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Hidden Scene #5

Seth waited for Becky to settle and found a vantage point from which to guard her. How the hell had this happened? Why did he now care more for her needs than his own? When, was a better question. Maybe it's not new, he thought suddenly. Maybe I wanted her all along. Seths heart thumped. Hed told himself that he couldnt stand Becky, but the truth was that he hadnt thought to have a chance with her once Neil had shown interest. Now, Neil was in love with Samantha, and that left Becky unclaimed. Not if I

Seth stopped. It wasnt about claiming the teenager. It was about the future. Could he build one with her, knowing all that had happened? An instant response. Yes. Ive wanted it for a long time now. This changes nothing. Seth reeled, hand clutching at his cover tree for support. He was devoted to Little Becky! When the hell had it happened? His mind struggled to place it, heart thumping faster as he tried to narrow in on that one moment. Please, Seth? Her tears fell harder as she begged. I know you dont like me. You dont have to. She stared with tormented eyes, a fresh torrent of tears. But youre an Eagle, and they help Seths body responded even as his mind protested. What is it that you want, Rebecca? More tears and then the type of courage hed never suspected her of possessing. Replace his touch his feel! She asked grufy, in shame. Can you love me, Seth? I I dont think I could trust anyone else for the chore. He saw the faded bruises, the scars. She would always carry this now, like Samantha. Becky, Im not Dont call me that!

Her shout made Seth inch. Even her name would change, all because of one mans lust. Fury came swiftly behind that thought, along with the overwhelming urge to help. Seth stood up, and desperation ashed across her face. Please dont go. Dont leave me alone with his ghost! I dont think this is the right way to handle it. Becky surrendered quickly, tears falling to the tent oor. Im sorry for asking. The tears fell onto her bare thigh and ran over a set of pale bruises that were clearly a tight-gripped set of ngers. Will you go now? Seth saw her eyes crawl over the belt at her feet linger on the knife. He snatched the belt from her reach and ung it against the far wall. When he moved toward her, she scrambled back, gasping. He was relieved when she dropped the sharp blade. The wound was shallowshed just gotten the nervebut a new worry rose from the ashes of the relief. She would try again. "Is this what you need?" Seth asked. Becky's tears fell harder. "I don't know what else to try! He won't leave me alone."

Seth pulled his kit loose, let it fall to the oor. His gaze held hers as he slowly pushed off his boots. Still cowering in the corner, Becky let out a huge breath, realizing he was agreeing to give her what shed begged for. Im scared Seth forced his screaming mind back. Ill help you. Becky trembled when he held out a hand, pain ashing across her face. You wont hurt me? Seth delivered a soothing smile as she slowly put her small hand in his. Never, baby. Im an Eagle. We only help. Becky let him surround her with his strong arms, unable to keep from sobbing, and Seths reluctance faded. Helping her this way would be easy. It was what Adrian was training them forto share their burdens. Determined to be what she needed, Seths touch to her tangled hair was gentle, but not hesitant. He didnt stop when she trembled, didnt pause at the signs of the abuse on her body. He would cover her ghosts, and she would survive. Becky was still crying as she arched in her rst orgasm. Was that it? The moment hed fallen for her?

Seth shook his head as she slipped off his jacket and climbed down into the creek. No. That had been about duty. What about when shed jerked awake hours later, gasping for air? Shed muttered that he was her only hope and then loved him, straddling his rigid body in desperation. Hed never experienced anything like itbeing used for someones mental relief. But that wasnt it, either. It wasnt a sexual moment, and even her words after shed rolled off of him hadnt done it. They had rung in his mind, though. Please go now. Im much better. Dismissed. Seth suddenly understood that he couldnt have helped her so tenderly without already caring. Hed loved her before Rick had destroyed her innocence, but when exactly? His heart lurched as the answers began forming. When shed deed Adrians rules and been skilled enough to keep doing it without ever receiving a moments training. When shed entered the shooting contest and forced the blond to defend her against his own rules. When shed risked it all to get his attentionlike an Eagle. Thats when I fell, Seth thought. I was hers the instant she forced Adrian into giving her what she

wantedNeil. The desire had increased when shed stalked the trooper unnoticed and then used Rick to piss everyone off. I fell in love with her because of her courage and intelligence. There had been times that Neil hadnt known she was tracking him, times when the Eagles on Kyles team hadnt, either. But I almost always did, Seth thought, sensing his mental confusion coming to an end. I usually knew where she was at any given time, worried over her when she was out of sight. It came through as anger at her, but I was jealous that she didnt see me. Does she now? Did Rick do too much damage for it to matter? Seth slowly walked toward the creek. Had she made any choices for the future? He had, and it was time to nd out if they could meet in the middle. Becky heard him, but didnt run for her clothes as he stopped at the bank and sat down. When Seth didnt say anything, she waded closer with little thought to being naked. If he wanted her body, it was his to take. Hadnt he already stolen her mind while she wasnt looking? Seth didnt look up as she stopped in front of him, but she saw the muscles tighten in his arms, and her body responded. His tender care had helped

free her of the worst part of the pain. She barely felt Ricks touch now while she was awake, but Seths hands and his voice were burnt into her memory. Wondering why he had come closer, Becky slowly let her hand reach out to touch his strawberry hair. He normally stayed back unless she called him or had one of her breakdown moments. Her ngers slid through, sending lightning into her skin and a tiny are of peace into her heart. Seth stiffened, but didnt retreat, and she let her ngers glide down his cheek. When she spoke, the words rang out with quiet emotion. Im going to be okay, Seth. Seth nodded against her hand. Good. I've gotten used to having you around. I wont tell them any of it. Angie can help you. Becky let out a sound that was half snort, half wonder. She cant give me what you have. Her sts clenched at her sides. But I meant about us. Ill never forget a second of what youve done for me, but I wont use it. Im no longer that girl. Another step away from what she now wanted. Youve honored me, and I release you, Seth. Go back to your duty. Seths head snapped up. You are my duty!

He stood, eyes blazing as he swept her naked body with a protective possessiveness that revealed as much as his words. There isnt anything you need that I cant provide! Seth spun away, afraid to say more. Even if she could get over the abuse shed suffered, what if she still wanted Neil? Becky climbed from the water and ran carefully after his stify retreating form. She grabbed his wrist only to nd herself being swung into his strong arms. She froze, automatically bracing. Seth eased his grip, pushing the re down. Her scent washed over him, her expression wide with fear. So young! He reluctantly let go of her, but his words drew her closer. I need you, too. I just didnt know. His hand went to her hair, pushed aside a damp curl. When you know what you want, Ill be around. Becky frowned. Why do you make me feel this way? What way? Seth asked, taking his jacket off to wrap around her shoulders. Like I cant breathe like youre my air. She dissolved in a low growl of misery. Please dont shut me out. I need you! The desperation matched his own frustration, and Seth swept her against his chest.

I wont, he promised, not sure what might come of it. I wont abandon you. Ever. She was sad and happy at the same time. I love you, and Im sorry for it. Because of all the trouble it will cause us? She agreed miserably. Ill try to just be friends so that you can keep your place. It was another of those wonderfully awful moments of choice, but Seth had already made his. Do you want to be with me, Rebecca Ann Kelly? She snickered a little at the use of her full name. You know it. Seth chuckled, pulling her close. Good, cause Im not sure I could handle just being your friend. We tried that, and it got ugly. Becky snorted, and Seth kept it going, needing to hear her laugh. Besides, think of all the fun well have explaining it to your mom. Becky laughed, unable to prevent it, and Seth leaned her back to meet his gaze. Until you dont want me anymore. Then tell me, okay? Yes. Becky felt her heart accept his ownership, that sense of protection shed thought only Neil would inspire. She was Seths woman. She burst into fresh tears. Thank you!

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