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Lebkuchen Ingredients 200g sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar (~10g) 1 tsp cinnamon One pinch each of ground cloves,

allspice and cardamon 200g almonds (ground) 50g candied orange peel (chopped) 75g candied lemon peel (chopped) Zest from lemon 250g flour 4 eggs 1 tsp baking powder 30 round wafer sheets (~ 7cm) Sugar glaze (see recipe below) Whole blanched almonds for decoration (optional) Method 1. Mix the flour and baking powder together. 2. Place the eggs with the sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and beat until foamy. 3. Add in the flour mixure, spices, almonds, lemon zest, candied orange and lemon peel. Mix to form a dough. 4. Preheat the oven to 175 200 degrees C. (I use 180 degrees C for lebkuchen) 5. Spread the dough on each wafer sheet and bake until golden brown on an ungreased baking sheet for 15 to 20 mins. 6. Allow the lebkuchen to cool and glaze with the sugar glaze. Decorate with the whole blanched almonds as desired.

Sugar Glaze Ingredients 200g confectioners sugar 2 tbsp lemon juice (alternatively, use 2 tbsp rum) 2 tbsp hot water Method 1. Mix well for 5 10 mins. The glaze should be fluid with a thick consistency.

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