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Fuhs 7 Works Cited

Joesph Stalin. Encyclopedia of world Biography. Detroit: Gale 1998. Biography in context. 2013.Web. 10 April. Haugen, Brenda. Joesph Stalin: Dictator of the Soveit Union. Minneapolis, Minn.: Compasspoint Books, 1006. Print Ingram, Scott. Joesph Stalin. San Diego: Black Birch press, 2002. Print. Marrin, Albert. Stalin, Joseph. World book Student. World Book, 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2013 Mimmack, Brian, Eunice Price, and Daniela Senes. History. Oxford: Pearson Education, 2010. Print. Wolfe, Bertram D. Stalin, Joesph (1879-1953). The newbook of knowledge. Grolier online, Web. 8 Apr. 2013.

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