History of Operating System (Demo)

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Submitted To Asst. Prof. Mr.

Arvind Rajpoot By Shashank Shrivastav 0928cs081052


allocator. Working as extended machine.

as a resource

First practical working model was developed by Howard Aiken,John Von Neumann, J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchley. The design was implemented using vacuum tubes and plugboards.

Mainframes were developed using Transistors Batch programming was evolved.

Some inexpensive Computers Ibm 1401 was developed for Input Output reading tapes and printing outputs Expensive computers such as Ibm 7094 were used for calculations

ICs were used for manufacturing computers. Computers are now multi programmable.

Ibm 360 series was introduced by IBM that can do both i/o and calculations for which 1st OS was written First Tiime sharing System was Developed in 1962 known as CTSS which opened the possibility of networks

The Large scale Integration made it possible to make microprocessors Computers now came in reach of common man Motorola Ibm and Apple developed 8 bit microprocessors After that IBM developed 16 bit microprocessor for IBM PC

Command line OS such as MSDOS ,UNIX were Developed First GUI was given by Doug Engelbert known as Apple Macintosh in early 1984 that used Motorola 16 Bit 6800 microprocessor Distributed System were Developed

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