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Name: Sannie Lim

Date: 01.06.2013

Prop, Costume and Make Up List

Item/Costume/Make Up
Piano Guitar

Where will it be used? Which

shots? Extras- Quick shot to show the advert is about music. Extras- Quick shot to show the advert is about music. Extras- Quick shot to show the advert is about music. Extras- Quick shot to show the advert is about music. When the teacher is teaching in the class. Throughout the video

Source (Where will I get it?)

Music Room- Music technicians

Music Room- Music technicians


Music Room- Music technicians

Other Instruments [If available]

Music Room- Music technicians

White Board & White Board pen

Music Room

Formal wear for teacher Shirt and Tie Casual wear for students

Throughout the video

Throughout the video

Throughout the video

Name: Sannie Lim

Date: 01.06.2013

Prop and Costume List

Item/Costume/Make Up
Casual make up for students Posters about music

Where will it be used? Which

shots? Throughout the video. In class and for interview. For interview when the teacher/ students are talking to the camera. For scene in classroom where it shows the teacher teaching and students giving contributions.

Source (Where will I get it?)

Throughout the video. Prepared by students. Music department.

Tables and Chairs in the music class room. (Classroom Essentials)

Music Classroom.

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