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Heather Rutherford

Data Analysis Sheet

Student: IH Team Members: Context + * Enjoys working 1:1 with the teacher * Enjoys movement activities Content Assessment +
Learned Concepts

Process Input + * Responds well to visual prompts and instructions * Responds well to a picture schedule * Can follow 2 step directions Output + * Communicates more effectively with his communication device * Effectively uses movement to participate in activities * Effectively uses manipulatives to answer questions Academic +

Behavior Social + * Enjoys helping other students * Prefers to play a game with another student rather than alone

Reinforcement + * Enjoys time on the iPad * Enjoys puzzles

* Understands that coins are money

Learned Concepts

* Responds well to positive feedback * Enjoys working on basic math problems and worksheets *Enjoys using manipulatives

* Understands that coins have value

* Likes helping the teacher

* Becomes easily distracted and offtask when working with other students who become offtask * Cannot stay ontask independently

Error Pattern I

* Can become confused when the teacher gives too many verbal directions

* Students language is mostly unintelligible * Student will continually answer yes when asked questions he doesnt understand

* When frustrated with the teacher, the student will use inappropriate language

* Will become physical when frustrated with another student * Does not like to be last in line

* Does not enjoy reading independently * Does not like to go outside for recess

* Calls every coin a penny

Error Pattern II

* Cannot correctly identify the value of each coin

Sherman, H. J., Richardson, L. I., & Yard, G. J. (2004). Teaching children who struggle with mathematics: A systematic approach to analysis and correction. Prentice Hall.

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