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LORDS of POVERTY The Power, Prestige, and Corruption of the International Aid Business GRAHAM HANCOCK ‘THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY PRESS NEW YORK, ‘Alto by Graham Hancock Journey Through Pakistan thio: The Chaleng of Hanger ‘AIDS: The Deal Epidemic ue bo AIS (7a Copyright ©1989 by Graham Hancock Allights reserved, No par of his book maybe reproduced in any former by any electron o mechanical mean intoing information ‘Morag and revival sjsema without pemision nwa fom the publisher, excep by arevewer, who tay quot ret parags int ist published in Great Britain in 1989 by Macmilan London Lited Fie Adatic Monthly Pres papecback edo, Janaary 1992 Protd in the United States of America Library of Congress Catlgingia-Pblcaton Data Hancock, Graham Lords of povery. {i Beonotssritance—Developing counties, 2. Nom goveramentleraszations—Developing ‘aunties Corrupt practices. 1 Tie. HOOT Te SST UeITN ss6em SBN 087113-469-1() “The Alantic Monthy Press {9 Uaion Square West, New York, NY 10053 FIRST PRINTING Contents Acknowledgements Introduction The Rain Kings PART ONE Masters of Disaster? PARTTWO Development Incorporated PARTTHREE The Aristocracy of Mercy PARTFOUR The Midas Touch PART FIVE Winners and Losers concLusion Aid Is Not Help References Index Ea 35 m1 153 185 195 227 INTRODUCTION THE RAIN KINGS

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