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Curriculum Vitae Palghat Udayashankar Arun

1. Personal Data Office Address: [Address for correspondence] Gummer Lab Section Physiological Acoustics and Communication Dept. Otolaryngology, University Tbingen Elfriede Aulhorn Strasse 5 72076 Tbingen, Germany Tel. +49/ 7071 2988234 Graduate School of Neural & Behavioural Sciences International Max Planck Research School Universitt Tbingen sterbergstrae 3 D-72074 Tbingen Germany phone: (+49) 7071-29-77179 fax: (+49) 7071-29-5089 27 December 1983 in Coimbatore, India

School Address:


2. Academic Career

September 2005 - present

M.Sc Neuroscience, University of Tuebingen, Germany, International Max Planck Research School (Expected final GPA : 1.7) Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India, (First Class with Distinction, Cumulative Average: 79%)

August 2001 April 2005

3. Course Work Bachelor Semester No. 01 THEORY Mathematics I Physics I Chemistry I Basic Civil Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Engineering drawing and graphics English I Semester No. 02 Theory Mathematics II Physics II Electric Circuit Analysis Chemistry II Basic mechanical engineering Basic electronics engineering English II Engineering drawing and graphics II Practicals Computer Programming lab Workshop Practice Physical Sciences Lab Semester-3 Semester-4 Theory Theory MA231:Mathematics - III PH231:Material Science ME251:Thermodynamics CE261:Fluid Mechanics EE232:Electrical Machines - I EE231:Electromagnetic Theory EC253:Electron Devices Practical EE241 Electrical Machines LaboratoryI EE235:Control Systems EC256:Communication Engineering EE234:Electrical Machines - II EC254:Electronic Circuits EE236:Network Analysis and Synthesis EE237:Object Oriented Programming Practical EC258 Electronics Laboratory EE242 Electrical Machines LaboratoryII

Semester-V THEORY EE331:Measurements and Instrumentation EE332:Power Electronics EE333:Digital Systems EE334:Integrated Circuits EE335:Transmission and Distribution EE336:Design of Electrical Apparatus PRACTICAL EE341 Control Systems Laboratory EE342 Power Electronics Laboratory

Semster VI THEORY MG331 Principles Of Management EE337 Digital Signal Processing EE338 Protection & Switchgear EE339 Power System Analysis EE340 Microprocessor & Applications EE350 Computer Architecture PRACTICAL EE343 Measurement & Instrumentation Laboratory EE344 IC & Microprocessor Laboratory Semester VIII THEORY GE406 Total Quality Management Bio Medical Instrumentation HVDC transmission PRACTICAL EE444 Project Work

Semester VII THEORY MG431 Engineering Economics And Financial Accounting EE431 Power System Control EE432 Solid State Drives EE433 High Voltage Engineering CE071 Principles Of Environmental Science and Engineering GE035 Professional Ethics PRACTICAL EE439 Comprehension EE 435 Power System Simulation Lab.

Master Semester I Autonomous and Endocrine system Functional Organization of Vertebrate CNS Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy of CNS Molecular and Cellular Biology of Neurons Motor Systems Neurophysiology Sensory Systems I - Visual System Introduction to MATLAB Programming Sensory Systems II - Auditory and other Senses Theoretical Neurobiology Methods in Molecular Neurobiology Probability and Statistics Semester II Behaviour and Cognition: Communication and Social Cognition Behaviour and Cognition: Neuropsychology Behaviour and Cognition: Spatial and Visual Cognition Behavioural Pharmacology Developmental Neurobiology Genetic and Molecular Basis of Neural Diseases

4. Research Activities Bachelors level Under the supervision of Prof.N.Venkateswaran, I learnt how to run simulations in Matlab and C++ and I got a good introduction to computational neuroscience. Here I participated in a project that proposed a Simulation Model for predicting The Multi-Million Neuron Interconnectivity involving Dendrites-Axon-SomaSynapse of the Brain Regions whose BOLD-fMRI is known and Evolution of a Neurophysiologically Inspired Supercomputing Architecture for Modeling the Respective Brain Regions. The MMiNIDASS model was presented at the DMCN 2005, a conference held at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg. (

Masters level Lab rotations Gummer Lab, THRC, Tuebingen, Germany The first lab rotation was a purely analytical project in cochlear fluid mechanics. The project investigated that effect and existence of slip between the endolymph and the tectorial membrane. It was supervised by Prof. Anthony. W. Gummer. It was found that the slip was very small and that it did not significantly alter fluid motion. The project was completed in three months time. ( Rainer lab, Dept. Logothetis, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany For a period of one month under the supervision of Dr.Gregor Rainers students, I observed electrophysiological recordings from the V4 area of the macaque brain. I also attempted to model the experimental data. ( De Schutter lab, University of Antwerp, Belgium Under the supervision of Dr.Pablo Achard, I learnt how to simulate Purkinje cell models on Genesis. I am currently working on Calcium dynamics in the Purkinje cell. The model captures calcium buffering, calcium pumps and one dimensional radial diffusion of calcium. This work is a continuation of the interesting results published by Dr.Achard and Dr.De Schutter in PLoS computational Biology where tight constraints were found on the variation of calcium conductance. ( Masters thesis I plan to write my Masters thesis on calcium dynamics in the outer hair cell under the supervision of Prof.Gummer at the Tuebingen Hearing Research Centre. Here I would be modeling data generated with calcium fluorescence imaging experiments. The work would be done in collaboration with Dr.Csaba Haratozi, a postdoctoral associate of the lab.

5. Publications/ Thesis THESIS work at WARFT: Investigation of the fMRI BOLD response to extract the electrical activity of neurons, submitted towards partial fulfillment of the research trainee program at WARFT.*

Project work for the final year of Engineering: Neurophysiologically inspired control systems for robots , Publications in Conferences Prof N Venkateswaran, Palghat Udayshankar Arun et al., Simulation Model for predicting The Multi-Million Neuron Interconnectivity involving DendritesAxon-Soma-Synapse of the Brain Regions whose BOLD-fMRI is known and Evolution of a Neurophysiologically Inspired Supercomputing Architecture for Modeling the Respective Brain Regions, DMCN 2006* 6. Language Skills Tamil English German 7. Achievements Secured 99.9 percentile in the TAMIL NADU PROFESSIONAL COURSE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION conducted by ANNA UNIVERSITY in the year 2001 Featured in the top five (out of 126 students) in several courses during my undergraduate study Secured a scholarship from the Max Planck Society to pursue Maters in Neural and Behavioural sciences in Tuebingen

8. Extra curricular activities Successfully completed a practical training program at ITI limited, BANGALORE during MAY 2003 Stood first in the ZERTIFIKAT DEUTSCH examination conducted by the GOETHE INSTITUT INTER NATIONES in CHENNAI during NOVEMBER 2003 Arranged industrial visits to various companies including INDOTECH TRANSFORMERS and CPCL as a student representative of the industrial visit coordination committee Organized and conducted a technical quiz program for PULSE 2003. PULSE is an annual technical event conducted by the Electrical and Electronics Dept., SVCE

9. References Professor Dr. Anthony W. Gummer Section Physiological Acoustics and Communication, University Tbingen Elfriede Aulhorn Strasse 5 72076 Tbingen, Germany Dr.Pablo Achard Theoretical Neurobiology, University of Antwerp Universiteitsplein 1, Building T, 5th floor 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schaeffel Section of Neurobiology of the Eye, University Tbingen Calwerstr. 7/1, 72076 Tbingen, Germany

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