, Peter Polanskyji, Andrew Sheets who produced many of the slides herein

Why did Black commit suicide?

Dottore Turati - Alexander Luzhin

(Black to Move)

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Table of Contents

Section 1: Synthetic CDOs

Section 2: Trading Correlation

Section 3: Problems Section 4: Open Problems

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Section 1: Collateralized Debt Obligations

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CDOs are Companies

Corporate Capital Structure CDO Capital Structure

Senior Debt Priority of Claim on Assets Rises with Seniority


Junior Senior Senior Mezzanine Junior Mezzanine First Loss or Equity

Subordinate Debt

Priority of Claim on Collateral Rises with Seniority

Preferred Stock

Equity (Common)

Source: Morgan Stanley

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A Typical CDO Capital Structure

Losses from Reference Portfolio are borne by tranches in reverse seniority order

Super Senior Tranche (70%)

AAA Tranche (7.5%) AA Tranche (3%) A Tranche (2.5%) BBB Tranche (4%) BB Tranche (3%) Equity Tranche (10%)

30% 22.5% 19.5%

17% 13% 10% 0%

Source: Morgan Stanley

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Meet the Tranches

Copyright 2006 Morgan Stanley

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Growth in credit markets

Global Total Synthetic CDO Issuance (USD Billions)
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 funded 2004 2005 unfunded Q1 2006

Source: CreditFlux
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Other ways to invest

Tranched Credit Risk

Small Baskets

Credit Options

Indexation (TRAC-XSM Dow Jones CDX) Basis Trades Curve Trades Capital Structure Trades

Single Name CDS

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Section 2: Trading Correlation


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Corporate defaults are not independent

(If history is to be believed)
BBs 1 Yr and 5 Yr by Cohort

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1970 1975

1 Year

5 Year







Source: Morgan Stanley, Moodys


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Corporate defaults are not independent

(If the market is to be believed)

Zero Correlation
Series 5 Yr 3-7% 7-10% 10-15% 7 Yr 3-7% 7-10% 10-15% 10 Yr 7-10% 10-15% 37 0 53 0 138 0 0 176 0 0 CDX 4 CDX 5 6 0 0 13 0 0 CDX 6 CDX 4 42 8 4 155 32 14 93 46

CDX 5 51 13 6 171 37 16 99 47 CDX 6

CDX 4 36 8 4 17 32 14 56 46 CDX 5 38 13 6 CDX 6 46 16 8

24 0 0 226 1 0 75 1

70 16 8 196 44 19 107 52

37 16 46 47

43 19 32 51

Source: Morgan Stanley


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Correlation and Minefields

Low Correlation High Correlation


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Correlation Intuition

Subordinate tranches Spread decreases as correlation rises Senior tranches Spread increases as correlation rises

Fundamental Correlation Relationships


400 300 200 100 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Senior Tranches

Subordinate Tranches

Source: Morgan Stanley


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Correlation example: Pensions and Labor Costs

Issues such as pension and labor costs that have plagued the airline industry may spread to other sectors Similar issues could prove to be a driver in determining default correlation across sectors
Not Only One Sector Unfunded Pension Liabilities Relative to Equity Market Capitalization
Issuer Delta Air Lines Inc1 Northwest Airlines Corp1 Exide Technologies Delphi Corp Continental Airlines Inc AK Steel Holding Corp AMR Corp Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Hayes Lemmerz Intl Inc Dura Automotive Systems Inc Visteon Corp Ford Motor Co Austral Pacific Energy Ltd General Motors Corp ArvinMeritor Inc Unisys Corp Navistar International Corp Smurfit-Stone Container Corp Abitibi-Consolidated Inc Tenneco Automotive Inc Bowater Inc PolyOne Corp Dana Corp Hercules Inc TRW Automotive Holdings Corp Terra Industries Inc Timken Co Alcan Inc


Industry Group Airlines Airlines Auto Parts & Equipment Auto Parts & Equipment Airlines Iron/Steel Airlines Auto Parts & Equipment Auto Parts & Equipment Auto Parts & Equipment Auto Parts & Equipment Auto Manufacturers Oil & Gas Auto Manufacturers Auto Parts & Equipment Computers Auto Manufacturers Forest Products & Paper Forest Products & Paper Auto Parts & Equipment Forest Products & Paper Chemicals Auto Parts & Equipment Chemicals Auto Parts & Equipment Chemicals Metal Fabricate/Hardware Mining

Funding Gap/ Mkt Cap 1235% 875% 266% 256% 215% 147% 145% 112% 102% 81% 73% 68% 62% 43% 40% 36% 34% 33% 33% 32% 29% 27% 25% 22% 22% 22% 29% 24%

This list highlights companies where significant potential exists for a high realized default correlation

Cap based on the average of the 6 months prior to the bankruptcy filing Source: Morgan Stanley


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Section 3: Problems


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Real-World Correlation?

World A likelihood of 100 defaults are equally related to one another

Credit 1 2 3 4 5

Correlation Details Matter

WORLD A 1 2 3 4 5 50% 50% 50% 50% 100 Average 50%

- World B the default propensity of three companies are highly correlated to each other but not to the rest

50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

50% 50% 50% 50% 50%



50% 50% 50% 50%

WORLD B Credit 1 2 3 4 100 90% 90% 90% 1 2 3 4 5 10% 10% 10% 50% 50% 100 Average 48%

90% 90% 10% 90% 10% 10%

10% 10% 10% 50%

10% 10% 10% 50%

10% 10% 10% 50%

Source: Morgan Stanley


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Dynamics of a Static Model

TRACERS spread scenario with five defaults in the first two years
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Modeling correlation in spreads (intensity models)

(For illustration, we identify spreads with hazard rates)


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Problem 1: Model Construction

Build a dynamic credit model for hundreds of assets:

Consistent across sub-portfolios Internally consistent and computable dynamics Tractable pricing and estimation Can be calibrated to CDS, index, options, tranches


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Problem 2: Estimation
c.f. Specification analysis of affine term structure models
Dai & Singleton Duffie & Singleton Gallant & Tauchen Hansen

An efficiently simulated can be efficiently, consistently estimatedeventually

Elegant Can include arbitrarily complex products No likelihood function required

(5000 iterations)(1000 steps)(10,000 paths)(1 sec) = 2180 years


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Problem 3: Deal Dynamics

How will structured deals & companies evolve? - Ratings stability - Contingent payments - Corporate events - Optimal management How will desks optimize their correlation trading operations? - Monetization strategies - Contingent hedging costs - Risk management - Capital allocation


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Board Vision

Dottore Turati - Alexander Luzhin

(Black to Move and Win)


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Raising the bar

Solve hard modeling & numerical problems Leverage emerging technologies Leverage advances in other fields

--> Enhance and challenge human decision making


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Important Disclosures
The information and opinions in this report were prepared by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and/or one or more of its affiliates (collectively, Morgan Stanley) and the research analyst(s) named on page one of this report. Morgan Stanley policy prohibits research analysts from investing in securities/instruments in their MSCI sub industry. Analysts may nevertheless own such securities/instruments to the extent acquired under a prior policy or in a merger, fund distribution or other involuntary acquisition. Morgan Stanley is involved in many businesses that may relate to companies or instruments mentioned in this report. These businesses include market making, providing liquidity and specialized trading, risk arbitrage and other proprietary trading, fund management, investment services and investment banking. Morgan Stanley trades as principal in the securities/instruments (or related derivatives) that are the subject of this report. Morgan Stanley may have a position in the debt of the Company or instruments discussed in this report.


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