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Simultaneous production of two forms of energy Thermal Energy Electricity / Mechanical Energy

Loses up to 70%


Conventional Plant

Efficiency is 30-40%

Loses up to 10%


Cogeneration Plant

Efficiency up to 70-90%

Source: IEA, CHP: Evaluating the Benefits of Greater Global Investment (2008).


Potential, MW

Realizable Potential, MW 2500 400

Distilleries Cement

3500 600

Fertilizers Metal Industry Sugar Refineries Paper & Pulp

1200 1060 5000 800 1000

750 700 3000 600 750

BCHP Other Sector Total

650 750 16000

400 500 11500

Natural gas Coal Biomass

Bagasse (waste product from sugar cane processing)

Waste gas
Sludge gas from sewage treatment plant Methane from landfills and coal bed methane

Liquid fuels (oil) Renewable gases

Steam turbine
Gas turbine

Reciprocating engine
Other classifications:
Topping cycle Bottoming cycle

Widely used in CHP applications

Oldest prime mover technology

Capacities: 50 kW to hundreds of MWs Thermodynamic cycle is the Rankine cycle that uses a boiler Most common types
Back pressure steam turbine Extraction condensing steam turbine

Steam exits the turbine at a higher pressure that the atmospheric

HP Steam




Condensate Process

LP Steam

Figure: Back pressure steam turbine

HP Steam

Steam obtained by extraction from an intermediate stage Remaining steam is exhausted Relatively high capital cost, lower total efficiency Control of electrical power independent of thermal load



LP Steam Condensate



Figure: Extraction condensing steam turbine

Operate on thermodynamic Brayton cycle

atmospheric air compressed, heated, expanded excess power used to produce power

Natural gas is most common fuel 1MW to 100 MW range Rapid developments in recent years

Two types: open and closed cycle

Open Brayton cycle: atmospheric air at increased pressure to combustor Old/small units: 15:1 New/large units: 30:1 Exhaust gas at 450600 oC

Exhaust Gases Condensate from Process HRSG Steam to Process Combustor Fuel

High pressure steam produced: can drive steam turbine

Generator Compressor Air Turbine

Figure: Open cycle gas turbine cogeneration

Heat Source

Working fluid circulates in a closed circuit and does not cause corrosion or erosion Any fuel, nuclear or solar energy can be used

Heat Exchanger

G Generator Compressor Turbine

Condensate from Process

Steam to Process

Figure: Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Cogeneration System

Supplied fuel first produces power followed by thermal energy Thermal energy is a by product used for process heat or other Most popular method of cogeneration

Primary fuel produces high temperature thermal energy Rejected heat is used to generate power Suitable for manufacturing processes

Increased efficiency of energy conversion and use Reducing environmental impact

Conserving limited resources of fossil fuels

Saving money On-site production of electricity generation

Promoting liberalization in energy markets

Industrial CHP Sugar industry bagasse CHP Others District system CHP IT industry Industrial parks Mixed residential/commercial districts Small Scale Systems

Depends very much on tariff system Heat Avoid cost of separate heat production Electricity 1) Less purchase (kWh) 2) Sale of surplus electricity 3) Peak shaving (kW) Carbon credits (future)

Lack of a clear definition of cogeneration or CHP There has not been an economy-wide study of CHP potential (and associated benefits) Lack of an approved methodology for calculating CO2 emission reductions from CHP Limited availability of competitively priced turbines and engines for CHP Lack of pipeline networks for district cooling

Grid Ancillary Services

Bulk Power Power Quality and CHP Remote Power and CHP

Energy Management, future CHP and Sell to Grid

Base-load, and Industrial Cooling, Heat and Power

Cogeneration improves energy efficiency...if heat is used in a proper way

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