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You Didnt Know!

By: Jared Sandoval

Swedens Easter witches

I know right? Witches on Easter? Well, just trust me. It is believed that witches would y to a German mountain and hang out with Satan. On their way back, Swedes would light res to scare them away, a pracKce honored today by the bonres and reworks across the land in the days leading up to Sunday.

Ethiopias Belated Easter CelebraKon.

Ethiopian Orthodox ChrisKan celebrate Easter anywhere from a week to two weeks aOer the Western church. Easter follows eight weeks of fasKng from meat and dairy. On Easter Eve, Ethiopian ChrisKans parKcipate in an hours long church service that ends around 3a.m.

The Easter Bunny

We all know that Easter has an Easter Bunny, right? The Easter Bunny is connected to the Spring Goddess. Well, she used the bunny to symbolize ferKlity. The rabbit also became associated with the American celebraKon of Easter when the Germans who seTled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s brought tales of osterhase, the mythical egg-laying bunny.

Hot Cross Buns

No, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SONG, Hot Cross Buns, I am talking about the yummy warm food that I am about to talk about. This yummy treat is a pastry eaten usually on Good Friday. It is a sweet bread lled with lots of fruits and spices.

Easter Parades
Well, we all know that there are some parades for Easter right? Well, how big are they? Fellow New Yorkers always go out on the streets, playing songs and yelling, all for the fun of Easter.

Faberge Eggs: The Fanciest Easter GiO Ever!

You guys might give your friends a lot of cool stu, like chocolate bunnies. Well these arent just any type of eggs, they are the best type of eggs. It is a white gold emerald egg. When you open this egg you will see golden yolk containing a small golden hen with ruby eyes. Each with something really expensive like a box of Cracker Jacks.

The Burning of The Judas

Easter is a nice and peaceful Kme, why would anyone want to burn someone on this religious day? Wel,l let me explain. This represents an apostle of Jesus that betrays him. This man was so hated that the people just decided to burn him alive.

The Sunrise Service

Whats a sunrise service? Dont know? Keep reading. Everyone goes to mass and goes outside and waits for the sun to come out. This is considered very religious.

Bermudas Good Friday Kites

Legend has it that a Bermudan teacher in need of a simple yet eecKve way to demonstrate the Ascension of Christ into Heaven, used a kite decorated with Jesus image to imprint the concept on the mindsof his charges.

Easter Eggs
This is it! we all know that Easter eggs are the reason we all love Easter, right? The egg stands for life; thats what the ancient cultures think of it. In Europe, the rst foods blessed by the priest were eggs.

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