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2-1-1 Times and Cosmopolitan Living

So you want to GET TO THE PARTY?

By: Jessica Rodgers


1. Accept invitations to attend events. 2. Buy tickets to attend annual celebrations of other nonprofit organizations. 3. Become a member of a local leadership organizationor several! Sign up your staff, too! 4. When you meet people at events, offer them tours of your facilityshow them what you do and how you do it. Its a great way to reconnect after the first meet & greet. 5. Get a LinkedIn Profilepeople search for you online, and you want them to find you. You want them to see who you are and what you doand you want them to see that people in the community think you do it well. It lets them trust you. 6. Nominate your organization or your partner for an award or multiple awards! Share the spotlight, and theyll appreciate it and shine it right back on you. 7. Participate in coalitions, collaboratives, community outreach events, and external activities that let you and your staff share with the community more information about your mission and activities.

1. Reject an invitation to attend an event for free. Your host will appreciate your making time for them, and they might introduce you to new people at the event. 2. Deny someones idea about what your organization might consider doingbe open to discussion or at least say, That is an interesting idea. I will think more about that. 3. Tell a potential partner you will only do something if there is money in it. 4. Speak poorly about a partnership. 5. Think you know everything there is to know about the potential of the services you do or can offer.

What Is in Your CLOSET?

Take an Inventory
1. What are your mission statement and organizational values? 2. What are your programs? a. Who is involved (staff/partners)? b. What do they do? Why? c. Whats the story behind the program? 3. Who are your funders? a. What do your funders like? b. Whats the story behind your relationship? 4. What do you NOT do well? Why not? What would you need to change in order to do them well? 5. What do you DO WELL? Why? What assets make this possible?

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