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Email Best Practices 101

Presented by Chris Stergalas, Working America

#1u is the hashtag for anything union related on Twitter.


Chris Stergalas
Online Organizer Working America @cstergalas

How big is your email list? Under 100 Under 500 501-1,000 1,000-5,000 Over 5,000 Dont know

1. Keep a Healthy Email List 2. Better Engage Your Members 3. Maximize Your Impact

Is it Worth it?
Timing Infinite Possibilities Maximize All of Your Efforts

So What am I doing?
Plan of Action
1. 2. 3. 4. What? Why? Why me? Why now?

Who are you?

Where are you sending your email from?

Is it clear who this email is from

Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO

Re: Wow!
Without a good subject line, the rest of your email doesnt matter. Be short and concise. Relate to your overall message (be truthful)

What do you think?

After Your Awesome Subject Line

You have a few moments to connect to your reader. Theyre multitasking, on their phones, at work, maybe on a treadmill.

Email Structure
Greeting What and Why? First Ask More Why, and Theory of Change Repeat Ask

Sign Off

Have a Conversation
No matter the purpose, you want to be having a conversation. Dont talk at people, try to connect to them. Images can help and hurt you

Having a Conversation

Having a Conversation

Having a Conversation

What Are You Asking?

Every email should have an ask Send an email Make a phone call Attend an event Read an Article Watch a Video Donate Money Take a Survey

Make a Choice
Dont confuse people Ask one thing Make it clear

But which one?

Convey It
What does theory of change look like? Cold vs. Conversational

Convey It

Timing is everything. Email works 24/7. 2:00 a.m. vital Senate vote? Send. Big election victory. Send. Content is often king, but timing can trump it.


Ready, Set
Proofread, proofread, proofread. Seriously, proofread. Spelling, check links, check facts. Have someone that didnt write it review it.

People like to click.

Then What?
An email conversation and landing page go together. You need to think, where are people landing once they click? Make it easy and simple. The less process involved, the better your result.

Landing Pages
Good Bad

Press Releases
Press Releases and Emails are not the same thing. Different audience. Different format. Dont copy and paste your press release into an email.

Press Releases

But, How Much?

Find a happy middle ground. Every other week, at least once a month. Remember, urgency can trump most anything else.

But People Love Me!

They do, theyre on your list for a reason. But no one wants to be spammed. Be strategic, find your moment and your voice. Opt-outs happen.

Your List
Where does your list come from? Do you have a personal relationship with them? Do they know why theyre on the list? Lists grow and contract.

Photo Credit: Workers Defense Project

Just Remember: Have a Conversation

1. 2. 3. 4. You can send great emails! Put yourself in your readers shoes. Proofread! Have conversations.


Twitter: @cstergalas

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