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A Letter for Bas Rutten

Bismillaahi aktubu,

For the stance you’ve mentioned about “the open thigh stance.”

This is the only point which I have to praise of that stance, which I could
know of:

1. Thou could kick someone at your side, wihout

- In the stance of JKD by Bruce Lee “the right lead On Guard stance.”

We could block the kick to the leg by our hand, or by our leg also. It just
that the instep not suppose to be too inward as you’ve shown. That’s not
the real On guard stance of Jeet Kune Do.

- In the stance of JKD by Bruce Lee “the right lead On guard stance.”

We could protect the kidney, Solar Plexus and groin from attacks.

- In the “left lead On guard stance.”

We could still have the strongest roundhouse kick by using the stance of
moving the waist more outwardly and to face the opponent by our chest.
Then we could have snappier rear roundhouse kick, and before that we
could create a momentum by cocking the heel of the rear leg fastly, fastly,
which going to be the rear roundhouse kick (right leg).

Plus, using the hunchback body stance before attacking, then straighten
the back.

When just before the impact, we have to straightening the back (the back
was hunching itself before that).

- The “On guard stance” is more threatening while moving forward.

Rather than the “open thigh stance.”

- The “On guard stance” is putting the front hand covering the stomach
area as well as the lower stomach.
Assalamu manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safe from guile
be upon who follow the guidance).

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development

and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance and blessings from
Allah and His mercy be upon you).

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