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=ll-ll-l+ l-lll-l lln l-ll--ll

s:l l-l +l, llll-l- lllr (1) THE ABSOLUTE (8.26, 13.08, 15.03-05)
-lllll llll-, ll+ll +ll-l (15.06) iliii (15.01)
1. Chid|k|sha isiii i-i SAT (9.07)
2. Sad|k|sha +l:l-l ll-ll ll-l (10.42)
=ll++ (2) ETERNAL BEING =lln (i-ii) lnll lr ll-llr-l (14.27)
+lln +l Ill, l-l- :ll+-l+
llln ll-l (i-iii) l-l (i-ii) l-l- (ii) iiiiiii, i (4.06, 7.25)
(2b) CHITTA (2a) SAT 2c) ANANDA, YogaM|y|, Br. Jyoti
3. Param|k|sha (3) AVYAKTA l+-l ln (liis, iiiiiii) l+-ll l+-ll lll (8.18)
=l+ l-lll ll-ll-l -l-l -llls:ll-ll-l (10.41)
(3a) Pranav Brahma lll ln (is lii) (3b) M|y| Brahma -llll ln ll+ll +ll-l
+l ll, -lrl-llll, +l-llll
(3a.1) Omk|r l+l (3a.2) lllll G|yatri lllll -ll-lr-l (10.35)
(10.25) (ii lii) l--l-llll 4.06+
Aum l-l (lii) (3a.1a) l Vedas (3b.1) M|y| -llll -l-l -llll -lll 7.14+
iii, liii, liis, nii, ili-ii (E=mc
), ,,cM li il-iii

=ll+ + Golden Egg, lrll-l lll+l-l llll-ll -l+ Bigbang
4. Brahm|nd|k|sha (4) ll-lllll, =l ll Temporal being
(4a) Purusha -lrllll, -lllll ll+ (7.05, 15.16) ll (4b) Prakriti -lllll+l-l+
lll l+ r llll ll-ll (14.04) l-ll-ll l+l-l-ll (7.04) Three Gunas
(4b.1) Cosmic Mind -lr-l-l
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
4.32B ll:l+ll (8.17) -l-lll:ll lllll+ (15.07) s:l 18.61+
5. Ghat|k|sha =lll+ lll (Kshirodak Vishnu, lnl) ll -l-l (5d) 5 Elements
(5) Vishnu ll -: -l-ll +l+
(5b) Brahm| lnl lll :l+ (5c) Shankara (13.06, Body made up of 24 Elements)
a individual soul lll Mukti
ll lll -l+ ll-ll 1. Liberation (15.03-05)
iii-iiiiili (13.08)
8.4M species
Heaven, Earth, Hells, Planets 2. Transmigration
Notes: Numbers in black inside brackets refer to verse nos. in the Gita (download:
s iii iiii (10.08), i-i i-i iii-i (7.07), iiii iii ;l-i (7.19), 15.12-15; (9.19,11.37,13.12, 15.18)
i ls niii ii (4.38), ili iliiii -i (10.10, 18.55), iii=i+i (13.21) both all3 none above2
Note: The following explanation is only for advanced
readers who have studied Gita for several years and
are familiar with some Sanskrit terms. Readers
should also visit our website:
for a diagram showing this hierarchy of cosmic
control that will make the following explanations
more clear. (the diagram is shown above)
In Vedic cosmology, the cosmic space (Ak|sha) is
divided into five major zones: 1. Chid|k|sha, 2.
Sad|k|sha, 3. Param|k|sha, 4. Brahm|nd|k|sha,
and 5. Ghat|k|sha. The Supreme Being (1) resides in
ParamaDh|ma (Supreme Abode, Gita 15.06), located in
Chid|k|sha, the uppermost space. ShriKrishna is known
here as Param|tm|, Supreme Being, Supersoul,
ParaBrahma, Purushottama, Saccid|nanda, Absolute,
Father, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and by
various other names.
(2) Akshar Brahma (Eternal Being or Atma) is the
expansion of the SAT (or existence) nature of
Supreme Being in Sadakasha, as explained in Gita
10.42 and 14.27. Akshara Brahma, mentioned in Gita
8.03 and 15.16, has three major expansions (Pada or
natures). They are: (2a) Sat, (2b) Chitta or Sabal
Brahma, and (2c) Ananda or Keval Brahma. Sat
nature is also called Atma or Parameshvara. Chitta nature
has various other names, such as Chaitanya Braham,
Consciousness, ParamaShiva, cosmic intellect, and
Paratma. Ananda, the blissful energy of Keval Brahma,
is also called YogaMaya (Gita 4.06, 7.25).
(2b) Chitta and (2c) Ananda natures combine to
give rise to the fourth Pada, the Avyakta Brahma or (3)
Avyakta Akshara Brahma in Paramakasha. This is
known by various names such as the inexplicable
Brahma, Avyakta, Adi Purusha, Adi Prakriti, Pradhan,
Sarva Karana Karnam (the cause of all causes). Avyakta
Brahma, a small fraction of the Absolute, expands into
infinite cosmos, as mentioned in Gita 8.18 and 10.41.
Paramakash is also the abode of major powers of
YogaMaya, such as: power to veil the real nature of
things (Avaran Shakti), power to place obstructions
(Vikshep Shakti), powers to multiply and become many
(Vigrah Shakti), powers of cosmic intellect, knowledge,
and action, and power of converting energy into matter
and vice versa.
Lord Krishna is known as Golokinatha in
Paramakasha. Golokinatha (or Avyakta Brahma) has two
major expansions: (3a) PranavaBrahma (or
BrahmaShiva) and (3b) Maya Brahma.
PranavaBrahma expands into (3a.1) Omkara (or
Nadashiva). Omka ra expands into (3a.1a) AUM (or
Shiva) (Gita 10.25). PranavaBrahma also gives rise to
(3a.2) Gayatri (Gita 10.35) which is the abode of the
Vedas (Gita 7.08).
(3b) Maya Brahma is a reflection of (2c)
YogaMaya in Paramakasha. It undergoes further
successive transformations as: MahaMaya, KalaMaya
and (3b.1) Maya (Gita 7.14).
The creative power of Maya creates
Brahmandakasha by a small fraction (Residual Energy)
of her power. A Golden Egg or HiranyaGarbha (4) is
also created by Maya Devi in Brahmandakash.
AdiNarayana (or Adi Purusha, Shambhu,
MahaDeva) and MahaDevi (or Mother Nature/Amba)
remain in an inactive (YogaNidra) state for over 311
trillion years (verse 9.07) in the Golden Egg until the
cosmic sound vibration (or a big bang) of AUM activates
the Golden Egg giving rise to (4a) Purusha (also known
as Kshara Purusha, Narayana, MahaVishnu, Gita
7.05, 15.16) and (4b) Prakriti (also known as Nature,
Gita 7.04). MahaVishnu creates infinite Cosmic Eggs
(Brahmandas) by His breathing power. Nature has three
Gunas or modes (see Chapter 14). The combination of
these three Gunas of Nature is called (4b.1) the Cosmic
Mind (Mahatatattva, Tannamatra or Mahat).
In Ghatakasha (or Vishnu Loka),
Narayana/MahaVishnu of Brahmandakasha appears as
(5) Lord Vishnu where he is also called Kshirodak
Vishnu, and he further expands his role as (5b) Brahma
and (5c) Shankara. Brahma creates seven heavens,
seven lower planets (Patals), Jambu islands, earth, and
other hellish planets. During partial dissolution (Gita
8.17), the entire creation of Brahma rests in the abdomen
of Kshirodak Vishnu. Narayana also expands as
Niranjan Deva and Ishvara. Niranjan Deva activates
the cosmic mind (4b.1) and creates (5d) five basic
elements (earth, water, fire, air, subtle space, also see
Gita 7.04) that are further transformed into a body mass
(Pind) made up of twenty four elements (See Gita 13.06
for more details), out of which physical bodies of living
beings, Jeeva, on the earth are created when the
Supreme Lord Krishna puts His seed of life force (see
verses 7.10, 10.39, and 14.04) into the body mass (Pind)
and resides in the inner psyche of all beings as Ishvara
(see Gita verses 15.07 and 18.61). Jeeva transmigrates
into 8.4 million species of life on the earth as long as it
remains in bodily concept due to the veil of ignorance
created by Maya. Jeeva attains salvation when, by virtue
of ones good Karma, one obtains the grace of God, Gita,
or a SadGuru, and truly realizes that he or she is not this
physical body or a doer; but Atma, a divine instrument
and an integral part and parcel of the Supreme Being.
Everything in Brahmandakasha and Ghatakasha is
called Kshara or temporal. Everything in Sadakasha and
Paramakasha, is called Akshara or eternal. The Supreme
Being is beyond both temporal and eternal as stated in
verse 15.18.

l-lll-ll l-ll--ll +l llrl
-ll- lii iiii i i iii ii-i l s lisii ii-ii
iii i ii ii s. ii-ii lii lli-i ili iiii
i ~iii (Hierarchy of Cosmic Control) i l-i -i
s iilii i ii l iii website: www.gita- i ii. i- ii i
i website iilii i i.
i l il-iii i iii (Cosmic Space) iii
iii iii i liiili-i s (+) liiii, () iiii, (,)
iiiii, (-) isiiii, i () i-iii.
+ lll+l:l
iis iii-ii (1) i liiii, iiiii (ii-ii +.c.),
iiiil iii, liiii, i li-i s. isi ~ii iii-ii,
iiii, iis, iii-ii, iliii, li-ii, iii il
lili iiii i iii ii-i s.
-+ ll+l:l
ii s (2) iiii i iis iii-ii i i-i i l-i
i li-ii s , iii l ii-ii +c.- i +-.: i i-iiii iii
s . ii-ii i t.c, i +.+. i l~li-i iis
-iii iii li-ii (ii ii) i s i-i (2a), iiis ii
li-i (2b), i ii (2c) iii iis. i-i iiii
i i-ii ii iii ii si iii s . li-i iiii i ii
lili iii s, ii i-iiis, iilii i ii-ii.
ii s i +ii, ii, i ii-ii i -.c. i
:. i iiiiiii ii si iii s.
;+ l-ll+l:l
li-i (2b) i ii (2c) i l-iii iiiii i
i-ii ii, i-i iis ii i-iis (3), iisi
s-i iii si-ii s. ;i ; iiii i iiii ii-ii s ii
liiiiii is, i-i, ili i, ilil-i, iiii, liis
i iiiiiii. i-iis, ii iis (iii-ii) i
i i iii s , i-i isi i li-ii ii-ii s, iii l
ii-ii t.+t i +c.-+ i si iii s. iiiii iiiiiii i
iii il-iiiiii il-i, liii il-i, liis il-i,
islini il-i, ini, i -iii +ii i iii i iii i
+ii i ili-ii i i il-i il i ii iiii s.
iiiii i iiiii i iii iiii i i
iii ii-i s. ii iiiii ii-i i-iis i iii
li-ii s islii ii iiiis (3a) i iiiiis
(3b). iiii s iilii ii ii (3a.1) i li-ii ii-i s,
i ii lii ii ii (3a.1a) i (ii-ii +c.). iiiis
i iisi iiiii (3a.2) (ii-ii +c.,) i ii si-ii s, ii
ii i iiii s (ii-ii :.ct).
iiiiis iiiii i iiiiiii i il-ilii s. is
i li ilil-i-i ii ii isiiiii, iiiii i
iiii (3b.1) (ii-ii :.+-) i ii i-il-i si-ii s.

:+ lnll+l:l
iiii iii iiii-i +ii il-i ~iii i
isiiii i liiii -ii s. isiiii i iiii ii
lsiii (Golden Egg) i ii liiii -ii s .
iliiiii (iii il ii (4), i i i, ii ,
isii) i isiii (iii il i l-i, ii , ii)
lsiii i isi~i ii 311 Trillion solar years
-i iiili i i s-i s (ii-ii .c:). ii i isii
lsiii i ili ii-i iii-i isilii ii i i
(4a) ii iiiii, (ii-ii :.c, +.+.) iii i ii iii ii-i s
i ii ii i l-i (4b) (ii-ii :.c-) i ii -ii s .
il-i -iii ii s. (iii +- ii i.) il-i ;i -iii
iii i iiii is-i-i, -iiiii iii is-i (4b.1) ii
si-ii s . isilii iii iiiil-i i i-iii i i-i
isi (Cosmic Eggs) i -il-i -i s.
+ l-l+l:l
i-iii (iii liii) i isiiii iiiii
ii isilii lii (5) i i i- si-i s, isi ii
liilii ii si ii-ii s i i iii i lii i
li-ii isi (5b) i i (5c) i i -i s. isi
ii-i iii, ii-i ii-iii, ii(iii, ii i i iiii
iiii i iii -i s. ilii ii ( ~i =
4.32 Billion years, iii-ii t.+:) i isi i ii-i il-
lii lii i iiils-i s-ii s. iiiii iii
li-ii liii i i ;i i i ii -i s.
liiii is-i-i i ili iii-ii (5d) iii,
i, li, iii, iii i liiii -i s. (ii-ii :.c-
ii i.)
iii-i li-i-i si - -i-ii (ii-ii +,.c. i
iiii i.) ii s li i ilil-i-i si ii-i s. li
i iiii iilii iii i iii iii i i ii-ii s, ii
iiiii iii iiiiil-i i iii (i :.+c, +c., i
+-.c- ii i) li i iiili-i -i s i ;i ii
ii-i iiii -ii i liiii -i s. (+.c: i
+t..+ ii i.) iii ii -i iiii (ii lili-i nii i
ii iiil iiii i s-ii s -ii -i iii i iiiii
ii iiliii i iiiiii -ii s-ii s. iii i iii
iii ii-i -ii s ii i ii ii ii iii-iii
i lii ii ii ii-ii (ii nii i iil-i si-ii s i is
iii -ii s l is iilii ii ii -ii isi s , ii
iii-ii i ii iiii i li i, i-ii, s.
isiiii i i-iii i s i-i i sii-ii
s . iiii i iiiii i s i-i i (liiiii,
iii-i) si-ii s . iii-ii i i i i iii i i,
ii-ii i +.+t i, ii-ii-i si iii s.
Reference: Fourth Revised Hindi Edition of the Gita
Published by Motilal Banarsidass of New Delhi

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