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Hidden Scene #1

Adrian woke abruptly, not sure what had disturbed him. Eyes closed, he heard nothing. His temples ached with a erce throbbing. He opened his eyes as he lifted his wrist, ears straining. Nine. Hed slept until nine, and yet, there was no noise from his camp. Adrian buttoned jeans he didnt remember putting on and sat up, aware of the bright light coming through the shades. He pulled on his boots, stufng the laces inside, and still, silence. Alarm bells went off in his mind, and he quickly strapped on his gun. Angela. He called for her silently, pulling on his jacket.

The air was chilly as the camper door swung open, and Adrian sucked in a burning breath. He grabbed the door frame for support, terried of the sharp twinges radiating from his chest. It was gone. All of it. Abandoned, torn up, rusted campers sat on at tires without windows or doors, and the sickly weeds were growing up over the wheels. The air smelled sour, though the sky was nally clear of the sky grit, but there were no people here. From the doorway, he had a clear view of the Mess and the parking area, and although everything was there, it was broken, rusty and charred, with weeds starting to take over. He stepped slowly down into ankle-high greenish plants that gravitated towards him, brushing, caressing. He turned, and was stunned to nd that his camper now resembled the rest of the camp old, over. There was even a huge hole in the rusted-out bottom stair that should have tripped him and broken his ankle. His 9 mm was in his hand now, the survivor inside coming forward, moving his feet. It was all wrong. Charred personal items and bloodstains were on tarps, vehicles, and the ground, and those things were decayed like everything else. His heart pounded irregularly, and he winced this time.

Adrian found his shiny semi nearby, but ignored the instinct screaming at him to get in it and run, sensing the trap that might lie hidden there. He called for Angela again, and his heart grew cold when she still didnt answer. He was drawn to the sight of the crosses on an edge of the cracked pavement. They were made of wood and scraps, a graveyard of roughly fty overgrown and neglected. He knew who they were before he started reading the names... his army. Kenn Harrison COD: exposure 2013 Kyle Reece COD: Murder 2014 Samantha Moore COD: Morphine overdose 2013. There was no other information on any of the markers, and his hand shot to his chest as another ache lanced through his arm. Angela! he screamed silently, heart clenching, twisting with every name he read. Todd ONeil COD: Wolf attack. 2013 Peggy Kelly COD: Rage infection 2014 Angelas was the only name he didnt nd as he stumbled through the thick vines and uneven terrain. Angie! He nally shouted her name aloud and was startled into another chest ache at her immediate response. Be quiet, or youll wake the dead.

Adrian spun awkwardly to nd her standing in front of Kenns grave. Youre alive! he exclaimed in relief. Not in this future. None of us are. Her dead eyes swiveled, released him. I wasnt buried. I was burnt. What do you mean, this future? Adrian asked slowly, chest easing. A dream? This vivid? This is the future youre worrying over. Its one where we didnt eliminate the Slavers, where we don't kill for our survival. His answer was haunted. They were alive! You still think there was a choice, but there wasnt. Like with the mountains. He knew what she meant without asking. Yes. Theyll vote for it, and Ill agree to stay with them, to keep leading. Angela smiled sadly. Its your aw, the need to be in control, but also so your strength. No one else has someone like you. Nor do they have an army made up of such as yours. A faded, dirty dollan evil clown girl with a smeared, leering red mouthwent ipping through the abandoned camp, and a childs thin scream for help echoed. Adrian was relieved to know he wasnt having a heart attack, but it was hard to think past the

tightness of his chest and the remains of his camp sprawled carelessly around them. Can we... SSshhh The ground deep beneath their feet vibrated, and grave markers began to tremble. The earth rumbled, heaving upward, and the crosses farthest from them began to vanish, sucked into the ground along with the dirt and the dead. You have to hurry. The Guardian of Time knows were here. Who? Angela blew out a breath. Finish what you came for or remain here! Adrian realized it was the Witch guiding him and hated the whine in his own response, the fear behind it. But I dont even know how I got here! You got here with the cold-blooded executions of survivors in a War that has already taken billions. Their blood is on your handsdirectly this time and you need to know if its okay to wash them of it. So you can go do it again." Adrian's eyes were locked on hers, wincing at each brutally honest word. Youre here to remember your place, to prevent this future and a thousand others like it. Only one path will save us, and you have to nd it!

Angela opened her hands, where the magic glowed, bright and eager. She thrust it toward him. Adrian jerked at the brilliant blast of light, and her words ignited the gunpowder trail shed lain. You have been chosen to save the world, not merely your part of it. It will all end if you lose hope. She hit him with another blast of power. See now what you came for! His lids snapped shut at the sensation of her energy, and then Adrian was ying through the darkness as time sped up and doors swung wide. The mountains came rst, green on the bottom and beautiful, glistening white on top, but blood was sprayed across those jagged cliffs. More death was coming. He ew over the open ocean next, towering waves crashing into each other and threatening the tiny boat he could just make out. Then, a beach with crystal sand came into viewfull of exotic green allure, before darkness reclaimed his mind. We have to cross the ocean. Angela was distant now, fading. And do you believe that we can? The earth shook again, quickly taking another row of markers. Adrian shook his head. Im not sure.

Then neither are they neither are they are they Adrian woke with a startled gasp as the dream faded. Cross an ocean? He would have to work his sheep a lot harder for them to survive that. Adrian immediately rose and started his rounds.

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