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Hidden Scene #3

Can we try something? Doug stared at the two small Mexican children staying by the edges of the canvas. Their bodies were thin and used to hardship, and Doug found himself impressed with the courage it had taken for them to approach him. The other new kids were still staying in the camper zone with Hilda and Peggy. I think I can nd something. Doug hunkered down, trying not to appear as mean when they inched. Its all right. I just think men should talk eye-toeye. Drawn, the four- and ve-year-old listened raptly.

We have a kids program here. I can tell you how it works, and you can let the sitters know if youd like to join. Both boys agreed eagerly, and Doug took heart from it. These two had been abused, but like so many of Adrians camp, they werent beaten. Come on. Well swing by the Mess for some cookies, too. You boys need fattenin up. And I know who to talk to about it. Doug waved at Billy to take his place, and all activity stopped as he led the boys out of the training tent. It was completely unlike the gruff guard they all knew. Im Doug. Im The taller boy elbowed the shorter one in the side. Dont. He no talk to us, either. Doug quickly gured it out. You guys must be Roy and Romeo. Heard about you. Both boys stopped, and Doug did too, slowly lowering himself to their level again. They stared at him with wounded eyes begging to be accepted. Was it good, being his sons? The youngest answered. He didnt like us. You speak English with barely an accent. Did he make sure you were educated? Again, the youngest answered. No. We learn from the whores.

Dont call women that. Ever. Both children dropped their heads and waited to be punished. Look. They looked where he was pointing, to Adrian standing sentry duty over evening messwhere so many of the new and old members were now meeting for the rst time. It was the big meal, and the lines were long. See the man wearing sunglasses and dog tags? That is Adrian. He sent the Eagles to rescue you. Its up to him, who stays and who goes. The boys stared at Adrian, and to add backup, the sun broke through the grit, illuminating the leader in a golden glow. He doesnt care who your parents were. They paid for their mistakes, as we all do in time. If you settle in here and follow the rules, hell always protect you. Doug stood up, letting that sink in for a moment. Right now, these two were isolated and needed a hero to emulate, or the chances of them becoming like Cesar were high. Lets hit the Mess rst. I need a cup of coffee, and theres a very nice woman I need to speak with. After that, the mini-training tent will be unloaded. Tomorrow is the kids eld trip day. Do you boys know about that yet?

Doug slowly drew both boys into conversation, and everywhere they walked, people stopped and stared. Doug was ofcially giving his protection to Maria and Cesars sons.

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