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Unit One: Citizenship - Notes

Translation: Out of Many, One On every dollar bill

Popular Sovereignty
Popular Vote
The majority win

Basis of our Government

George Washington
April 30, 1789 March 4, 1797

The commander-in-chief of the

Continental Army during the American

Revolutionary War One of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Population Count
Every Ten Years

Started in 1790
Needed to know population to determine representation in Congress
Representing Us

Asks many other questions to find out information about the lives of Americans.

A Nation of Immigrants
All Americans are either immigrants or the descendants of an immigrant
Native Americans Spanish
Largest Growing of Immigrants in US Today

French Africans Other Europeans


U.S. was once known the Boiling Pot now called the Salad Bowl

Immigration Limits
Mid-1800s some discrimination begins against European immigrants
Fear of jobs and land being lost from those already there still an ongoing fear

1920s saw National Origins Act which limited immigration based on nationality
Cause: WWI

1960 saw modern quota system implemented

Quota: limited amount

Refugees are the exception to the immigration quotas

Refugees: people who have fled their homes because of war or famine.

Population Growth
Early Population Growth
Large influx of immigrants Naturally high birthrates

Declining birthrate
Economy Advanced Medicine

Average American has 2 kids

People Living longer

Fastest growing part of our population
In America - Hispanics

The 4 Great Shifts in our Population

People move from farms [rural] to cities [urban]
Reason: Industrial Revolution Jobs

Late 1800s Early 1900s

African Americans moving into northern areas
Reason: Civil War

Late 1900s
People move towards the south and southwest
Reason: Less People

Late 1900s Early 2000s

People move towards living in suburbs of cities

Changing Nation
The United States with every Census
Language Barriers
English and Spanish most popular Bi-lingual areas

Cultural barriers
Religious barriers Aging Population

Members of Many Groups

Many Americans play roles in most of these groups
Family Friends Religion

Economics Government

Values We Share
The American Dream
Legacy of Freedom Government by the people Republic Equality of all Persons

Imperfect Society in Reality

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