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All the details you give in your application must be the same as those we already hold for you.

In particular, your authorising officer and key contact must be the same - there can only be 1 authorising officer and 1 key contact for a sponsor licence. If you want different people to be the authorising officer and key contact for the tier(s) that you want to add, you must apply for an additional sponsor licence and pay the appropriate fee. The Roles to allocate section contains more information about these roles. If your application names a different level 1 user from the one(s) on your existing licence, you must confirm whether you intend to replace an existing level 1 user or add a new one. If you do not provide this information with your application, we will contact you to confirm it - but if we do not receive a response within 14 days, we will reject your application.

The process for applying

The process for applying is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Register online with your name and email address. Read all the information in Applying for a licence and the sponsor guidance. Complete your application online, print off your submission sheet and send it to us with your fee and supporting documents. We process your sponsor application, making any checks that are necessary. We notify you of our decision. If we give you a sponsor licence, your organisation name and rating are published on our register of sponsors. If you are a Tier 4 (General) sponsor, you can apply to be a highly trusted sponsor. For more information about the benefits and how to apply, see the policy guidance for tier 4 sponsors in the Sponsor guidance section on the right hand side of this page.

When you complete your online application you will be asked for your preferred method of contact, in case we need to contact you about your application. Regardless of how you answer that question, we will always email either the person you have named as the key contact or the person you have named as the authorising officer on your application if we need any further information or documents in connection with your application.

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