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01. Substitute the word alone by the Reflexive pronoun.

a) I want to do that work alone.
b) Chris and John are walking in the park alone.
c) He must solve this problem alone.
d) Sally did the exercises alone.
e) The boys found the secret place alone.
02. I painted this room .
a) herself
b) itself
c) himself

d) myselves
e) yourself

03. We .. prepared the surprise party.

a) ourselves
d) yourselves
b) herself
e) myself
c) themselves
04. The policeman .. shot the thief.
a) herself
d) myselves
b) itself
e) yourself
c) himself
05. Sally talked to the man . .
a) herselves
b) itself
c) yourself

d) myselves
e) himself

06. You have to phone her.

a) herselves
b) itself
c) yourself

d) myselves
e) himself

07. The children . built the doghouse.

a) herselves
d) themselves
b) itself
e) himself
c) yourself

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