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by: Amanda Cordero Period 8 Zoology

My Pet: Puchi

About Puchi
-She is a purebred poodle.
-She is about 9 years old. -Binomial Classification: Canius Lupis Familiarus -Got her when I was six for my birthday. -We got her from Guayaquil, Ecuador. - We bought her for $50.

Daily Routine
-We let her outside in our backyard 3 times a day to go to the bathroom: Once in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. -Feed her wet food twice a day: Once in the morning before school and once after dinner. But she always has dry food available to her at all times.

-We change her water throughout the day.

-Occasionally gets a rash on her chest and stomach and has to take half a tablet twice a day with her food if it acts up. -Has a special shampoo for her skin so that the rash doesn't get worse. If it's bad, we have to bathe her once for three weeks.

-Has a tooth infection in one of her teeth and we have to brush her teeth with a special toothpaste and brush every night.

Activities and Training

She isn't obedience trained but she knows to tell us when she has to go outside. She also tells us when she's hungry by scraping the bowl across the floor. She likes to watch people and other dogs from the window and she likes to trip us when we are going up the stairs. She also likes to attack other dogs but she doesn't like it when they fight back. But, she mostly likes to lay back and watch us.

-Lives in a nice neighborhood and when she gets locked out, the neighbors bring her to us. -She is mostly an indoor dog because she is so friendly that anyone can take her. (Who wouldn't want to?)

-She lives in a nice house where she has the choice to either sleep with the parents or sleep in her own bed. She also does whatever she wants.

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