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ETEC EPEC EHEC EIEC SEC Causes sepsis and meningitis Invasive Cause of 1/3 neonatal sepsis cases

atal sepsis cases High fatality Invasive Watery or bloody diarrhea Colonizes large intestine Acid resistant Causes hemorrhagic colitis: watery diarrhea followed by grossly bloody stool-> can progress to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) Through undercooked, contaminated meat Colonizes large intestine Not invasive Symptoms: fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Colonizes small intestine Not invasive Cholera like diarrhea (travelers diarrhea) Colonizes in small intestine

UPEC Causes UTIs 80% of community acquired (females under 10yo or 18-40yo) 20% nosocimial-aquired (patients with indwelling urinary catheters)

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