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Use of Time Expressions Match the time expression with the sentence fragment.

Complete by choosing the correct tense used in the sentence fragment. Click on the arrow to check your answers. Sentence Fragment Time Tense Expressio Used n John will have completed the fourth grade... the future moment. intention As soon as present We are studying Roman history... I arrive,... perfect ...when I continuou They haven't finished their homework... was a s child. present ...for two simple Jack gets up early... hours past when you simple arrived. future When I perfect ...I will arrived,... future give you a ring. ...three time I began skiing... times this clause year. present next perfect June. present ...she was reading a book. at this time continuou He had been waiting... tomorrow. s ...since past 1997. perfect I used to play tennis every day... When we future arrived,... continuou ...on s Maria has been living in Pisa... Saturdays. past ...yet. continuou I will be sleeping... ...five s years ago. present April. perfect We've been to Paris ... continuou s I'm going to visit Germany... past perfect continuou ....she s had already eaten dinner. past simple

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