Va 91316 CL

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This cover sheet must be completed and submitted with the moderation materials for each standard selected for moderation.

Moderation System/Subject:

Visual Arts 1-4

School Code: 305 Version of standard: 1 Level: 2

School Name: Westland High School Standard No: 91316

Title: Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established

painting practice
The following assessment materials should be attached or enclosed with this form (Tick the boxes to confirm):
assessment activity with any relevant resources assessment assessed work


Please indicate the source of assessment material by ticking the appropriate box:
own materials commercial materials

modified MOE/NZQA materials

MOE/NZQA materials

other e.g. unmodified

Samples of student work must be selected randomly: Unit Standards: submit four randomly selected samples of assessed work. Achievement Standards: submit eight randomly selected samples of assessed work. For classes with only that number of students or fewer, send all student work. All student work submitted for a standard must be for the same assessment activity. Students name eg: John Smith CH LN CT KA LG SM LTK RB Grade Comments related to grade awarded (optional) M I have awarded Merit although the quality of the evaluation is marginal because the reasons were not explained. A E M A A N A E
Low achievement result, engagement with established practice evident in exploration of composition, layering, shapes in a related series, media handling not strong. Middle excellence, engages with ideas, subject, and conventions from established practice, ideas extended though some repetition in the final series. Middle-high merit, subject matter and ideas are progressively clarified in response to established practice, extension of ideas / media skill not strong enough for excellence. Low achievement, developing understanding of graffiti conventions, particularly grounds, evidence of ideas developing in late works in the series. Low achievement, development of ideas minimal, progression of understanding and skill also minimal through series, does sustain investigation of motif idea. High not achieved, cusp, problematic submission, insufficient evidence, though this is clearly an able student. Evidence of ideas related to subject matter beginning. Low achievement (cusp), developing understanding of graffiti conventions and some control of media and ideas, particularly surfaces, though understanding of est. practice is marginal. Low excellence strong engagement with established practice, sustained investigation of ideas, evidence of gradual extension though this could have moved further.

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