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Hidden Scene #6-PC!

Nice job! I mean that. I considered this clue to be relatively hard.

I have a question. About something hes doing. Angela paused in her throw, hearing his tone. It said Brady wasnt happy to be coming to her for answers, but it mattered. Her arm lowered. Ill try. Why are we still where everyone can see them? Angela immediately swung toward the three crosses being lit by the morning sun rising over the hillside. Though they were a good distance away, the burial place was the highest point still in view.

Angela closed that mental door, searching for an answer she could give. Adrian had more than one reason for it, and she wasnt sure exactly how many of them he wanted known. I didnt mean for you to look or anything. I just Assumed Id know. Angela chuckled awkwardly. I hear that a lot from my team, when I screw up. Her demeanor settled into frustration, the reason they were out here. Used to hear it. Marc waved a hand. Its your throw. They were using balloons lled with dyed creek water to paint the large ant colony nearest to the camp. The hill was better than four feet high, with an enormous displacement of earth under and around it. No less than a hundred of the lumbering insects were busy streaming in and out with their prizes and chores. Angela drew in a steadying breath, grateful to John for clearing her for the next set of strengthening levels. He and Brady were attending to that together, Marc clearing it with the doctor before she was permitted to do anything. She drew her left arm and carefully tossed the wiggly balloon toward the ant line. Too carefully. It fell far short, only splattering hot pink over half a dozen of the guards on the colony.

Marc pitched her a fresh balloon, and Angela swallowed a grimace at the movement when she caught it. Without pain, there was no recovery. She threw again, harder this time, and landed a bright streak over ten large ants, sending the line into disarray. Nice, baby. That sounded like my Brady! Angela turned to him, aware of how her skin was more sensitive to the wind, the occasional peeks of sunlight through the grit. Marc pitched his balloon. Pale blue spread over the top of the anthill. Beat that! Angela did, landing the next three over the top of his, but it hurt her, and she hesitated before accepting another. Her shoulder was on re, and she wasnt even using it. All their throws were lefthanded. He needs them to know how serious survival is, how dangerous this world is, and how easily were here one minute and gone the next. Angela pitched the balloon underhand and soaked enough of the line to give her the clear lead. Marc didnt throw again, only waited. He had little doubt there was more. Angela wiped her wet hands down her jeans and lit a smoke, eyes going back to the crosses. Hes also torturing himself with it."

Why? They were evil. They were human lives, Brady. Each one he takes kills more of his humanity. He fears becoming like his father. He is already. He doesnt recognize it. Angela drew her gun. Yes, he does, he just refuses to let his emotions get in the way of what has to be done. Like what he feels for you. Marc and Angela both winced at the thoughtless slip. Angela knew that he was going to stand by it, now that it was out in the open. Good. It was time she laid that fear to rest. Do you love me, Brady? Marcs gaze ashed into warm sapphire. You know it. Angie smiled, ushing a bit. Yes, I do. So does everyone else. Were a match, Marc. I dont view him that way. But you do see him. Angela snorted. Who wouldnt? But its not what I want. Unless I call, he'll stay back. She didnt nd any surprise or even a question of the words, and she scowled. Its me youre worried about. Before Marc could deny, she spun around and opened re on the ants.

Without a warning on the radio that there was about to be gunre, Eagles ooded the area, weapons drawn. Angela didnt stop when her clip was empty, instead using a quickly chosen yank with her injured hand that brought a grimace across her lips and the speed loader into place. She twisted it, dropping the slugs into the chamber, and snapped it closed to take aim again on the eeing colonists. Marc let her go, even when she reloaded again with another of those nut-tightening whimpers. Better to let her ease her anger on the ants than him, though she would only re words in his direction. Those were worse than slugs, as far as he was concerned. Adrian waved the Eagles back to their posts, but those who were off-duty stayed as Angela proved she was able to be one of them even while recovering. Adrian instinctively sensed what had caused their tension. Marcs sharp glower was a clue, but there was also the way she was shooting. With her left, shed shown promise but only made it to Level One so far. Right now, she was hitting everything she aimed at. She was pissed and refusing to look at Brady. Angela clicked the last loader of bullets into the Python and snapped it shut, but instead of ring,

she slid it into her holster. She wouldnt ever be without a loaded gun at her ngertips, even while in camp. Your shot. She refused to talk about it in front of an audience, and Marc was grateful. He hadnt meant to say it, but he couldnt help thinking it. Shed ipped to Adrians side so fast Brady. Marc released his own anger at the situation, ring steadily. He didnt know the future, but hed been around enough to recognize when two people were attracted to each other. And the worst part? She didnt realize it yet. Yes, I do. Marc lowered his arm, staring. Angela shrugged. Ive always known, Marc, always had that open invite, but Ive never even considered it. If you cant accept that as the truth, Im sorry, but thats your problem, not mine. She left him standing there with a pounding heart and a furious shame. There was no way that Adrian wouldnt know what it was about. Whats the score? One of the rookies wanted to know who had won, and Marc turned toward the direction Angela had taken, sighing. I wouldnt know. I was knocked unconscious in the rst round.

Marc followed her stify-retreating form into the off-limits area. She vanished around the corner, and he grunted as he reached it, sure she would be out of sight. He came around and found himself being shoved against the wall of a semi. Angela jerked him toward her by his leather jacket and held him close. Cheek to cheek, she kept them that way without saying anything. Marc slowly brought his hands up and held her, mind calming. She was trying to ease his worries. She didnt want him to be upset. No, I dont. Weve wasted enough time. She smiled sexily. And Ive missed being close to you. Marc sucked in a breath at the spark, and Angelas smirk widened. One more of those and you may have to kiss me. Again, his breath went out in surprise, and Angela immediately tilted her head up. Marc tightened his control and carefully slid his lips against hers. He only stayed for a brief second. Angela groaned. Just one, and then Ill go nd something safe to do! Marc hated the part of him that still wanted that. Im sorry. I didnt mean for you to ever know it bothers me.

Angela sighed, arms sliding to his shoulders. Im not mad. We just have some things to work on. Nothing new, right? Marc snorted. No. Angela softened against him, using her female charms to soothe them both. Now, I want a kiss. Im not asking you to shove me up against the truck, rip my clothes off, and Angela stopped the joke, not liking the way he wasnt breathing at all now. Marc? Marc slanted his mouth over hers and let go of a small edge of control. In his mind, he ashed the image of exactly what shed said, how hed envisioned it. Angela shivered at the double heat, lips parting. His hand went to her hip, holding her close, and his tongue swept over hers, lighting up places in her body that began to hum with excitement. My Brady! Marc was ipped into the past as hard as she was, and they clutched at each other, lost in memories and sensation.

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