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Students High/above average achievers

Number of students 3 students (all female)


14 Students (4 male & 10 female)

Low/below average achievers

4 students (3 male & 1 female)

Learning preferences and strengths *The students in this category are mainly kinesthetic. *They work well in groups and on their own. *Quite proficient with the use of technology and often bring their own laptops to class. *Likely to get high grades. *Eager students and are very conscious of being responsible for their own learning * High literacy and numeracy skills * The students are a mixed bag of kinesthetic, visual and auditory learners *Works well in groups and on their own. But sometimes need to be reminded to stay on task. *Quite proficient with technology. * At standard level with literacy and numeracy skills. * Have reasonable responsibility for their own learning * The students are very tactile and kinesthetic learners *Works well in groups if placed with average or higher achievers *Have a somewhat reasonable responsibility for own learning *2 students are part of the sports excellence program *Very proficient with technology

Weaknesses * Tend to spend more time than necessary on tasks and often need to be reminded to not go overboard *Expect high grades, so when grades arent what they want they get upset.

Learning adjustments for the unit * Provide a scaffolding process for when students are faster than the others they can continue working *provide opportunities for them to teach and apply their knowledge with other students. *Use multimodal engagement theories throughout the lessons to engage students.

* Can get off task when in groups * Some lack time management skills when it comes to assessment and practicals.

*Provide a scaffolding process for keeping students on track with tasks and to complete tasks in a certain time period. * Provide opportunities for students to work in collaborative groups with students from high and low achieving scales. * Use multimodal engagement theories throughout the lessons to engage students. *Provide a scaffolding process for keeping him on track on tasks. * Have a time management planner where students can track where they are and where they need to be each lesson to complete assessment on time * provide plenty of opportunity to work in small collaborative groups *Use multimodal engagement theories throughout the lessons to engage students. * Provide a scaffolding process for keeping him on track on tasks. *Encourage him to work in smaller groups with other students * Use multimodal engagement theories throughout the lessons to engage students.

* Tend to get off task easily, and may need reminding a few times a lesson to stay on task. *Lack time management skills

Special needs ASD

1 student (male)

*Is an auditory Learner *He works well on his own. Very shy but will participate in group work when needed. * Has high literacy and numeracy skills *Very proficient with technology

*Tends to spend more time than necessary on tasks and often needs to be reminded to not go overboard *Doesnt like being the center of attention, and shys away when asked questions directly in front of the class * Wont volunteer in class discussions

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