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1. CURIOSITY Desire to know the unexplored People dont want recipes for doing something successfully withn1100% assurance; they dont want a guide to how to do things; they want to explore; people are attracted by what arouses curiosity 2. BECAUSE/REASON WHY giving people a true and valid reason for your actions 3. EMOTIONAL GREED / DESIRE / CRAVING / IMPULSE People do many things based on desires & wants rather than needs. People want to know whats in it for me; what are the features AND the benefits; what is there to be gained; they want to be convinced that they are benefiting or gaining some advantage People prefer statements like: It can store 1000 photos/songs and It can reproduce every color you can see People dont like statements such as: It has a memory of 2 gigabytes It supports 64 bit colors

4. SPECIFICS Be as specific as possible it makes information believable and credible; be specific and avoid being vague Avoid this Im in my late thirties Do this I am 35. 5. CURIOSITY Every one is curious given the right context/environment; Use curiosity to open discussions/negotiations by asking questions. Avoid this we need to deal with this Do this What is the best way we can deal with this? 6. WHY / BECAUSE give people an overriding reason; people want to know the BIG WHY. Avoid this We guarantee our quality work Do this We have over 20 years of experience doing laboratory work and we have constantly improved our quality measures in all laboratory practices ISO, NELAC, etc.- and our people work with people who use the results. You may want to consider working with us 7. SCARCITY People are driven more by the thought of loosing something than by the thought of gaining something. Use deadlines, limited availability, etc. to create a scarcity context.


Avoid this You have to hurry so that we can get the tests done in the lab. Do this If you start the work today we can have the results by next Monday 8. FEAR Fear is a powerful driver that controls most of peoples actions; to the extent possible AVOID using fear, particularly as a long term driver, only use it for very precise, short term actions when potential consequences are truly looming. Avoid this Im sure youll get this done in time Do this If this is done in time, we can prevent more serious consequences. 9. ENTHUSIASM People respond to those who speak and have body language showing positive energy. Avoid this Being static, too serious, and monotone Do this Be relaxed, smiling, wide eyed, open posture, using upbeat/positive words & tone of voice 10. TRUTH People look and prefer honesty and sincerity even thought it may be painful; each element of truth & sincerity that you deliver increases the level of trust & integrity that you get until they end up following you (leadership). Avoid this generalizing in order to cover something negative DO this State what is negative up front and then expand on what is positive


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