Nessus Police Config Tut

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Nessus has long been known as a network vulnerability scanner but it contains quite a bit of functionality that can

be used to identify vulnerabilities in web applications as well. Nessus does provide useful information that can be used as the foundation for web application assessments. The first thing you need to do is to create a web application scanning policy for Nessus. Go to the General tab. Basic - Give a name for the policy for e.g. Web Application Scanning. Scan - Enable the Safe Checks & Silent Dependencies Network Congestion - Leave all unchecked Port Scanners - Leave all unchecked Port Scan Options - Put the common port for web application 80, 443, 8080, 8000, 8443 Performance - Leave as default

Next, go to Plugins tab and enabled the following plugins: CGI abuses CGI abuses XSS General Setting Databases Web servers

Lastly, go to Preferences tab and choose from the dropdown box "Global Variable Settings". Enabled the CGI scanning and Through tests.

Click submit and your web application policy is ready for scanning with Nessus.

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