Alexander The Great - His Armies and Campaigns 334-323 BC

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ADDN EO UsIMG ult His ARMIES AND CAMPAIGNS 334-323 BC Nick SEKUNDA Beem ZU 04 ALEXANDER THE GREAT His ARMIES AND, CAMPAIGNS 334-323 BC Nick SEKUNDA JOHN WARRY Udita d MILITARY First pubithed in Grea Britain in 1999 by Osrey,a dviion af Reed Consumer Books Limited, Michelin House, 8! Fulham Read, London SW 6RB, Auckland and Melbourne © Copyrighe 1998 Reed Consumer Books Led Al rights reserved Apart from any fs dealing fo the purpose of private seady; research, eres oF review. as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, no part ofthis publeation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by ary means electronicectial, chemical mechanical. optialphotocopying recording or otherwiee withoux che prior wrlsten permission of che copyright owner Enquiries shouldbe addressed to the Publishers. ISBN 1 855327929 Editor: lain MacGregor Designer: Mike Moule ‘Colour birds eye view ilstrations by Cilla Erich Cartography by Mieromap ‘Artwork by Angus MeBride and Richard Geiger WerganegAleronders Compolgs by Arthur Harman Fiesetin Singapore by Pca Led Printed ehrough World Prine Ls, Hong Kong, Fora catalogue ofa books published by Ospoy itary pease writ 0 Osprey Marketing, Reed Consumer Books, Michelin House, 81 Fultam Road, London SWW8 BRB. KEY TO MILITARY SYMBOLS os oa de oy A Xt y 8 4

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