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24-March-2013 09:00 11:00 -10 minutes: quiz -10 minutes: attendance, ID cards, names. 10 minutes break.

B.Ed ELTS Teaching Practice Lesson Plan Year 3 and 4 Student: Amnah K. & Amal M.



MST: Mr. Slim Lesson: At the school

Class: No. Ss

Mothers 27

Main Lesson Aims (what you hope the learners will achieve or be able to do better after your lesson) SWBT identify words that are related to the school context. SWBT to ask some simple questions (Can I meet the principal\teacher\social worker).

Personal focus: in this lesson I am working on my Making sure that each activity takes no more than the time which is planned for. Materials: Basket ball PPt. board Worksheet (Bingo)

Prior Knowledge (Refer to what you think students already know/need or can do) Ss. are familiar with some words such as ( Teacher, students, book ,file, paper).

Language Problems students may have Ss. might find difficulty to make sentences or questions from the provided words.

Solutions: I will write on the board an example sentence and a question.

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

Language Analysis
This area is to show that you understand the target language. It is not necessarily what you will present to students) (grammatical structure) Language Area: Target Language/Model Sentence(s): What sentences/questions do you want to be able to use? What vocabulary items are you teaching? Grammar : Request Can I .. E.g. Can I meet the principal? Vocabulary: Verbs: meet, find Clothes: uniform. People: Principal, social worker, secretary -Project, portfolio, grades, meeting, break, report. Question form -Who works at the school? -What is the meaning of .?

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

Stages = 1 Engagement

2 Core (Include one or more of the following stages: Presentation, Practice, Production)

3 Closing

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

Time 10 minutes


Interaction T-Whc T Ss

Teacher (activity and Language) T. greets Ss. T. uses the ppt in this stage. T. present the title At the school Then she highlights the word school and asks the students to say words that are related to the school (Brain storming). T. asks the students questions to help them come up with some words. e.g Who works at the school?

Student Ss. will respond to Ts greeting


Ss will come up with words that they know which are related to School. Ss. will answer Ts questions. Ss knowledge

20 minutes


Before introducing the new vocabulary, T. asks the Ss to create a table with 3 columns: Word\meaning\picture. The word bank. T. shows the student how their table

Ss. will create their The word bank table.

Building knowledge

Ss will repeat the new vocabulary and answer the questions.

T- Ss

should look like. T. introduces the new vocabulary. Pictures with words and ask Ss questions about each picture.

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

15 minutes



T. asks Ss. to use the provided words to make a story, question or sentences related to the school context. T. will provide the Ss with an example. E.g. -I went to the school to meet the principal but she was in a meeting. -Can I see the principal?

Ss will use the words to make a meaningful sentence related to the school context.


10 minutes


T- Whc

T. asks the students to share their sentences. T. reviews the new vocabulary by presenting the pictures and students have to name the picture. T. throw the ball to Student A to answer and then student A. throws the ball to Student B and so on.

Ss. will share their sentences. Students will name the pictures.

Sharing and reviewing

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

Recourses: (PowerPoint presentation) (Bingo- Worksheet)


(Read, think and answer)

(Multiple choices )

(Word scramble)

T. Amnah K. & T. Amal M.

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