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Recorder Lesson - 5th Grade - 10/10/12 PREP: Review the notes - D, E, G, A, B, C1, & D1.

Divide the students into two groups. Remind the students of the tic tac toe rules. Explain how the recorder tic tac toe game will work. Rules of the game: The leader in the front of each line will take a turn of picking a square and playing the notes in that square. If that leader plays the correct notes, he or she gets that square for his or her team. That leader then goes to the back of the line and the next student becomes the leader. Play one or two rounds of the game (depending on time). SEQUENCE: Review the first half of the song. Learn the second half of the song. CLOSING: Have the student leaders pick the rhythms from the PowerPoint slides and have them lead the students (clapping and saying the rhythms). EXTENSION: Assign a letter name to each rhythm line. Have the students play each rhythm on the recorder (e.g. first line - D, etc.).

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