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Dpto de Ingles del IES Tartessos, Camas. Ana Garca lvarez de Perea.

CORRECTION of the sentences into reported speech: speech: 1. My daughter said that she loved ice-cream (statement) 2. My father said that he would help me with my exam preparation. (statement) 3. My mother said ordered us not to be late. (negative command) 4. Peter suggested making an advert for our school. That we made an advert for our school. (suggestion- 2 possibilities) 5. Mary said that she had been to Paris twice. (statement) 6. John suggested having a break/ that we had a break. (suggestion- 2 possibilities) 7. My grandmother offered us a cup of coffee (suggestion) My grandmother asked if we wanted a cup of coffee (indirect yes-no question) 8. Peter asked Mary when the concert would begin. (open-ended indirect question) 9. My sister suggested going for a swim/that we went for a swim.. (suggestion- 2 possibilities) 10. My boss replied that he had finished his/her project on Saturday. (statement) 11. Her friends asked what she had done in New York. (open-ended indirect question) 12. My dad told the kids to be quiet while he was watching the news (command & statement) 13. They said that they were thinking about their next holidays. (statement) 14. Mrs. Jones commanded us not to use our mobile phones in class. (negative command)

Dpto de Ingles del IES Tartessos, Camas. Ana Garca lvarez de Perea.

15. Jane said that she had talked to Jimmy last Tuesday. (statement) 16. She suggested asking Lydia for help/that we asked Lydia for help. (suggestion- 2 possibilities) 17. He told John to stop shouting (command) 18. She asked him if he had done his homework. (yes-no indirect question) 19. She asked if I was really happy. (yes-no indirect question) 20. She insisted that many people were studying those days. (statement)
Based on Richmonds InGear Teachers Resource Pack for 1st of Bachillerato.

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