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Sunday, 19th May 2013 (TT Wk 5) 4pm in the JCR

SU Meeting: Agenda

A: Officers Reports: B. Motions Motion to accept an increase in rent charges This SU notes: 1. Over the Easter vacation and first half of this term, the SU President and SU Treasurer have been working on rent negotiations with College. 2. Every year, the accommodation charges increase in the various Oxford Colleges. This is as a result of inflation increases and increased costs to the College each year. 3. Current rent charges are 2,933 per year. Wadham currently has the lowest rent charges in Oxford. 4. The latest figure we have been offered is a 4.5% increase, along with various commitments (see below): o The College has also promised to increase the Living Out Grant by up to 6.5%. o The College has also pledged to an increase in staff wages across the board, which will bring almost all College staff wages up to the Living Wage standard. o The College has committed to increase investment in student financial support, hardship funds and bursaries. o The College has also agreed that future annual increases will be around a similar or even a lower level.

This SU believes: 1. It is fair that the students bear some of the financial burden of cost increases, as we also benefit from everything that College invests. 2. The SU President and SU Treasurer have worked hard on proposals submitted to College to keep our rents as low as possible.

3. Due to the fact that Wadham students currently pay the lowest rents in the University, it has been difficult for us to argue that the increase should be very low. This SU resolves: 1. To accept an increase of 4.5%. This will bring rent up to 3,064.98 per year (i.e. an actual increase of 131.98 per year). 2. To mandate the SU President and SU Treasurer to continue to lobby College to ensure that the Living Out Grant increases, that staff are paid a Living Wage and that investment in student financial support continues.

Proposed by: Jahni Emmanuel Seconded by: Max McGenity. Motion to introduce secret balloting upon request: First Reading This SU notes: 1. According to the current SU constitution, a secret ballot can be suggested for any motion in an SU meeting but then must be voted on before it takes place. In order for it to be a secret ballot, the vote must pass by a two-thirds majority 2. This is based on the idea of public balloting for representative institutions. 3. Any member of the SU can vote in an SU meeting, and therefore votes reflect the opinions of individual students, not public representatives. (Even elected SU Officers voting at SU meetings are acting in their own personal capacity, not as elected officials.)

This SU believes: 1. Many of the motions we discuss within the SU are controversial and sensitive. The debate surrounding such motions can become heated and the environment of the meeting can be intimidating. 2. Everyone in the SU has a right to vote on issues without being made to feel intimidated. 3. Even if just one person within an SU meeting feels uncomfortable voting the way they actually feel about something, the outcome of the result is swayed and not truly reflective of the views of the SU.

4. Holding a secret ballot as opposed to a public one has no negative impact. The only potential problem can be a slightly more time-consuming vote, however the secret ballot at the 2nd Week SU meeting took only a few minutes.

This SU resolves: 1. To introduce a constitutional change specifying that a secret ballot must take place for that particular motion, if it is requested by any one member of the SU.

Proposed by: Jahni Emmanuel Seconded by: Paul Calleja C. Discussion Points Posters for SU Elections The recent SU Meeting saw posters being torn down/defaced. What do we think of the role of posters in SU Elections? Should they be allowed? Should they be more strictly regulated? (Proposed by Alex Bramham) Wadham sweatshirts for Access We're considering getting some Wadham sweatshirts (in a similar design to the ones Trinity have now). We're hoping that College will be able to buy them, or that the Development Office may be able to find some match-funding, but if not, then would the SU consider subsidising them? We would then sell them to students at a reduced cost and any profits will go towards Access schemes. (Proposed by Loukia Koumi) SU guest dinners After last term's SU motion about formal hall/guest dinners, more guest dinners have been added to the system. However, the last few have not sold out, which may be to do with the time of year, but may be to do with the expense of it. Would the SU prefer to have a slightly cheaper 3-course meal, perhaps linked in with the international nights? (Proposed by Jahni Emmanuel) Themes at Freshers Week club nights

One of the other JCR Presidents is putting through a motion to OUSU Council which he wants all the other JCR (/SU) Presidents to sign. The motion says that, at least during Freshers Week, we should not allow clubs to have certain themes on the grounds that they can encourage highly sexual costumes (e.g. wet T-shirts), can be exclusive or elitist (e.g. back to school) or can create gender binaries (e.g. Hoes and CEOs). What are peoples thoughts? (Proposed by Jahni Emmanuel) D. OUSU Future of Undergraduate Student Finance At OUSU Council on Wednesday, they will be discussing and deciding on the university's student finance policy which will be submitted for review in autumn. OUSU are looking for feedback and input from colleges for their final proposal. If you have any thoughts or improvements, let us know at the SU meeting. Particular points of concern are fee waivers and access opportunities. See the document attached to the email in which this agenda was sent out for more details.

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