Praise The Lord

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Praise the Lord!

It has pleased the Lord for me to announce to everyone that come across this note that we
have been commanded by the Lord to go and strengthen the brethren with His word in
every nation by training people that have God’s call into ministry but cannot afford to
enroll into a bible institute and have started their ministries in rural areas; and to support
them financially and materially.

Remember, the strength of an organization is determined by the strength of its leadership;

hence, we are commissioned by God to raise leaders for Him (2 Timothy 2:2; Isaiah

Our mission statement, Courses, and strategy for carrying out our divine commission is
located in the ‘Blog’ here in this site.

According to Ezra 1:2-6, the Contemporary English Version of the bible says,

“I am King of Persia. The Lord God of heaven, who is also the God of Israel… has
chosen me to build a temple for Him in Jerusalem… everyone else must provide
what is needed. They must give money, supplies, and animals, as well as gifts for
rebuilding God’s temple. Many people felt that the Lord God wanted them to help
rebuild His temple and they made plans to go to Jerusalem…The others helped by
giving Silver articles, gold, personal possessions, cattle and other valuable gifts, as
well as offerings for the temple.”

Also, in Romans 15: 25, 26, Paul the Apostle says,

“I am on my way to Jerusalem to deliver the money that the Lord’s followers in

Macedonia and Achaia collected for God’s needy people.”

I am therefore communing with all Saints that are well to do, according as the Lord has
blessed them, to make donations towards this mission that the God of all of us has
committed to my trust.

If you are willing to make donation towards this effect as you are being led by God in
your spirit, please, use this bank information:

Bank name: Shinhan Bank, Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea.

Account name: Sabastine Harrison Enudi.
Account number: 100-024-839923

Or contact us through the following e-mail addresses or phone numbers:,
+82(10)5820-0594, +82(10)8696-3935

May the Lord reward you as you keep showing love towards the Saints (Hebrew 6:10).

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