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Aeternus Amor Meus: Chapter Summaries Chapter One: Rome Wasnt Built in a Day Rome flees from certain

death after Germanias betrayal. Blur of time for him, until he somehow makes it South America and meets America. Takes her under his wing and teaches her, spends indeterminable time with her until Nations arrive. Chapter Two: I am Trapped Inside Rome tries to determine which Nation is best to take care of America. She ends up bringing attention to herself and then choosing England on accident to be her caretaker. (17th-18th Century) Chapter Three: Mother England England brings her to his home overseas, to show her to his government and King. (18th century; 1740-1748 coincide with War of Austrian Succession according to Hetalia timeline). Chapter Four: The Dividing Line England gone for a long time, finally comes back and sees America grown up (1754). FrenchIndian War (1754-1763) starts. England periodically comes back and forth between Britain and America. The Seven Years War start (1756-1763). French-Indian causes America to have sick spells. Chapter Five: American Rebirth Revolutionary War (1755-1783) Boston Tea Party Battle of Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775 Siege of Yorktown and Cornwallis surrender -1781 and October 19, 1781 Treaty of Paris/Versailles (1783) Chapter Six: Amerixicana Mexican War of Independence (1810-1921) Chapter Seven: 1812 War of 1812 (1812-1814) Chapter Eight: Texas Hold Em Texas Revolution (1835-1836) Siege of the Alamo Battle of San Jacinto Chapter Nine: Mexican Standoff Mexican-American War (1846-1848) Chapter Ten: Sibling Rivalry American Civil War (1861-1865) Battle of Gettysburg

Sand Creek Massacre (November 29, 1864) Lee surrender and keep sword and horse (April 9, 1865) President Lincoln shot (April 14, 1865), dies next morning. Andrew Johnson becomes president, officially ends war May 9, 1865; Cherokee leader Stand Watie was the last Confederate general to surrender his forces (June 23, 1865)

Chapter Eleven: Spanish Whispers Spanish-American War (1898) US invasion of Puerto Rico Philippine-American War Chapter Twelve: War of the Worlds World War I (1914-1918) Chapter Thirteen: World on Its Axis World War II (1939-1945) Pearl Harbor Battle of the Aleusian Islands Chapter Fourteen: Cold Dishes Cold War (1945-1991)

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