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PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Note the difference between the simple present tense and the present continuous

tense. The present tense Describes an action that occur every day for all the time, while the present continuous tense describes actions that is happening now. Peter talks to Anne all the time. (Present) Peter is talking to Anne at this moment. (Present Continuous) Supply the Simple Present Tense or the Present Continuous Tense as required by the meaning of the sentence. 1. Mr. Hansen often Atlanta on business. (travel) to

(Mr. Hansen often travels to Atlanta on business). 2. Our class meet (meet) three times every week. 3. Mr. Cole is teaching (teach) us at present. He substitutes (substitute) for Mr. Russell, who is our regular teacher. 4. At nine-thirty every morning our school bell (ring). Listen! I believe it (ring) now. 5. Stella (watch) TV now. I believe that she always (watch) a show at this time.

6. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door. 7. Jay never (come) to class on time. 8. At this moment I (read) sentence number 8 in the exercise. 9. The wind always (blow) hard in this section of town. 10. For the time being, while Mr. Press is away, Mr. Brennan (act) as manager of our department. 11. Kleins (have) a big sale on shoes today. 12. Kurt seems t be very busy. I guess he(study) for his English test.

13. I (get) up at seven oclock every morning. 14. Ed usually (stay) in a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us. 15. The sun always (rise) in the east. Look! It (rise) now. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Bush (build) a new home on Hollywood Boulevard.

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