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The Boy

The boy had no idea how he got here, or even where here was. Looking around was no help at all. Unless this was the last hotel bathtub in the world. He felt like he was going to throw up, that until he did. The boy had been drunk a hundred times, and had puked maybe half those times. The difference now is he's tied up so he just has to lay there, throat raw from all the stomach acid and bits of sushi all over his chin and chest. Pain assaulted his head from inside and out, front and back. Trying to remember what happened just made the pain worse and the room spin. The last thoughts he could piece together was him leaving the bar thinking he really shouldn't be driving and where was that damn valet with his car. Everything after that was blackness. He didn't know how long he had been drifting in and out of consciousness for who knows how long. When he dry heaved he felt like he had done fty crunches. He felt like shit and pretty sure he looked the part. The faucet of the tub digging into his back making it impossible to get comfortable. His shoulders ached from having his arms taped behind his back. His ankles were taped as well making tting in the tub a bitch. He never thought he was going to die like this and all his money, and his father could be king of the world may not change that. that would be all up to him, and so far he hadn't been doing so good so far, but it wasn't over yet. If only he could remember what happened after he left the bar. He knew that it wouldn't be long before he was missed and they would start looking for him but could he last that long. He could hear the T.V in the other room, it sounded like it was one of those home shopping channels, and it was going full blast and he couldn't

tell if there someone in the other room or not. All this thinking was really hard, he just wanted to sleep right now, that was easy, letting everything go limp. Yeah, that felt right, just as the room was going dark. The boy realized that the room wasn't getting dark but his eyes were closing. The other thing that he realized is that the t.v got louder and he didn't need a amethyst ring or the matching earrings. But the only way that damn t.v could get louder is if the door was opening. That got his eyes open, the light from the other room making him squint. He never got a chance to get adjusted to the light. He heard a crack, felt yet another pain, this time on the side of his head, and everything went black again.

The Criminal
Todd's back hurt like shit, he stretched trying to work his lower spine. Well hopefully he wouldn't have to lift anything heavier than a drink. It had been a long night and the worse was over. He got that little Asian motherfucker, and ain't nobody nding him anytime soon. He sat at the table in whatever shitty hotel room Don found. Since there were only hookers and junkies here no wonder Don found it. It was like a one stop shop for him. As he broke up his weed for a blunt he wondered when Don was going to call him. This blunt was gonna be the best thing to happen to him all day. He hated working anywhere, much less parking cars for a bunch of rich white people that reminded him of when he was a kid and his nana cleaning they houses and him sitting there telling him what a good colored boy he was. But that was then and this is now. He only had to do it for a night and Don was right, every Thursday that little Chinese dude

came for karaoke and gets wasted sings some songs and leaves. All he had to do was wait and get him as he came out. Just as he reached for his lighter the phone rang, of course. "What up nigga?" "Yeah, I ain't parking no cars not even my own after tonight, how long before you swing thru?", Todd hated being here alone with some dude tied up in the bathtub all nasty and shit. Don had the easy job, call the old Asian dude tell him we got his son, we want some gold, set-up the switch and bring home Ghetto Burgers. What do you mean you dont know? You better gure it out and quick. Todd started pacing around and gured hed turn the t.v up so the crackheads in the next room wouldnt hear shit. You got the wrong number to what (pause) the dudes dad? Nigga if you were a billionaire how easy would your number be to get. You a real jackass for this. (pause) I know you gonna gure this shit out AND bring me a double Ghetto Burger no mayonnaise. Todd knew by the way Don seemed sure that he knew a way to get dudes number he had know way of getting dudes number, at the very least it could be hours before he saw any food. He was running out of options and needed to talk it through with someone. Wake up Ho Chi Minh, we got some shit to talk about. Well Im gonna talk and you aint gonna do much of shit but sit and nod. Now I am not a dumb mother-fucker by no stretch, think what you will but nigga I went to Harvard. Hard to believe, but so is yo dumb Chinese ass all taped up in this tub here. I have a 146 I.Q, 4.0 and had to settle for a football scholarship. To make it worse I majored in Television History, they told me football was the most important thing and when I was in the N.F.L the fact I majored in

Magnum P.I wouldnt make a bit of difference. Then I blew out my A.C.L and you know what you get in degree history? Well yo Chink ass gets kidnapped by a smart-ass nigga and a dumb-ass nigga, I aint gured out which one I am since one of us is at a titty bar and the other is trying to work some shit out. Now I have a few choices, one I can wait for my best friend who has done nothing but get us in trouble our entire lives, but I might starve. This leaves me with two choices really. I can leave and go get a delicious burger and fries and come back and fuck with you (Todd takes his blunt and puts it out in the boys right tear duct. Then re-lights his blunt casually) until something either really god or really fucking bad happen. Knowing Don since its probably going to be really bad I have option two. I can go get by burger and keep going and wish you the best of luck. The problem is youve seen my face, and while I dont know if Im the dumb one or not, Im denitely the mean one (and burns the other tear duct) and I would come after you and the nine people I can nd that look like you and fuck all you up one at a time. So you could either get really lucky or really fucked, I dont give a shit, and wont till I x my blood sugar. I guess all you can do is chill, be gagged and wait to see if and or when I come back. With that Todd leaves the bathroom and we see the boy just listening to doors slam and the stupid home shopping channel on the t.v

The Joe
Joey walked into the bar and was surprised at rst at how empty it was, then again it was the middle of the night, hell he shouldnt be here but he really needed a drink. This

was a great time to have a best friend who owns a bar. As he sat down Tony started by pouring a tall Wild Turkey on the rocks and stating the obvious. "You look like shit." Joey didn't need to hear that half as much as he needed that drink. He was relieved that Tony was pretty the only one in here, Joey just had to get this evening off his chest. "Of course, we're family whats going on?" Tony walked over and locked the door and poured an matching drink for himself. "Ok just listen and don't say nothing till I'm done. If I leave it out don't ask cuz I don't know." Tony just nodded, goddamn it was good to have a buddy that knew him as well as Tony. "So I'm actually about to get off and I'm driving downtown where all those fancy bars are trying to get one last fare. A lot of times those drunk fucks tip ridiculous. Passing that sushi bar I saw this little Oriental dude push the valet and storm off." "Asian." Tony interrupted. "What? What the fuck?" "Oriental, is offensive. There's no such place as the Orient." Joey didn't have to say anything his look said it all. "Sorry, continue." So anyway I pulls up next to the guy and asks him if he needs a ride. He stumbles into my car and tells me to drive. When I ask him where, he gives me some address uptown and I head out. Not even ve minutes later this guy starts eating sushi or some shit in the back of my cab. You know how I feel about people eating in my car, so I tells him to spot it or hes walking. Then he ips out on me something terrible, telling me I aint shit and my life aint worth as much as his food. He starts going on about his dead mom,

and something about his dad not being as smart as he thought he was. So Im like whatever just dont eat yo stinky ass sushi in my car. He keeps ipping out, calms down enough to say we were making a a detour and I as getting paid so to shut up and drive. He put his sh away so I gured it was okay he takes me to motel and have me wait in the parking lot says hes gotta drop some money off to a friend before he can go to bed. I tells him whatever the meter was running, I gure by this point I wanna get paid ya know? Now I can see him go into this room from where Im parked so I waited. I think I may have passed out, but Im sure it was only for a minute or two. Either way he still aint come out so now Im like I just wanna get whatever I can so I go up and I gure hes knee deep in some trim, but I didnt care Im making lemonade at this point. I get to the room and the door is open and I dont hear nothing over the loud ass t.v. Now you can believe what you want but this is what happened I swear to Christ and Mary, I walks in and he is passed out with a needle in his arm, his egg roll in his hand, and one of them home shopping channels on. I dont know what gets this dude off but it dont pay the bills ya know, so I quiet and as a whore in church I slips over, about a inch from his wallet he comes to and grabs my fucking throat. Now hes out of it not even speaking in english, except to tell me to tell his father I wasnt enough to take him down. Now money aside dont no man just put his hands on me Tony, you know that. So what else can I do? I put my thumbs in his eyes, when he lets go I smash him with a lamp, then he goes limp and starts shaking. Fuck, like he was having seizures or something, he was pissing and puking at the same, the shit was nasty. What did you do? How the hell did you end up here? Tony kinda knew the answer but he had to hear it from his bro.

I kicked him. Shit I didnt know what to do, but he stopped, kinda. I looked around there wasnt shit in the room so I goes to my car and get some duct tape, and well I didnt think my parole ofcer would be so trusting as you. Joey felt relived and drinked the rest of his drink as Tony walked into the back. O.k lets go get youre fare and save your P.O some paperwork. Tony said as he came out of the back with a small hatchet and a big blanket.

The Devout
! ! Its a good thing that all hotels come with bibles because Jacob needed one now more than he ever had in his entire life. He had been in some bad spots in his life but he couldnt remember ever being surrounded by so much sin in his entire life. The t.v was starting to give him a headache but he was just too tired right now to do anything but read, and pray. Ironically, one of the things he was praying for was strength. Right now he needed all sorts of strength, with his daughter on the bed wrapped up in the sheets crying it took everything he had not to go into the bathroom and nish what he started. No, he would have told any of his parishioners that they did what any parent would have done and it wasnt their fault. Jacob took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It felt like pounds just were lifted off of his head, he closed the bible and turned to his daughter trying to nd strength for the both of them. When you can put your clothes on so we can take you to the hospital. Im sorry you cant take a shower but its otherwise occupied at the time. She just looked at him an nodded but didnt move or speak, for once. Jacob wasnt surprised she was screaming so loud when he burst in her voice is probably hoarse as hell. He pulled out his cell

phone and turned to his daughter again, Your mother will want to know that youre safe, if she asks Ill tell her she can talk to you when we get home o.k? Once again she nodded, at least she had stopped crying, she was still wrapped in the blanket. Hopefully by the time he got off the phone she could put on some clothes, hed make sure to keep his back turned to her the whole time, that would have to make due for privacy. Hey babe, I found her, shes ne now. God was right, praise be, Ill never underestimate the power of prayer again. (pause) No we should go to hospital, and the call the police. Sweetie, she was raped we have to make sure shes ok there are some things that parents just cant make better. (pause) no you cant talk to her shes sleep right now. She snuck out obviously, now where she got a fake I.D and how she ended up here well just have to wait and nd out, but for now shes safe and you can ask her anything you want when we get home. (pause) Well I aint proud of what I did, and hell live but he aint in a good mood and he aint going anywhere till I say. (pause) Look I have to get off the phone and call the cops so well just see you later. (pause) love you too. He hung up the phone, he hated lying to his wife, and he was going to call the cops, just not right now. he still had to gure out how he was going to explain the chinky fella all taped up in the bathtub. This aint exactly the place where the girls arent known to be unwilling. The fact that she had a fake I.D and the room is in her name wouldnt help, and she certainly doesnt look 17. Jacob however was here when he burst in and she was screaming for anyone to help over the t.v. Seeing her all taped up with his little yellow foot on her head was just too much. Jacob doesnt remember why he had the tire iron with him, but he does remember it making contact with that boys skull and it taking part of his head off to the white meat. Everything after hat happened so fast that he

barely remember taping him up, and getting the boy in to the tub. Once again he opened the bible and prayed. Its all he had left at this point, which wasnt so bad. God did show him this motel as he was praying for his daughter to turn up after they found her missing out of her room in the middle of the night. It wasnt to long before before God spoke to Jacob again, this time He told him to look at the page he just happened to open to in the good book. Jacob read a few lines and immediately knew what he had to do. As he got up and turned he saw that his child was dressed, good. Daddys got one last thing to do before we can go. Jacob picked up his tire iron and found his utility knife that he always carried with him and turned to the bathroom. Daddy has to clean this man of his sins before he passes into the next life.

The Hunter
"Have you ever wanted wanted something so bad that you could taste it. So bad, and it was so close that you were sure it could feel the heat from your body? Well I have tasted you, and was not disappointed. But can you feel the heat from my body, I wonder?" The hunter had waited so long for this moment he had wanted it to be perfect. His prey was was drifting in and out of consciousness had he didn't want to waste this a moment with this beautiful creature. He wanted to look into his eyes while he could. He kissed his forehead just to get a little sweat on his lips. Even covered in vomit he was gorgeous. He hoped that talking to him would keep him with him for as

long as possible. Every hunter knows that no hunt lasts forever and now that he's caught his prey these are the last moments and this was an incredible moment. "Do you know how long I've followed you? No, of course not, or we wouldn't be here now would we? My God, I remember when you're mother was still alive and your father used to beat the shit out of you. Oh, you used to run to the same sushi bar and drown your sorrows and I wanted to hold you and tell you nothing lasts forever. But we know that now, don't we? Your mom learned that when she died, and I hope you dad won't forget that in prison. I almost hate how predictable you were. Of course the same place you used to forget your weakness you'd go to celebrate your strength. It was simple to steal your keys, if valets were smarter they'd have better jobs I guess." The hunter was excited and starting have a hard time making this last. He adjusted his pants to make room, just looking into the eyes of this beautiful creature made him want do things. He pictured bending him over the tub and and smelling the stink behind his ears. But even that wasn't enough. "No, no don't leave me yet, I don't want to wait anymore to talk to you. The t.v will keep our conversation private. I want to drink you in you intoxicating beast. I don't know how much time we have and I want to make this special for both of us." The hunter takes out his tools, sharp and sure to do his good work. A little piece of skin, he wouldn't miss it he had SO much, well for now anyway. "I don't want you think this tastes good, not in the conventional sense anyway. Salty, wet, not very easy to swallow. But the fear, the doubt, the memories that dance on my tongue are indescribable. True part of this is the anticipation, I've waited so long for this you can't imagine. I can understand you crying, this must hurt you and I'm sorry for that,

I know you can be strong. Like when you're mother died, that must have been hard, she was the only one that loved you hmm? But you were strong then and you can be strong now. (pause) See that one didn't hurt as near as much as the last one. I promise it tasted as good or better than the rst. I got to thank you for making this nice for me. I never went this far with anyone before, I never knew it could be like this." The hunter was hoping that they would be alone long enough to get his ll. No since in wasting time then. The hunter knew how this was going end, it was everything that happened until then that was going to be the fun part. "One thing, why did you get in the car with me. Was it my smile, I'd like to think so. When you got in I was so excited, I was there at your mother's funeral, well not there but close enough to see you. You looked so handsome, and proud of yourself. I was proud of you too, I've killed several people myself and while I didn't take credit of my work, I certainly didn't give it to anyone either, especially my own father. Even if I knew him I don't know if I could do what you did." The hunter didnt care, he was no judge, let God would judge them both. The hunter sliced a bigger piece off and chewed, he held it between his teeth and and his cheek to savor his bite a he spoke. " You have to believe me when I tell you this. I know this is wrong, and sick but when I see something as beautiful as yourself, or any of the other beautiful people I meet I can't help myself. I know I'm ugly, but I love beauty and want to immerse myself be enveloped in you. I want to share who I am, become one, because then for a second I'm beautiful too. And whether it's your smooth yellow skin, or the breast of a women, or the smile of a child I want to become part of that beauty even of it destroys it. But I realize now I will alway be ugly and will always destroy beauty with my touch. But I will make

amends. Starting with you." The hunter reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone. A voice comes over yelling that this was 911 and ofcers were in route. As he plunged his knife into the belly of his prey, destroying the last beautiful thing he would corrupt, he spoke for one of the last times. "The police will nd you and wonder what happened, and they will never know. They could never understand what it's like to be as ugly as me or appreciate the beauty I see in you. What they will see if a victim and this." The hunter pulls out a gun as the police start to bust down the front door. The hunter put his body against the door ready to bust his own door down as well and turned to his prey. "The funny part is I never bought bullets because I didn't want any innocent people getting hurt." Before the boy's eyes closed he saw the hunter crash through the bathroom door. His eyes didn't need to be open to hear the gunshots and wondered which one of them was going to get to hell rst.

The Victim
"Look daddy you need to get over here, and fast. This trick was on some different shit and I can't deal with no crazy motherfuckers tonight. My feet hurt like shit." They did too, Kathy felt a lot older that 29. But thirteen years turning tricks adds years to a bitch Kathy knew. This, though this was fucking crazy, even for her, and that's saying a lot. "I didn't do shit, 'What I do?' what kinda question is that? I was gonna fuck him till he lost is damn mind." Other than keeping other pimps away she wondered what good this

dude was if he couldn't help her with this? Did it matter what the fuck happened,but whatever, if it would get his ass in that bathroom and get that fucking asian dude outta here. "I was walking the stroll like I always do, and I hear this yelling down at the sushi bar and see this little Asian dude haul off and slap one of the valets and storm off. I make myself end up in his way and asked him if he needed help making that hand feel better. He said yeah, and if I had known what was he idea of better was I woulda kept on walking, shoot." Kathy looked at the t.v while the phone was silent. Just like for most of her life she had the feeling she was alone. The guy on t.v was selling random gems and jewelry, she loved the way they glittered and wondered if they were as much of a steal as the guy was saying, she doubted it. Men lied all the time, especially to her. Which ends up getting in more trouble than anything else. "I'm telling you everything, when we got back to the usual room and by now this guy doesn't look so good. Not quite sick, I can't describe it daddy, like he was a different person. He still looked drunk but not sloppy drunk, but like I wanna fuck some shit up drunk. Even now I'm still cool, I unzip his pants cuz at this point I just wanna get the shit over and he ips. Saying how he's in control now, called me a bitch and pushes me on the bed and starts kissing all on me. Now this motherfucker is all on top of me kinda holding me down kissing me talking that Asian shit and kinda slapping me.(pause) Hell no not as hard as you, that's why I won't trippin. I did tell him if he kept hitting me I was gonna charge him extra. He starts going off saying money won't shit to him and he could do whatever he wanted." Kathy took a walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet she had turned the t.v up so she could still hear.

"So nally get this guy going and while he doing his thing he starts choking me. Now I'll do a lot of freaky shit but ain't nobody choking me, hell no. So I try and take his hand off my throat and this motherfucker headbutts me. (pause) For real, who even does that. Now this guy starts saying if it's good enough for his mother it's good enough for some dumb bitch he bought. Now at this point I can't breathe for shit so I don't give a fuck what he's saying.(pause) What you mean what I do? I reached onto by the nightstand by the bed and picked up one of those big ass ashtrays and clocked his punk ass." Kathy was starting to get irritated with the whole thing, this guy in the tub, this wanna-be pimp, this whole lifestyle, she was over all if it. "So dude are you gonna come take care of this or not, I could out there making money instead of fucking around with you.(pause) Yeah I got his wallet in my hands, bout two hundred and a few credit cards that ain't no good to nobody." Kathy listened to the shitty excuse while she counted hundred after hundred dollar bill that she found in rich boy's wallet. "Whatever dude, you ain't shit, this city ain't shit either. I got an aunt in Arizona and its about time I get a change of scenery in my life, peace." Kathy hung up the phone, letting him still screaming empty ass threats. Even if he was any type of real man he could call every phone in Arizona, eventually anybody looking for her would give up while she was chillin in Miami. Between the cash and the credit cards she could have a great little headstart and nice spot on the beach while she became another forgotten name lost in this shitty city. Those credit cards weren't as useless as she pretended, she knew a guy who was pretty handy with computers. He could help her max these bad boys out, she wanted out of hooking and didn't care who she had to fuck to do it.

The Patient
! Alex hadn't been in the doctors ofce in months, he almost forgot much he hated it, almost. It was lled with drawings from Alex from since he was a boy, along with some of his doctors other more "talented" patients. Time never seemed to never behave properly in here. He couldn't tell if it had been ve, or fteen minutes since he had let himself in and sat down. The good doctor didn't help things with his little opening game he liked to play. He never spoke rst, he just stared at Alex and waited, tapping his pen on his clipboard smiling. "So I guess you wanna know how's it going since its been awhile huh?" There Alex broke the silence, things could start now. But the doctor still was staring and smiling, tapping his pen, listening. "Well things have been going pretty good. I got a job, been clean for months now, and no episodes really to speak of." Alex actually could think of one thing, but wasn't sure he wanted to talk about it, but since the doctor wasn't talking yet so he kept talking. "O.k one and I'm just trusting you on this. So I told you I got this job, nothing special, parking cars at this Japanese place downtown. The other day I was at work and this rich Asian guy comes in an gives me his keys and goes in and I park his car. Everything was going good until the end of the night. He came out and asked for his keys. I went to were the keys were kept and I couldn't nd them. I felt like shit I really did, I went up and tried to explain but he wasn't hearing it. He starts yelling at me an inch away from my

face. Spit ying all in my face, and even then i was ok." Alex wasn't even sure that the doctor was listening. Alex pretended that the doctor was bust counting the taps on the clipboard, 236, 237, 238... "It was all good until he hit me, it caught me by surprise and brought back some old shit, but that's life you know. After that thing pretty much get a little sketchy for me. 408, 409, 410... Alex wondered if this was some new silence therapy he was being subjected to, it didn't matter really Alex was just happy to have someone to talk to that could understand. I know what youre going to ask, I hadnt been talking my medication for awhile because well I was feeling like I was better. I hadnt had any scenes, and I havent hurt myself or anybody in ages, I thought you should more before I go on. So I really thought that I was doing a good thing when I offered to give him a ride to apologize for the keys. He says sure and wants to go to a hotel, says he wants to keep celebrating. Alex paused to see if the doctors expression changed at all, and no it hadnt still smiling and at least acting like he was listening. He takes me to this motel, the whole way stinking up my car like alcohol and sh, bragging about how bad his parents were so he helped God and justice along because they were moving to slow for him. Then things get a little fuzzy for a minute. When I realize whats going on Im in the motel room with him and a party of sorts. I got high, I admit that but whatever we were smoking its nothing I ever done before. Still nothing the doctor must just be waiting for him to be done.

Ok so the next thing I really remember is sitting on the edge of the bed watching t.v holding some tape with blood and throw-up on my clothes. I started freaking out. I left went home called you and stayed in my room until now. Now Alex was really starting to get mad, that tapping was driving him insane, 546, 547, 548. No response, no advice just smiles, how was that going to help him? Doc, say something. This aint funny, Im starting to get pissed This isnt helping... I bet if I come over there I can make you do more that talk. Alex couldnt take it anymore, he got up and grabbed the doctor by his tie. 663,664,665... ! The next thing know Alex is punching the doctor in the face. It feels good to

release all that anger that builds up in him everyday. The doctors face gives in just the right way. Soft and wet, his head snapping back with each punch only to roll up again to show that smile, that smile Alex had grown to hate in such a short time. Well Alex would see which got tired rst, his st or the doctors, jaws. Then once again for Alex, things become a haze.

The Boy
The boy didnt know how this day was gonna get any worse but some questions get answered whether you want them to or not. The T.V was still blaring and the door opened again. This time he was able to stay awake, still out of it, he could talk, not that anything he could say would make a difference. Hes been taped up and when he was

awake he had no idea what was happening. Maybe if he could remember what happened maybe he could make it right. Thats what he does, makes things right, but you cant do that if you dont know whats wrong. But now thats hes awake maybe he can gure a way out of this mess. ! When his eyes fully opened and came into the boy had just enough time to lift his

head up for him to hear, I bet if I come over there I can make you do more that talk, and to met with a st in his face. He felt his shirt bet grabbed to lift him up and him get hit again. ! Besides the obvious disadvantages of this particular situation because nobody

like getting hit in the face with the sake dulling the pain the punches were actually jogging his memory, sorta. Each punch brought a different ash of a different part of the evening. Punch- coming out the sushi bar, faded. Punch- the dumb-ass valet lost his keys, he deserved to get slapped Punch- the valet saying he could give him a ride to the best pussy in town Punch- sitting in the dark waiting for the hooker. Punch- oh thats right I was getting head Punch- wait its the valet? ashtray to the head. The rest seems like ashes of him being tied up and the valet saying crazy shit, and torturing him for the better part of who knows how long. Well yo Chink ass gets kidnapped by a smart-ass nigga and a dumb-ass nigga, I aint gured out which one I am since one of us is at a titty bar What, I was kidnapped.

I kicked him. Shit I didnt know what to do, but he stopped, kinda. I looked around there wasnt shit in the room so I goes to my car and get some duct tape, and well I didnt think my parole ofcer would be so trusting as you. The valet kicked me, well the boy didnt remember that but it was a long night. Your mother will want to know that youre safe, if she asks Ill tell her she can talk to you when we get home o.k? Did the valet know his mother, and did he know she was dead, that much the boy did remember. "No, no don't leave me yet, I don't want to wait anymore to talk to you. The t.v will keep our conversation private. I want to drink you in you intoxicating beast. I don't know how much time we have and I want to make this special for both of us." Well the boy couldnt do that, and the more he remembered the more confusing things got. Even now I'm still cool, I unzip his pants cuz at this point I just wanna get the shit over and he ips. Saying how he's in control now, called me a bitch and pushes me on the bed and starts kissing all on me. Was that cell phone even on, the boy couldnt even tell. What was that last thing, straining to remember, it kinda came to him. Doc, say something. This aint funny, Im starting to get pissed This isnt helping... I bet if I come over there I can make you do more that talk. Wait I aint no doctor, who does this guy think I am? It didnt matter if wouldnt stop punching him in the face. By now the valet is standing over the boy crying, and punching telling the boy to stop smiling, which he wasnt so he didnt know how to. The boy gured he would have to

pay for his sins, but he thought he would get to enjoy the fruits of his doing longer than a night. The boy almost felt relived when he saw the gun, until the bullet went into his belly, he had watched enough movies to know it could take him days to die, and he couldnt be saved. Not like anybody knew where he was. He knew his eyes were closing again but strained to see the valets face. To try and discern why, what the boy did to him, or if he was just the random hand of karma touching the boy by pure chance. For once this whole night when the boy looked into the face of the valet staring at the gun muttering he how did he get a loaded gun and understood. There was no use in trying to make sense of any of it because the valet looked just as lost as he was. He laughed, choking on his own blood at the valet. Harder and harder he laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. The valet looked confused, and more so at the laughter. The boy had decided to use the last of his strength to speak, This is funny two killers together so alike and so different. I killed and I could live with what I did. You do not look so comfortable, I killed to take control of my life. I am already dead and you look no more in control that before. I killed to make the hurting stopped, I can still see the pain on your face. I killed the right people, besides me I dont know who youve killed. But you obviously have not found the right person, maybe you are looking to far my friend. The boy watched the valet absorb all that was said, and although he didnt say anything but the gun to his head was his nod, and the sound of the gun over the t.v was all the agreement the boy needed. He felt he could close his eyes again, this time he wouldn't even try to open them

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