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to come
to take
to eat
to command
to (re)search
to begin
to replace
to emerge
to spread (something)
to dispatch
to remain
to cry
to reach
to build
to become clear
to follow
to leave/abandon
to complete
to repent
to be firmly established



to wound
to flow (literally or abstractly)
to make (something into something)
to sit
to be permissible
to come
to calculate
to acquire (transitive and intransitive)
to be present
to protect; to memorize
to pass judgement
to carry
to be alive
to seal; to conclude/finish
to serve
to exit
to tear
to store
to single out/distinguish
to be in error/make a mistake



to be concealed
to be pure
to create
to be empty
to betray
to imagine
to enter
to study
to call; to invite
to push away
to demonstrate/indicate
to be near
to be low
to revolve
to borrow
to remember; to mention
to go
to see; to have an opinion
to fasten; many other meanings
to return



to hope; to plead; to expect

to set out for travel
to keep something at bay
to provide (sustenance)
to be on the right track
to take care of / watch over
to lift/raise
to ascend
to ride; to mount/board
to be clear; to surpass in excellence
to die down
to stop
to ask
to insult; to swear
to precede
to be stupid
to fall
to dwell; to be still
to be over/done
to be safe; to be sound/correct



to hear
to be/become bad/evil
to be equal; to be smooth and the like
to travel (by night)
to flow
to be brave/encouraged
to be firm/solid/intense/violent/etc
to drink
to stipulate; many other meanings
to share
to feel (an emotion)
to preoccupy (someone)
to witness; to testify
to be patient; other meanings
to regain consciousness; to wake up
to be proper/righteous
to make; other meanings
to be noisy
to hit; other meanings
to be weak



to guarantee/be liable
to lose ones way
to be tight/narrow/etc
to toss; to cull
to knock
to taste
to look for
to rise (e.g. the sun); to ascend
to be clean/pure
to able (to do something)
to be good/pleasant/agreeable/etc
to fly
to know; to assume/believe
to be apparent/manifest
to worship
to traverse
to be amazed
to count/enumerate; to consider among
to be fair
to excuse/forgive

Exercise: write a short sentence in Arabic on each of the following topics

using at least one of the above words in each sentence; this exercise may be
skipped by beginners

the current economic situation

whether universities should be private or state-run

how a servant can gain a close relationship with his lord

the effective of poorly chosen friends



to know/recognize
to be thirsty
to tie/knot/lock/etc; other meanings
to hang; to be hung; to cling
to know
to do/work
to return
to hinder
to mislead
to become angry
to forgive
to overpower/conquer
to lock; to close
to disappear
to open
to flee
to separate/divide
to lose heart; to fail
to detach
to be better



to lose something
to slip away
to overflow
to seize
to accept
to kill
to possess ability
to arrive
to read
to categorize
to make something a goal/aim/intention
to execute/perfume
to cut
to sit
to turn/flip/etc
to say
to stand
to write; to ordain
to hide/conceal
to lie



to dislike
to break
to remove a covering
to deceive/dupe
to wear
to catch up; to be joint to
to be necessary; to adhere to
to play
to extend/be long
to pass by
to touch
for something to pass
to rain
to fill up
to take/have possession / to own
to prevent
to end up successful
to descend
to forget
to grow



to advise
to help
to become mature
to look
to benefit
to move/relocate (something)
to forbid
to sleep
to intend
to guide
to perish; to be annihilated
to be necessary
to find (not to look for)
to arrive; to combine/link; other
to put
to fall; to occur
to stop
to give birth (even for masculine)

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