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Ishmail R.


Intro to Archaeology

Abstract 1

In Chapter 3 (titled Chinese Fortunes) of The Wisdom of the Bones: In Search of Human Origins by Alan Walker and Pat Shipman, the main focus was uncovering the details behind Eoanthropus dawsonni (Dawsons dawn man) or the Piltdown Man. This new fossil skull was behind the infamous Piltdown hoax, which led people to believe the origin of the human race to be from Europe (which turned out to be false after many years of certainty). This chapter also highlighted the research of Davidson Black, who was credited with finding the missing link. Also insight was giving on anthropology studies in foreign countries such as China, and the mythological cave in Beijing, titled Zhoukoudian or Dragon Bone Hill. Within this cave, many fossils were found, which gave more knowledge toward stone tool research and the missing link. Therefore by finding these discoveries, Black was able to win over Prince of the Swedish Crown; thus providing more funding toward archaeology or anthropology research in China. A new genus was found and discovered by Black and was given the name Sinanthropus pekinesis, meaning China (Sin), mankind (anthropus) and Beijing (perkinesis). It was the same Homo erectus species that Dubois called Pithecanthropus erectus. However, Black was credited with the missing link, while Dubois basically risked his life for the information he obtained. This chapter showed how extensive anthropology research can go and how information can easily be misconstrued due to similarities in bone structure between us and earlier ancestors. The Piltdown man was considered a fraud in the anthropology nearly 40 years after it was first discovered, but yet garnished so much success in one mans career. This shows how research and new discoveries can lead to all new outcomes and knowledge on bones and ancient history.

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