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<div id="main-wrap"> <div class="container"> <div id='wsite-content' class='wsite-elements wsite-not-footer'> <span class='imgPusher' style='float:left;height:0px'></span><span style='zindex:10;position:relative;float:left;;clear:left;margin-top:0px;*margin-top:0px'><a><img src="/uploads/2/0/5/3/20534244/898195573.jpg" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; border-width:1px;padding:3px;" alt="Picture" class="galleryImageBorder" /></a><span style="display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center;"></span></span> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;display:block;">Jerry J. Yu has excelled in most everything he has gotten into - may it be his studies during his early years or his career. <br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> <strong style="">High School Achievements</strong><br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> During his teen years,<a href=""> Jerry J. Yu</a> attended Theisen Junior High School at Ford du Lac County in Wisconsin where he displayed an uncommon diligence as a student on the way to earning numerous distinctions and garnering recognition for outstanding achievement awards in several subjects such as Spanish, Science, Geometry, Social Studies, English, Computers and even Orchestra. Aside from this, he was also proclaimed champion for a current events tournament in the same school.&nbsp; <br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> <strong style="">Collegiate Studies</strong><br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> As a college student at the University of California &ndash; Berkeley, Jerry displayed a sharp mind, a healthily competitive nature, and a gift of gab in consistently winning multiple debate competitions as a semifinalist, Top Speaker, Special Speaker Award, and 1st Place for the Lincoln Douglas Debate, at the CalPoly University Invitational, Stanford University Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament, University of California Berkely Invitational, and Skyline College Spring Speech Invitational, respectively.<br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> Jerry J. Yu also participated in oversees programs such as the University of California Education Abroad Program of the Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China and the Overseas Chinese Youth Language Training and Study Tour that took Jerry all the way to the Republic of China, Keelung, Taiwan.<br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> Aside from peripheral academic pursuits, he was also part of the Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honors Society as well as the Golden Key International Honours Society. Being part of the Dean&rsquo;s Honors List also, he graduated with honors earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science to cap his college career at the University of California-Berkely.<br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> <strong style="">Post-Graduate Studies</strong><br /><span

style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> Jerry J. Yu&rsquo;s Post-graduate accomplishments include Master of Laws (LLM) distinctions in Taxation, Asian Comparative International Law, and Juris Doctorate from the University of Washington School Of Law, in Seattle, WA.<br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> <strong style="">Career</strong><br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> Given the position of Senior Associate at KPMG from February 2000 all the way to August 2005, it was an integral part of Jerry J. Yu&rsquo;s responsibility to review and prepare income tax returns for a variety of C and S Corporations, Limited Liability Companies and partnerships, several trusts, a number of gifts, and numerous individuals including both inpatriates and expatriates. During this time, his work also included interface with clients both via phone and onlocation encounters to collect information for the preparation of tax returns, deliberations concerning intricate matters such as apportioning states, depreciation of fixed assets, and similar topics. <br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> After a productive five month term at KPGM, he transferred to Riolo Roberts &amp; Freddie, a firm that provides accountant services. With the position of Tax Manager, Jerry&rsquo;s focus and concentration shifted to various other aspects including sales, property, and payroll tax returns - for an approximate period of two and a half years. <br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span> Entering the second quarter of 2008, in April, his career went a notch higher, finding employment as a Senior Tax Manager at Mohler, Nixon and Williams which merged with Moss Adams LLP where Jerry is currently employed. His work at the now expanded firm of Moss Adams LLP includes providing timely, professional advice with regard to tax and strategic planning for both C and S Corporations, partnerships, professional medical and legal firms, high net worth individuals, and Limited Liability Companies in various industries including, but not limited to, Information Technology, Software Development and Distribution, and Real Estate.&nbsp;<br /><span style=""></span><br /><span style=""></span></div> <hr style="width:100%;clear:both;visibility:hidden;"></hr></div>

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