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Blooming Red Lotus: Chapter Summaries Chapter One: Stranded in This Town Kushina tells Naruto that her

adopted brother, the uncle Naruto has heard frequently about but has never seen or met, is coming to live with him. Frowning and sulking about it at first, she reluctantly warms up to the idea for her mothers sake and to the thought that it probably wouldnt be too bad anyway. But then she meets Nagi and they actually hit it off quite well, surprisingly, and find they have a lot in common. Chapter Two: Storm Bubbling Up From the Sea They start spending a lot of time together and grow closer. Rather than uncle and niece, Naruto feels like Nagi has become the best friend she never expected, much more than even Ino and Sakura. When she gets harassed, he immediately comes to her aid. When she needs help, hes somehow always there. When shes bored, he gets her to have fun. When shes lonely, he makes the loneliness stop. But something inside of her is troubling her, especially about this whole situation with Nagi, and shed uneasy as to what it is. Chapter Three: The Crackling Cold of the Floor The feelings of warning and anxiety weigh in her, and yet she cant keep away. Her heart starts beating fast in his presence, she smiled immediately at the thought of him, and her breath speeds up whenever hes near her. He cant stop giving little touches to her, keep his hands away. A touch to her shoulder, automatically placing his against the small of her back, a comfortable arm wrapped casually around her shoulder or waist as it belonged there. He watches her all the time, too much and too intensely and he knows he shouldnt, even if he doesnt understand why. He finds ways to be with her, sets any time to be by her side. They do this subtle dance around each other, all the while in the presence of an oblivious Kushina. Chapter Four: Driven By the Strangle of Vein The tension between them is strangling. Its an almost physical force, and yet it keeps building up. On a train again, the extreme crowdedness of the place forces them to plaster their bodies together, which the entire experience forces them to confront whats going on and what they were feeling. Nagi quietly admits to himself that hes attracted to someone he should have seen as his neice, and Naruto realizes her growing infatuation with her own uncle, even though not by blood. Chapter Five: Stoplight Swaying At the annual Uzumaki family reunion, the three gather to the family estate in which the party is being held. Kushina and Naruto are greeted warmly, while Nagi is treated semi-coolly by most of the family. The party slowly grows through the day, more so as more family members come. Kushina meets Namikaze Minato, who she instantly likes and conveys playfully to her daughter and brother. Naruto also meets Nagato, a cousin she hasnt seen for a long time but was closed to when younger, and who has brought along close friends Yahiko and Konan. Naruto enjoys herself immensely, drawing reluctant jealousy from Nagi, who drinks until hes totally inebriated, even if it doesnt show. Later that night, in her room, he comes and surprises her with a kiss.

Chapter Six: With the Moon, I Run They return to their home, but for Naruto things wont ever be the same. Her uncle doesnt seem to remember the kiss he took from her, but shes fixated and cant help sticking close to him. Its the first time shed ever been kissed like that, and her lips still tingle from the remembrance of it. Her ex-boyfriend, Uchiha Sasuke, treated her too much like glass before, and when he didnt he was too aggressive with her and too fast. It had never even felt right with him. But with Nagi, it feels like a fire is lit up in her and she cant help it. Her mother announces shes to be going for her job for at least two months, leaving her alone with her uncle. She doesnt know to feel excited or dread at the thought of two months (or even more) alone with Nagi, and it takes a toll on her as she witnesses him jerking off in his room to porn on his computer. Chapter Seven: The Phone Lines Are Down Dinner that night is awkward and Nagi cant place why. Naruto confesses suddenly that she saw him in his room and hes in complete mortification and shame. He tries to busy himself, putting away dishes, but she shocks him when she quietly asks if she could see it. Hes on the verge of saying of course not when he stops and hesitantly comes over to her, and takes her to his room. Things go downhill, and one thing leads to another. Several phone calls from Kushina are missed, along with calls from Narutos cell from friends, in one night of indulgence. Chapter Eight: Far From the Carnage of the Fiery Sun Hes avoiding her. After that night, she cant seem to stay in a room with him, without him running away. And shes trying really hard too, but it seems hes much more better at avoiding her than she is at tracking him down, and keeping to his side. But shes determined and finally gets a chance, where she confronts him and he reluctantly stays and listens. After shes done, its his turn and he lays down the conditions if they were to do this. Chapter Nine: Baby, Ill Bleed You Dry That night, Naruto gives it all to him, and lets him have his way. Nagi worships her body completely. Chapter Ten: Showing No Mercy (Id Do It Again) Their newfound indescribable relationship continues on, and they have fantastic sex everywhere and anywhere. Naruto worries about conceiving, but Nagi hesitantly admits that hes sterile. They get another call from Kushina, which they finally answer. They nervously talk to her and try to catch her up on whats happening there, editing out their personal adventures with each other. But beyond sex, they do other stuff, hanging out with each other. However, Naruto is surprised when Nagi specifically takes her out to a restaurant for dinner, doing an official date she hadnt expected doing with him or with this relationship. Chapter Eleven: You Shimmy-shook My Boat The more and more theyre together, the more it feels like a real relationship. Eat, live, and sleep in the house as if theyre a married couple. They go out and act like a couple, not even bothering to hide their affections, or pretending to act like uncle and niece. Nagi nervously notes all this, and yet a part of him is uncaring and shameless. Its like she shook up his life, turned everything upside down, and changed the lenses of his jaded views of the world. His life has light in it back, and he no longer feels as bitter as he used to be. They get mistaken as a married couple several

times, and he never refutes the claim (which pleases Naruto immensely). When they enter a restaurant again for the night, Nagi even introduces themselves as such, pleasing and shocking Naruto even more. Namikaze Minato catches them in the act. Chapter Twelve: Skies Are Blinking at Me They managed to convince Minato to stay quiet, and even reluctantly enlist his help (which he does so, only to get on Narutos good side, which he hopes would endear her to him and hopefully ease things for a possible, hopeful relationship with Kushina). Even at the mall, as she shops and he waits for her, Ino comes by and tells her how good looking the red head shes with is. Eventually, she comes to realize who he really is, by way of Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma, two of their teachers, greeting him and talking to him for a bit. She gets Naruto to reluctantly admit who he is, and Naruto gives her a small rundown, but Ino extracts a promise from her to talk more in depth with her later. Kushina comes home and they hold a quiet talk at night, agreeing to keep things on the down low and even keep them on pause for now. Chapter Thirteen: Baby, Where Do I Sleep? Its getting harder and harder to keep away from each other, even with Kushina there. Every little touch, every look means so much more. Its getting too obvious, and they worry that Kushina might get suspicious. Minato tries to help, and glimpses of their struggle convinces him that theyre the real deal and that they both sincerely care for each other. He tries, without giving anything away or saying anything outright, to prepare Kushina for their relationship and even try to get her to accept it in the long run. The two have trouble sleeping without the other. Naruto attempts to pleasure herself and results in failure and frustration. Nagi stays awake in his bed and longs for a familiar warmth by his side. Chapter Fourteen: 2000 Years of Chasing Takes Its Toll Nagi has been waiting for Naruto all his life, he realizes. Shes the thing, the person, hes been chasing after all these years what he knew filled the hole in his life and made him feel happy and complete. He cant keep away anymore, he cant. He refuses to. So, taking a risk, he sneaks into her room at night and they realize that they cant stay away from each other any longer. They sneak affections whenever they can, disguising innocent touches, looks, and words to mean something else under Kushinas watch. Chapter Fifteen: Open Up Your Eyes Kushina sees little things. She doesnt know whats happening, or what shes really seeing. But she feels uneasy and worried. Sometimes she thinks Nagi and Naruto are a little too close, but then shakes her head and thinks shes being stupid or seeing things. Isnt it what she wanted? For her brother and daughter to get along and really like each other? But something about the two together makes her antsy and she cant put a figure on it. She even confesses her anxieties to Minato, who acts suspiciously for some reason. Chapter Sixteen: Coming Closer They continue sneaking into each others room, Nagis more so. They keep growing closer to each other, and theres no hope for them to stop now, and theyre just in too deep. Narutos doing homework and hes still having his way with her at the same time. Theyre in the

bathroom. In the kitchen. Each time, Kushina is a step away, and the risk is starting to heighten things for them. Chapter Seventeen: Where Am I Now? Kushina finds out. She is furious and refuses to accept them, banning them from being near each other, much less be together. Naruto feels lost and alone, and even confesses to Ino about the whole situation, even admitting how much she actually really feels for Nagi and how much this separation is killing her. Nagi is depressed and not sure how to take things, and since he cant talk to Kushina about this (like he usually does), he finds comfort strange in Minato, who Kushina is also upset with (having realized he knew and had been helping them). Chapter Eighteen: You Keep On Crying Narutos depression keeps growing, and she finds herself crying at any given time. Almost always, she finds herself crying herself to sleep. Nagi sees how much its affecting her, and he grows more depressed himself and longs for her even more. Kushina is feeling torn and not sure what to do. At an opportune moment, the two find a window in time to be together and they make love. Kushina hears and witness them, but doesnt interrupt, feeling horrible as she grows to find out how much her brother and daughter truly cares for each other. Chapter Nineteen: Leaving Me Stranded All in Love On My Own The next morning, Naruto runs away, leaving only a note and only for Nagi. This incites a panic within the family and the extended, as well as friends. While Nagi broods and despairs, he meets the Uchiha clan, who had long had a stake in Naruto. He meets the ex-boyfriend, who he hates immediately (and not just because hes Narutos ex). And then hes meets Itachi and Obito, who he finds out are two of the other Uchiha that have been planned to be put together. Kushina watches him quietly and feels for him, her views starting to change. Naruto has found Nagato, who is staying with Yahiko and Konan. They let her stay with them, and she takes the extra room they have. Chapter Twenty: Do You Think of Me? Nagi wonders if Naruto thinks of him. She wonders the same as she quietly eats with the trio for lunch, reveling in the city life not as much as shed hoped to. She spends a lot of time with the three, mostly with Yahiko. She slowly starts to realize that Yahiko is growing in love with her. It makes her uneasy, because she knows shes still in love with Nagi and knows she probably will always be. She tries to tell him several times, but fails to each time, feeling bad about it. Chapter Twenty-One: She Took My Heart Nagi makes the decision and stubbornly clings to it. Hell go looking for Naruto himself, and no house arrest from anyone is going to stop him. He sneaks out of the house and goes looking for her, trying to call her several times. Remembering the cousin they met at the reunion, he takes a chance and calls him, finding out Naruto is with him and he gets his address. He heads straight for them, and finds Naruto, immediately confessing that he loves her and proposes. Chapter Twenty-Two: I Think She Took My Soul They stay together in the apartment, forsaking going back and deciding to stay together. They immediately get married, with the three attending. They send quick messages to Kushina, but to

no one else and Kushina says nothing of their whereabouts and that theyre contacting her. Nagi rapidly realizes that Naruto has become his everything, and that he will and has forsaken everything else, even his adopted family and the life he used to have. Chapter Twenty-Three: Feels So Good, But Im Old The three friends send them off to their honeymoon, a paid vacation of a week stay in a ryokan. Though Naruto is enjoying herself, Nagi is a little less. He loves her and doesnt regret being with her or the things leading up to their estrangement and that they had truly run away (and eloped while they were at it)but he wonders if hes really too old for her and if maybe he should have held back. It all feels so good, and he feels so happy. But he wonders. Then Naruto smiles brightly at him, and he thinks he worrying too much and no respecting her choices and what they have together and their happiness.

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