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Hidden Scene #2

Jennifer awoke abruptly, remembering. Her senses told her that the new owner hadn't kept his distance, and her lids ew open to nd Kyles warm back against her full stomach. He was lying on a small side of the soft roll, and Jennifer groaned. She hadnt meant to fall asleep. You okay? Kyle asked groggily. He didnt roll over, didnt budge. He wouldn't be here at all if not for her shivering and him needing sleep. Yes. "Still cramping?" "No." Kyle had driven a very short distance and secured the basement of a small, looted farmhouse for

them to shelter in. He hadn't spoken a single word, though, and that worried her. He was dangerous. "So are you," the other voice inside whispered. "So are you." Jennifer waited for him to speak again, but there was only quiet. She shivered lightly as the wind continued its subtle invasion. Were the kids okay? She felt so lost without those little faces! A tear rolled down her cheek then another. Kyle heard her breathing grow ragged. She was crying. I can go back by the door if you want. Jennifer didnt respond, too busy trying to stop. In Cesars camp, tears meant attention, which led to sex. Those men had no soft side. Sighing, Kyle slowly turned over. It was almost noon, but Kyle wasn't in a hurry to put her through a ride... or to share her with the camp. Kyle's eyes went over her damp lashes, the newest smudges in the layers of dirt coating her cheeks. She looked miserably uncomfortable. Damn. Come here. Use me as a pillow." Used to following orders, Jennifer went, trembling when his arm went to her shoulder. She huddled there tensely, waiting for him to do more. Kyle stayed still except for a single hand to direct her where he wanted her. When her cold cheek went to his chest and rested there, the mobster

dropped his hand, stunned by how right it felt to have her swollen body against him. Shouldn't he hate the child because of the father? If so, then something else was broken inside him, because he didn't. He only worried for its survival. In Safe Haven, a child of Cesar's wouldn't be welcomed. Scared and strangely comforted at the same time, Jennifer didnt move at all. After so many nights spent that way, this moment felt almost familiar to her. Cesar had liked her against him for warmth, but shed hated the urges to try to reach his cold, shriveled heart. Kyles chest rose evenly under her cheek, his scents alarming interesting. Blood and gunre residue were no strangers to Jennifer, and neither was his light body odor. What drew her was that musky smell underneath, the one that had her nose trapped against him even though his heart was now thumping like a drum. It was the smell of smoky rum, and sweet, sweet sugar over top of a thick layer of homemade sauce. It made her think of pizzas and barstools, and tall Cokes with that perfectly crunchy crushed ice. It would have frost on the outside and the soda would almost burn on the way down, it was so cold. Kyle's scent made her think of all that, and after so many horrors, the girl was absorbing the

good moment while it was happening. That was how shed survived. Kyle hated himself for enjoying the contact so much. His body wasnt responding, but his mind! He hadnt been to sleep yetwouldnt for as long as he got to hold her. Jennifer trembled, skin icy, and Kyle grunted in mild annoyance. "Take some energy so you'll warm up. Don't know why you haven't already." Jennifer went rigid. Did he know what she was? She slowly looked up to see a muscle twitching erratically in his jaw. "What?" Kyle was exhaustedemotionally and physically but not so much that he would miss something so obvious. He was no rookie. "I didn't stutter." Jennifer recoiled at the tone, sitting up, and Kyle remained where he was. When he spoke again, it was with the comforting notes he used on the camp women occasionally. "Take what you need, Jen. I give it willingly." Tension crackled. Scratch... Kyle sat up as he drew with his right hand, left coming up to shield her. "Shhh..." Scratch... They both followed the sound to the window, where a branch was rubbing against the glass. Jennifer let out the breath she was holding, but

Kyle only slid his gun into his holster and moved his hand off of her arm. It was a bit unnerving. How did you get to be top slave? Jennifer's entire body tensed again. I fought for it... killed." "And when it wasn't safe to ght anymore?" Jennifer's scorn was obvious. "It was never safe." Kyle chose his words more carefully. "When you couldn't ght anymore, how did you control the other women?" Jennifer didn't want to answer, but suspected he already knew. "I told on them. Cesar's men liked doling out punishments to disobedient slaves." Kyle waited. Was she worried about that? She should be. Jennifer trembled slightly at his silence, his intent stare. Does that matter, where youre taking me? Yes. Don't ever tell. "The other slaves will." "I'll handle it." Jennifer felt protected, the way hed intended, but she also knew what those words meant. What do you want in exchange for protecting me? Nothing. Their gazes met sparked against his will. Kyle was showered in heat and unwelcome need. Of all the willing, legal females hed come in

contact with, his heart had chosen one who was forbidden in more ways than just camp rules. Unlike Neil, Kyle knew if he made this choice, he would never change his mind. If he set things up to have her, he wouldthough probably only for a little while. Just long enough to show her how to love and how to be loved, to erase the desolation that cloaked her, and replace it with his adoration. His heart pounded harder at the image. Jennifer read most of it. Having been a slave for so long, need was something she instinctively registered and prepared for. It usually meant humiliation was coming. Her hand moved to the twitching baby inside her. Sometimes, though, it had also meant getting what she needed. Jennifer watched his jaw tighten and his eyes darken as he stared at her. "I can't pay you." "I don't expect payment," Kyle answered stify, drowning in need that wasn't sexual. Time would send it there, he had no doubt, but for this moment, it was only an empty ache in his chest and stomach that demanded to be lled. Jennifer looked at him in delicious confusion. "But you're a man and... you want me. "I want you willing!" he blurted out roughly, unable to ght his heart. The choice was made.

Jennifer told him the same thing she'd whispered to the other males who'd tried to win her affections since the War. "That won't happen." Kyle's answer was a rough rasp and a tortured threat. I I dont want to hurt you. That exposed more despair than anyone in Safe Haven had ever heard from him. The Eagles would have been stunned... and furious. Kyle's hot gaze went over her with a familiar, terrifying longing. I loathe myself. Jennifer studied his face, his mind, understanding that she was wrong about him and right. Kyle lifted his big hand to her cheek. "I'm sorry." Jennifer didnt allow herself to inch as his thumb went over her dirty skin, barely touching. She could kill him right now and run, but to where? If his camp was anything at all like himwith his obvious desire to be honorablethen there was probably no better place to give birth. "I can't want you," Jennifer paused, sensing an awareness growing in her mind that said maybe she'd just lied. "But I do make deals." Kyle's hand slid against her lthy jaw and felt her quickly pounding pulse. She was scared of him. Good or evil? It was a moment of fate for Kyle, of being tempted and losing, even as he appeared to win. He dropped his hand. Id never hurt you.

Ever? Jennifer asked carefully. She knew what choice had been made, and with his big body so close, she was terried of it. She was also glad. No. Im an Eaglea part of the light. Kyle ignored the guilt. You should sleep now. Jennifer watched him lay back down on the bedroll with a feeling of comfort that she was sure she shouldn't trust. Kyles mind didnt ght the change in plans for his future. A part of the light, yes, but he was also a son of the darknessas with every human born under the curses of the past. He would use his store of FND credits carefully, but there was no avoiding this battle. Adrians pull wasnt going to be enough to ght these new, unwelcome desires, and Kyle already knew it. He would have Jennifer, love her and give up everything to keep her. Jennifer moved back against his heat carefully, noting his lack of physical arousal. It didn't match the incredible longing in his eyes as she shifted into his embrace. "Energy, Jennifer. From now on, I want you to start drawing what you need and stocking up." She wanted to refuseCesar's threats weren't to be ignoredbut the blood on Kyle's shirt helped Jennifer make the choice. She had a new owner now and new rules to follow. "Okay."

It was her rst surrender, and Kyle felt the heat this time. He pushed it back easily, already shoring up his control. It would be a long time before he asked for that honora long time before he would feel that he'd earned it. When Kyle's warm hand settled onto her chilly shoulder and only rested there, Jennifer closed her eyes and slowly began to draw bits of energylike a baby taking a bottle. Sweet. He tasted sweet! Feeling no resistance, the demon inside drew harder, gulping it down in big streams of fullling light. With this source to take from, she would grow stronger quickly. When they left Kyle's camp, she would be able to keep her kids alive. After only a few minutes, Kyle felt Jennifer start to drift off, but didn't join her. He didn't think he had ever been this at peace in his life. Her lips twitched, ngers tightening on his arm. The feel of being drawn from resumed lightly, then faded off again as she drifted into a deeper, more restful sleep. Kyle opened his eyes and let himself stare. Was this how Brady had felt the rst time he held Angela? Had Brady's heart told him that he now had his other half, and that he was nally exactly where he belonged? Had the Wolfman prepared himself to kill anyone who got in the way?

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