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Published on Dec 12, 2012 In this video (stop motion) is presented the Left Coronary Loop (the heart

nurtu res itself first) of the Heart Salutation in the first six counts (breaths - in & - out). The Pulmonary Loop (blood is enriched in the lungs) is featured in the remaining segment. All in all, this is only a quarter of the practice. Right Coronary and Pulmonary Loops (2.) and the Systemic Loop on the left (3.) and on the right (4.) are the remaining flows (vinyasa). Once learned mechanically, then the real practice begins in the form of layering energy, principles and concepts -- ? Om, ?????? Tantra, Yin -- Yang, 5 Elements and 5 Koshas -- just to name a few. The practice feels effortless on the inside and looks beautiful on the outside. With consistence, the "border" between the inner and the outer dissolves.

My practice of Shupadham Yoga is based on three principles: Truth Simplicity & Love "Any moment I am separated from my heart and my awareness of its work drifts awa y from it, I practice separation or yoga under false pretenses. I am here and no w because of the heart that "paved" me the way". The heart is in the center of the circulatory system, which was the first system in our body to function. It dates back into the third and fourth week from our conception. To that point we were an autonomous organism. Implantation to the mo thers' uterine wall took place, and from bi-laminar disc we started to develop a third layer: the mesoderm, in the so called "gastrulation" process. This sets t he motion of the lateral and ventral folds of the embryo and the folding of the neural crest to give a rise to the central nervous system. Our blood cells emerg ed. First in isles, then the blood cells began to contain themselves by forming the beginning of the circulation. Then, there was a pulse, then folding of the b lood tube into a heart. Connection with the mothers circulation was established. The Heart Salutation is a reenactment of these first movements that pre date our sensory perception (therefore, hard to explain in words) . The heart continues to change, adapt and transform in order to meet the current demand of creating, maintaining and updating of our entire being until this very day. In the Heart Salutation we are merging what we are with that what we are not. With practice we are able to discern the two. With gratitude to Babaji ? ??? ????? Category Education License Standard YouTube License

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