Poster Rubric

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Making A Poster : Revolutions Project

Teacher Name: Ms. Roy

Student Name:     ________________________________________

Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably
attractive in terms of design, attractive though
terms of design, layout and it may be a bit
layout, and neatness. 4 points messy. 3 points
neatness. 5 points
Required The poster The poster The poster
Elements identifies at least identifies 3 identifies 2
4 themes themes common themes common
common to at to at least three to at least four
least three revolutions. 7 revolutions, or
revolutions. 8 points + 2 points identifies 3
Content - Answers
points + at least 5 Answers
2 points at least 4 Answers
if four revolutions at least 3
themes common
Accuracy of the required
if four revolutions ofarethe required
compared. of
to the required
are compared.Clearly questions. Clearly questions.
identifies identifies not completely
Enlightenment's Enlightenment's identify
impact on all impact on all Enlightenment's
Use of Class Time Used time well
revolutions. 8 Used time
revolutions. 7well Used
impactsome of the
on all
points each class during
points each class time well during
revolutions. 6
period. Focused period. Usually each
pointsclass period.
on getting the focused on There was some
project done. getting the focus on getting
Never distracted project done and the project done
others. 4 points never distracted but occasionally
Date Created: Apr 21, 2009 07:18 am others.
(CDT)3 points distracted others.
2 points

The poster is
messy or very
poorly designed.
It is not attractive.
2 points
Several required
elements were
missing. 5 points

Does not identify

impact and
answers 3 or less
of the required
questions. 5
Did not use class
time to focus on
the project OR
often distracted
others. 1 point

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