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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 Final Major Project Semester Doc. Code




Brief/Session/Document Title Brief 4 Rosie Vohra Brief Create an identity for 3rd year fine artist, Rosie Vohra

Background / Considerations Rosie Vohra is a third year fine artist at LCA. Her methods challenge the idea of drawing and take it beyond its conventions. How will you visualise that concept? Respect her work and create an identity that truly reflects Rosies work.

Mandatory Requirements

Deliverables An identntty for Rosie Vohra Lookbooks, Website, Invites for end of year show.

Updated blog, Rosie meetings noted

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline 29/5/2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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